Archive | September, 2010

30 Days of Truth – Days 11 & 12

12 Sep
Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

I would easily have to say my personality. It’s that quirky and random type that will poke fun at herself while walking through Walmart taking random pictures of things. J says I embarrass him but well that’s just me. I don’t care if people stare at me or think I’m weird, I’m Brandy and that’s what you get. I don’t change me for nothing. I babble and spurt random things at random moments because something random reminded me of it. I don’t care if my socks don’t match or that you don’t like me. I only get one shot at life and I don’t want to spend it trying to be someone I am not.

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.
Honestly I’m not sure really. I’ve been sitting here for an hour trying to think about this one and I don’t know. I could be shallow and say that I’m pretty. Sure J tells me this occasionally (lol) but since I’ve suffered with horrible acne since I was in the 5th grade (well end of 5th grade) I’ve been VERY self conscious of what my face looks like and hearing that I’m pretty or beautiful takes some time to get use to hearing. I may act like I don’t believe you when you tell me but honestly deep inside it makes me feel all warm and tingly.

Pardon the Quietness

12 Sep

It’s finals week next week (starting Monday) and I’m scurrying to finish the final drafts of two big papers that are due today (Sunday) and while I originally thought my rough drafts blew chunks, I remembered they were only the amount of points that I received on them and NOT the percentage of what the grade actually was (example an A or B). So I was relieved on that but with the whirl wind that was my summer I’ve sadly fallen behind on a few assignments so after finishing up the papers I’ve got a couple of those to turn in as well.

So sadly that means some things need to go on the back burner, and yes that means this sad lonely blog. I will resume the 30 days of truth posts I’ve been due (and slacking in) as well as a couple other reviews, and even some giveaways to host. Speaking of giveaways do NOT forget to enter the ones above as they end next week! Low entries on both if I’m not mistaken.

Precious Moments Baby Boutique

11 Sep

I was very excited when I was able to review the a baby blanket from Precious Moments. Now for me Precious Moments is important to me. My grandma is a HUGE Precious Moments collector and has about 2 cabinets full of Precious Moments figurines that I love looking at even at this age. So anytime that I get a figurine or special Precious Moments trinket I’m extra excited about it, like for my 16th birthday i received a special Precious Moments Birthday box (though I couldn’t find an Oct to show you on the site lol) that I still adore so much.

But enough about that (as I could go on for DAYS about Precious Moments I just love them so much) I wanted to talk about some of the great things I loved about this blanket. First off it measures 30″x40″ and has a beautiful little Precious Moments character appliqué sewed in the left corner. The blanket is made out of coral fleece fabric and has a fun satin boarder around the fleece that helps to ensure a soft, comfortable, and warm blanket for your baby.

We loved how soft and pretty is (though sadly my camera is dead so I’m stuck with stock photos for now *sad face* I know). I’m not a big fan of fleece but honestly if you didn’t tell me it was fleece I probably wouldn’t of known lol! Also a quick tip that if you’re washing it before or after use (as you should with anything new) make sure you wash it in cold on the gentle cycle. You wouldn’t want to ruin such a pretty blanket and I’ve been known to think I know best when it comes to washing and skip the instructions …. not a pretty sight when it comes out of the washer/dryer lol!

So no matter what your next needs may be, check out Precious Moment‘s website as you’ll sure to find something for EVERYONE on your list.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Eden’s Fantasy Police handcuff

11 Sep

Who doesn’t love a little excitement in the bedroom? Well with these police handcuffs from Eden’s Fantasy that’s possible. These handcuffs traditional genuine nickel cuffs, designed for law enforcement use. Also they come with two keys for both single and double locking functions. This leaves a lot of creative options for you and your partner.

One of the fun things we liked was that they didn’t have a quick release button. Also as with other things of this nature they can cause bruises if you are using them too tight or pulling on them. Also it’s important to note that they do not automatically lock to prevent over tightening so make sure to leave a finger space to prevent over tightening. Another great point to mention is the double locking element. For a single lock just use the long end of the key and lock like normal. For the double lock function just use the long end of the key to lock like normal. Next using the short end of the key, press it into the key hole and make sure they do not get any tighter. honestly we didn’t find anything wrong with these and were very happy with the quality of them.

