Archive | March, 2011

Pier 1’s Outdoor Fun

13 Mar
Pier 1 Speckled Egg Center PieceI’m so excited because it’s FINALLY starting to get warmer here in my little corner of Northern Illinois and that has me thinking about ONE thing: Entertaining outdoors. Now there is no other place I’d rather check out for fun outdoor furniture than Pier 1. The big reason that this is my one stop is because their outdoor furniture can also be used INDOORS! How cool is that? I love when I can reuse things like that lol, especially since Owen thinks he needs a Papasan for his room. We both really love the Double Papsan Chair with a Garnet cushion. I can see how these would be great use both inside and out. Though the Speckled Egg Centerpiece has got to be my favorite thing and I can imagine what a great conversational piece it will be. I also can already picture this being used inside my house when the cold comes back.

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pier 1. All opinions are 100% mine.
Looking at all the fun Spring goodness that Pier 1 is offering brings me back to my Grandma. She had this big bay window that changed with the seasons. It was one thing that all the Grandkids LOVED decorating. I can definitely picture these items sitting in her window when it gets cold but a lot of these would look beautiful outside on her big back porch that over looked her giant flower garden. The colors of the flowers would definitely help the  decorations pop.
Did you know that Spring is officially here on March 20th? That’s about a week away YAY! In honor of Spring if Pier 1 Spring Decorationsyou sign up for the Pier 1 Outdoor newsletter between March 18-20 you can a special in-store offer from Pier 1! With these great prices I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be a great special. Also Pier 1 Tweetups are happening in a select location. Dallas has a Pier 1 Tweet up on March 22nd, Atlanta on April 5th, and NYC on April 20th. How fun would those be to attend? If you live in those areas and are joining please let me know how it goes!
What are YOUR must have Spring entertaining items?
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Live in Concert Layout.

11 Mar

Ana has an adorable new kit that came out today. It’s called Lovely Clown and I knew it was perfect for our Jim Gill photo. I used a cute template by Amy Martin that is also the Lilypad Template freebie.

This kit comes with 56 assorted elements and of course 12 beautiful papers (includes solids and patterned papers). Also it’s on sale today for 20% off and comes with a free with purchase gift. This kit is perfect for those great outtakes in life that we are lucky enough to catch on photo, or better yet is a PERFECT excuse to go ahead and do a silly faced photo session. How fun would that be?! I know that’s one of the best things I love to do with O, and I suspect he loves it more than I do if that’s possible. So what are you waiting for? Go buy it today!

Wordless Wednesday Jim Gill

9 Mar

Last Thursday we had a fun family concert at Oj’s school. Jim Gill was there and it was a really nice time. Oj had been singing the songs around the house and telling me how excited he was that we were going to see his friend Jim Gill. If you haven’t heard of him before he offers samples on his site.

Creative Digi Scrapbooking Pages

7 Mar

Fam[ily] using Double Blessing by Sugar Fancy

Love Always using Just Love Me by the Sugar Girls

Dive into Summer with Express Swimwear

5 Mar
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Express for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

express swimwearAre you ready to dive into Summer? After the winter we’ve had lets just say I’m more than ready to do so.  I already have plans over the summer to take O to the indoor water park that we keep meaning to go to. Of course this means I need a new two piece swimwear and preferably a tankini style since that’s what I feel most comfortable in. Now if you’ve never been to Express before they have some really cute women’s swimwear that comes in a variety of styles. colors and even designer details. Also I really like that the bottoms fit closer to size so that we get a moderate back coverage. I also noticed that they offer removable padding in the tops which is great because sometimes that padding makes me feel like I’m a human life preserver lol. I also really like the necessary beach essentials that they sell too. I like getting my swim suit, sunglasses and sandals all in one place.

 Of course while I was there I had to sign up for the Express e-mail not only to stay in the know for the hottest trends going around, but because they are randomly giving away TEN (10) $200 Express Giftcards! Make sure you read the sweepstakes rules and join their email list today! The Sweepstakes ends 4.30.11 at 11:59 EST.
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Wordless Wednesday Spring Melody

2 Mar
Something I’m so VERY ready for lol.