Heart of Haiti

2 Dec
We have all heard about the horrible disaster that struck Haiti and the aid that has been helping them ever since. Well Heart of Haiti works a little bit differently. Their motto is “Trade, Not Aid.” What this means is that Heart of Haiti is using commerce and the culture to help create social change. I really think this is a unique and different approach to helping rebuild after a disaster. Now if you’ve never heard of Heart of Haiti please let me tell you a little bit about it and what it does. Heart of Haiti is an incentive program where Haitian artists can earn life-changing income for not only themselves but their families and communities as well. The income not only allows them to have access to better nutrition, improved education and health care, but earn a life-changing income for not only themselves but their families and communities as well. I really think this is something unique and a great way to help build self confidence in people that have already been through a great disaster.
My favorite part of this event is that it’s not a one time funding through a charity, no this is a way for every Haitian artist to earn an income on their own. This is a way for them to create their own life changing events while doing things that they love to do …. and who doesn’t love that? I know how rewarding it feels to be able to bring home a paycheck and help relieve some of the stress of the bills from the Mr. I couldn’t imagine how it would feel to be a citizen of Haiti and having a chance to earn an income while still being able to create art. These handmade products are not limited to just paintings.This also includes homemade quilts, metalwork, ceramics that are made in Haiti from recycled materials. Also these gifts range from $25-$60 so they definitely fit into any budget and who doesn’t love that?!

*I am writing this post to spread the word about Heart of Haiti through a Mom Bloggers Club member program and that you will receive a Heart of Haiti pendant as a thank you.

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