Archive | November, 2010

Great Cyber Monday Deals!

29 Nov

I don’t know about you but I LOVE shopping online. I love that I can compare things instantly and even not have to worry about dealing with cranky/crazy people in stores. I got some great deals Thursday online from a few of the stores that start Black Friday early. Here are some of the Cyber Monday deals that I found in my inbox today:

First is my favorite teddy bear store, Build a Bear. I love that they are calling it CyBEAR Monday. They are offering 7 animals for $7 each. This includes the Peace Bear, as well, Topaz Teddy, Hugs & Kisses Teddy, Champ Bear, Jonas Dog, Holiday Mouse & Velvet Teddy! This is limited to 10 bears total and obviously only available online so Shop Now! I’m hoping to pick up the Jonas Dog for The husband’s niece and even some  accessories for Kidlet’s batman bear since he seen they offered Chicago Cubs clothes for his puppy that is ALL he’s talked about lol. Good thing this mama is a sucker for how cute they are! I am having trouble deciding between the Chicago Cubs outfit, Chicago Bears & New Orleans Saints outfits. They are all so cute it’s hard to decide lol.

The next store I seen in my inbox was for the Disney Store and let me tell you that they have a really great deal going on. They are running a great deal where you can save up to 65% on your favorite Disney items! How neat is that? Now for their Cyber Monday deal, they are offering savings in a couple different groups. Spend $50+ you get 10% off, spend $75+ you save 15%, spend $100+ and you get 20% off, and finally spend $125+ and you get 25% off! Plus if that wasn’t a bunch of great savings, if you enter the code CYBER when checking out ANY amount you will receive Free Shipping!

Finally one of my favorite stores, Hot Topic is up with some good sales. Yes it’s true I love this store. I love the funny t-shirts they have and even the hoodies are a favorite of mine. Their Cyber Monday deal is save 30% on Shoes, Boots, and even Fashion Apparel. Also they are offering free shipping if you spend $50 or more. I am really excited about this because there are some really cute hoodies and t-shirts that I want to pick up (I mean look a that super cute Batman Hoodie! It has EARS!)  Not only that but I am drooling over these shoes and even this Nightmare Before Christmas purse.

So anyone else doing Cyber Monday shopping? If so let me know where you’re going to be shopping at cause I’m always looking for a good deal!

Wordless Wednesday Family

17 Nov

Happy 6th birthday Kidlet!!

16 Nov

How did we get to 6 years old already? I remember the day like it was yesterday, even if it still FEELS like yesterday. I was about 2-4 days overdue (I was told two EDD: Nov 12th & Nov 14th) and it seemed like every pregnant chick I knew had already delivered a baby. I had extreme morning sickness with him and couldn’t have any dairy. I was achey and just ready to hold my baby.

I woke up at 3:00am and told Jeff it was time to go to the ER cause I thought my water broke. Well we almost get pulled over on the way (cliched right?) and I get the rudest nurse ever. Honestly I am seeing a pattern with the whole rude nurse thing but that’s to be told later. I was being checked and hooked to a monitor for awhile and some weird guy that I don’t remember what he was but he was going on about his sister already delivering … really man … and then proceeded to ask me if I was breastfeeding. I’m sorry but I have never met you before and unless your my husband or doctor it really isn’t your concern. Well after he leaves the rude nurse comes in and tells me it’s just my UTI and I was clear to go home then proceeded to leave me on the table with it laying down still. Um hello I’m very clearly 9 months pregnant and can barely get out of bed/a chair on my own let alone a table thing. So thankfully the Mr. was here to help.

We stopped to get some b.k breakfast (hey he was getting free food at the time lol) and came home. We passed out after eating and slept until my Dr. appointment. At the doctor’s office she was surprised I hadn’t delivered yet. Well they monitor me and kidlet wasn’t moving much so it required more tests and some water. Everything turned out fine and he was just tired. Since there was no progress I was sent home. About 7:00 I told Mr. we needed to head to the hospital cause I think it was time. Thankfully we did because I had just gotten checked into a room when my waters broke. Once that happened it all went really fast (which I’m glad I did and glad there was nothing wrong with him cause the nurses pretty much ignored me until I told them I needed to push). I remember Mr was working overnights and had to call in that night obviously. Well since we didn’t get much sleep the night before he was tired and chugging some Mountain Dew to stay awake. He told me he had to pee and would be right back …. yeah I made him hold it til after they handed me the kidlet lol. Now here we are 6 years later and he’s a beautiful, smart, kind, funny, and compassionate little boy that I can’t imagine not having in my life. Wow I’ve been doing this mama thing for SIX years …. it’s hard to believe. Happy Birthday to my Baby Boy!! I love you!

Not Exactly Wordless Wednesday

10 Nov

Not so wordless I know but I had to share this because you see the guy in the middle with the mask? Mr. Phantom of the Opera guy? Yeah him. Well not only do I have a love for Phantom of the Opera, never seen the play but I read a book (that I can vaguely remember) about it and it stuck. Mr. Opera is equally important because in the 25 years that I’ve been blessed to be walking this earth I’ve NEVER seen another one except for my Grandma’s.

Interesting on it’s own yes, but guess where he was sitting by. Go ahead I’ll let you guess. He was sitting in between 2 trunks … on the right was nothing but Green Bay Packer stuff and on the left nothing but Chicago Bears stuff. It may not seem like much to you but I cried. My grandma was a die hard Green Bay Packer fan and my grandpa is a die hard Chicago Bears fan. Speaking of the Packers I noticed a big coincidence that after Grandma passed Farve wanted out of Green Bay. I know I know but my broken heart could not resist making the connection lol.