LittleMissMatched Project Sock: Season 3

27 Feb

LittleMissMatched is putting a call out to anyone who loves to think outside the “sock”! That’s right it’s time to put your thinking sock on and come up with a design that will, well, knock their mis-matched SOCKS off! It’s that time of year again, LittleMissMatched is running their Project Sock contest and the person that comes up with the winning socks will get a pretty awesome prize, $1,000, 10 packs of their winning design, AND their winning design will be added to an upcoming collection that is not only sold on their online site, but LittleMissMatched stores NATIONWIDE!! How amazing would that be? Also there will be an additional five entries will be selected by LittleMissMatched VIPs to become part of the same collection, and awarded $250 and 10 packs each of their winning designs and the best part is one of these 5 finalists will be someone under the age of 12! How amazing would that be?

Want to enter? Want to enter but not all that creative with a pencil? Well it’s simple really all you have to do is visit Project Sock to download your sock template and you can either print it off and design it by hand OR download it and use your favorite computer program to create 3 MIS-MATCHED socks. They can be 3 completely different sock designs or can coordinate it doesn’t matter as long as they do NOT match. Then make sure you enter by  April 5th, 2011 at 6 EST. After the contest closes they will pick the top 24 designs that will be uploaded to an online voting gallery for everyone to vote on their favorites! Well what are you waiting for? Go download your sock now, I  can’t wait to see the winning designs!

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