CSN Pittsburgh Steelers Slippers Review

23 Jan

Now if you’re a regular reader here you know that I’m a pretty big Pittsburgh Steelers fan. You may even recall a little post I did awhile back called Pittsburgh Steelers Fans Unite! All about the must have things to enjoy a Pittsburgh Steelers Football Game. Well I was excited to add a VERY warm Pittsburgh Steelers  Zip jacket and T-shirt to my growing collection this Christmas. But by far my favorite piece that I’ve added to my ‘collection’ would without a doubt be my Comfy Feet Pittsburgh Steelers Slippers. These slippers have caused major jealousy from my husband and son … not because of the team sadly (what was I thinking marrying a NON Steelers fan?!) but because they are very soft and comfortable. These slippers have a thick foam sole and the upper material is padded as well. These are 100% polyester and are machine washable for those exciting touchdown scoring moments that lead to bean dip all over the floor … and your feet. Not that I know this from experience or anything. Which I think is really great. I love that they are very warm as well. Definitely will leave you feeling toasty warm during the cold winter months. Now the only thing I dislike about these are the bottom. They make a bit of a scruffy sound when you walk which could be annoying if you’re trying to sneak some late night snacks, but other than that they are a huge hit in my house. These slippers are available at CSN for 33.99 and include FREE shipping! How awesome is that?  Now I know what you’re thinking, you love these slippers but *gasp* you are NO Steelers fan. Well I can help you there too. CSN Stores and Comfy Feet offer these adorable slippers in a wide selection of not only teams but sports as well. I think that these Baby Slippers are just TOO cute for words. Also they have Women’s Slippers and Men’s Slippers as well. I really like that they offer a variety of styles their slippers come in as well. These are definitely a must have for any sports fan big or little.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

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