Another great use for these would be an addition to your Halloween costumes this year. What kinda police walks around with some cheesy plastic cuffs? Why not look hardcore for real with these fun handcuffs. Also going to a party? Well with these fun cuffs you’ll be able to make sure your partner doesn’t stray away from you. There are many great uses for these and perfect for anyone to add to their ‘collection’ of adult toys.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Weight Watchers Lose-A-Palooza

11 Sep

How many of us don’t have a few pounds we’d love to lose? I know I do. This whole having a baby thing hasn’t been so nice to me … yes my ‘baby’ is now 5 & we’re not discussing this lol. So when I seen this campaign from Weight Watchers I was really excited. Now first if you’ve never heard of the campaign here is a little information:

Lose-A-Palooza is a one-day social media event created to encourage participation in the Lose For Good® campaign to benefit Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger.

Doesn’t this sound like a great thing? I know I have trouble sticking with a plan that works for me if I just feel like I’m getting no where and don’t have anyone supporting me in my journey. People don’t realize how much of an impact having a solid support system can make on a person no matter WHAT they are doing in their lives. I mean no one likes to feel like they are alone do they? I know I don’t. Now what else I love about this campaign is that Weight Watchers is donating to a great cause:

As part of the Lose For Good campaign, Weight Watchers will donate $1, up to a maximum of $60,000, to Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger for each approved mention, acknowledgment or action related to “Lose For Good” made on September 14th through blogs, Twitter, Facebook and check-in via foursquare.

So what are you waiting for? Go like them on facebook, follow them on twitter (@WeightWatchers, @sharestrength or @acfusa), and check in from foursquare today! I know I will be. Also if you want to ‘dress up’ your facebook and twitter there are fun Lose-A-Palooza twibbon that you can add to your profile picture (available 9/14). What are you waiting for? Get liking and following today & don’t forget to share it with all your friends!

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Say What Saturdays: Honeymoon

11 Sep

If you’ve never heard of Say What Saturdays well make sure to visit HERE to find out what it’s about.

Well it’s a rainy Saturday here and this mama is doing her babysitting thing today for some family. Anyhow this Say What Saturday was just a perfect little gem in the life of Owen. We were watching a commercial last night about some frequent flier miles card (I can’t remember the name sadly) but the couple on t.v were going on their honeymoon (or 2nd I don’t quite remember) anyhow Oj pops up behind the couch with this statement that made me giggle for a bit:

Mom when is OUR hon-er-moon? Cause I wanna go too!

Sorry child but we don’t have honeymoons or hon-er-moons. Though I guess those would be Oj’s birthdays since that was the day we became a family lol. Also dear child no one is going on the honeymoon with us until this mama gets her own honeymoon lol. So any great things you’ve heard this week? Link me up I’d love to read them.

30 Days of Truth – Day 10

10 Sep
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

This could easily be a few people that I knew from middle school. Though thankfully I don’t speak to them anymore. Another person was another former bff B. We lost touch after graduation and then reconnected a couple years later. It took me about a year to realize that it was a toxic friendship when she spent more time dogging on J than I did (when we were at our worst). I suppose it would be okay if I WAS the one to bring it up but when she started it, it made me think she needed to lay up or step out. The final straw was when she broke up with this mutual friend that we set her up with. Ironically it was the one night I wasn’t up til 4 am and wanted to snuggle with J. I wake up to my cell phone being blown up and a voice mail saying how I was a crappy friend because I was never there when she needed me.

That right there set off my anger because just last month I was getting yelled at by J who was getting yelled at by his mom cause I was going over minutes talking to B when she had some problems. To make matters worse the same morning I find the voice mail she just shows up at my house acting like nothing happened and there was no nasty voice mail. That was when I knew the cords needed to be cut. I wasn’t going to be degraded like that because one time I wanted to do something for me or my family.

30 Days of Truth – Day 9

9 Sep
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

The one person that I thought of instantly was my bff through most of High School (Freshman year til 1st half of Senior year) H. During high school I wasn’t really allowed to do normal kid things because I was the one at home watching my sister and brother while my mom and dad worked or what ever they did. It sucked but me and H were so much a like it didn’t matter. Pretty much she was the Patrick to my Spongebob lol. I think that was one of the main things that drew us together, we were a lot a like. Then senior year we got into a huge teenage hormonal fight that I started. I felt us drifting away and I didn’t know how to stop it and quite frankly it scared me. I guess I had already lost (in some sense) the two people that were suppose to be there to care for me and support me the most, why did it matter if anyone else did. So I guess I intentionally sabotaged the friendship and nitpicked in a jealous fashion. It’s a hard pill to swollow when I start thinking about that stuff because we were through a lot together; boy problems, parent problems, and even when I was at my lowest with my depression (to cutting myself) a point where all my mom did was threaten to get me help, she was still by my side and I threw it all away over something stupid. I tried to make amends before we graduated but it seemed awakward and I’m no good with awkward. The relationship that was there before was tarnished and it was a quick lesson in things can’t always be the same I suppose.

