PlayStation®Move Excitement

16 Sep
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PlayStation(R) Move. All opinions are 100% mine.

PlayStationWe are big gamers in this family. J and Oj share a PlayStation 2 and 3  (which mama loves for the blu ray player lol!!) and we often have family game nights just playing video games. Now I will admit that since the Wii has come out we’ve been reaching for the PlayStation 2 and 3 a bit less, but after hearing the excitement about the PlayStation(R)MOVE, I believe this will all change.

I love the idea for this product and beleive it will be a BIG hit this holiday season. I know that Oj’s birthday is in Nov and he’s already asking for theis system. I think that has to do in large part because he can play his favorite game The Fight: Lights Out™ (lol gotta love looking at the games with him, he’s never played it cause it’s not even out yet but it’s his favorite game ever. Oh to be 5 again) or it could be because that is one sweet looking controller. This mama is excited about the Get Fit With Mel B game that they are offering. Looks like it should give me quite the workout. One thing that I do love about this is that they are saying you can upgrade some of the titles you already own to be compatible with the PlayStation(R)Move for free. This is great because we have quite a few PlayStation(R) 3 games. I’m not sure what games just yet because I tried to look on their site and got confused.

Now if that wasn’t cool enough to get you excited for PlaystationMove, here is something that I found on the PlayStation website that got me interesting in considering this for Oj and J:

“The motion controller’s color changing sphere and built-in vibration feedback react to your actions and movements to create engaging experiences that are not only reflected on-screen, but also delivered directly to the palm of your hand. Watch as your sphere lights up when you cast the correct spell or mix the perfect paint color. Feel the timer run out or the recoil of your smoking gun. “

Now all this is fun and this will be great for family game nights, getting the kids to play together with little to no arguing (what a mama can hope right?!) and even as I mentioned exercising on those days you just can’t/don’t want to leave the house. I know Oj loves doing my exercises with me and this would be another great thing to add to our ‘routine’.

Yet most favorite feature of the PlayStation 3 isn’t that  you can play PlayStation 1 and 2 games on them now (I do love me some Crash Bandacoot), no it’s the Blu Ray player that I’m shamefully addicted to. I love this because it doesn’t scratch the discs like a normal dvd player would (which is great for this mama and her independant 5 year old). I also love that they have amazing movie bundles when you purchase a PlayStation 3.

So no matter what you are shopping for, don’t forget to add the awesome PlayStation(R)Move to your list this (soon to be) holiday season. Are you impatient? Well you’re in luck because this comes out tomorrow September 17th! You better hurry cause this is going to be one HOT product!

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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

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