Not Exactly Wordless Wednesday

10 Nov

Not so wordless I know but I had to share this because you see the guy in the middle with the mask? Mr. Phantom of the Opera guy? Yeah him. Well not only do I have a love for Phantom of the Opera, never seen the play but I read a book (that I can vaguely remember) about it and it stuck. Mr. Opera is equally important because in the 25 years that I’ve been blessed to be walking this earth I’ve NEVER seen another one except for my Grandma’s.

Interesting on it’s own yes, but guess where he was sitting by. Go ahead I’ll let you guess. He was sitting in between 2 trunks … on the right was nothing but Green Bay Packer stuff and on the left nothing but Chicago Bears stuff. It may not seem like much to you but I cried. My grandma was a die hard Green Bay Packer fan and my grandpa is a die hard Chicago Bears fan. Speaking of the Packers I noticed a big coincidence that after Grandma passed Farve wanted out of Green Bay. I know I know but my broken heart could not resist making the connection lol.

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