30 Days of Truth – Days 8

8 Sep
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Sadly the only two people that come to my head are my ‘parents’. My biological father was never around and up until about the age of 15 I was always feeling down about it and even just seeing him in stores or other public areas sent me into a panic and fear of why he didn’t want to be around me and I fully believe that he played a big part into my low self confidence growing up. Also I don’t remember much of my childhood but there are a few specific memories I’ll never forget. I remember riding on the city bus and him telling me to pull the stop thingy and when I did he scolded me for it acting like he didn’t tell me to do it. Or the time him and my Uncle got into a huge fight at my grandparents house … though that one may be because of the hole in the bathroom door lol. Also I remember walking a lot to this lady’s house he was seeing (and has sense married) and while I don’t remember what she looks like if you drive past that area I can pin point exactly what house was hers. All of this happened when I was 3-5 years old and honestly those are only some of the memories I can recall. Obviously those years you’re not going to remember much but my memory is shot unless something jogs oddly enough.
Now if you’re a faithful reader of CreativelyB than you’ll know how much a you know my mother has been in my life. I don’t know if it’s sadder that she segregated me against my younger half siblings (though normally I just call them my sister and brother) or the fact that my grandma covered her tracks for her in how she treated me. I don’t know maybe because my grandma and paternal grandparents were ALWAYS there for me when I needed someone (even at itty bitty age from what I’ve been told) that she didn’t have to be there for me or what but it sure never made me feel very good. I mean here I have my biological father that ‘didn’t want me’ and I get the same feeling from my own mother. Sure makes a girl feel like she’s worth something right?

Anytime Costume Giveaway

8 Sep

Halloween has to be my favorite time of the year …. but I’m slightly biased because I’m a Halloween baby lol. What I also love is that Oj wants me to dress up with him the last 3 years. I love it and it’s kinda our ‘thing’ since Daddy isn’t a big fan of it lol. So when  was able to review a costume from Anytime Costumes I was really excited and of course Owen wanted to help me pick it out. Of course since I was going out with Oj and the in-laws I didn’t want to go in a costume that was more appropriate for an Adult party. I was relieved that Anytime Costume offered an OUTSTANDING selection of costumes that I felt fit into this category. In fact it took us forever to decide on one and in the end Mama’s gonna be a police woman!

That’s right we decided on the Cuff Me Cutie. I liked this choice because it included pants/capris and we live in Northern Illinois … by Halloween we’re freezing our booties off lol! Cuff Me Cutie includes the following items:
  • Black sequin cropped pants (Oj’s favorite part lol)
  • Stretch woven shirt with fishnet back and shoulders
  • White belt
  • Night stick baton
  • Plastic handcuffs 
I’ve only had this thing a week and I can’t tell you how many times he’s asked for the ‘toys’ that came with mama’s costume. I get the pout and ‘but please I won’t break them’ reply when I say no. We were both sad that the hat wasn’t included but that is an easy fix lol. What I really liked that the pants weren’t skin tight. They were tight enough that nothing was hanging or sagging but I didn’t feel self-conscious in them. These pants were Oj’s favorite part of the costume. He kept telling me “Mama I love your pretty shinny pants!” LOL and even was the first thing he told his daddy when he got home. Another thing  I liked was it included some accessories. I know that is usually they only include the clothes but with this I got plastic handcuffs and a plastic night stick. These will get a  great playtime after Halloween by Oj that’s for sure. Also the belt is NOT attached to the pants. This is a great thing because then after the holiday you can use the belt with other items. I like when costumes are able to be used for more than Halloween.
My main complaint would be that the shirt didn’t fit right. It is described as a stretchy shirt but the non-mesh parts I didn’t feel stretched as well. Also the sleeves were pretty tight on my arms and it made for an uncomfortable feeling. With the shirt not fitting right it made it rise up more than I was expecting and more of my midsection showed than I was happy with. So when ordering make sure you take your measurements, unlike me, to make for an overall fit.
Now the best part is Anytime Costumes is giving one lucky reader the chance to win their own Halloween costume (up to $50 value) and entering is easy peasy. Just head to and let me know what you would pick if you won.

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 Giveaway ends September 15th, 2010 and open to US only

I will be checking to see if all requirements are met so if you are missing a comment that is why. Also you may need to resign up if you were using these services before the name change last month

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.