Archive | April, 2011

Overblown Wordless Wednesday

27 Apr

Baby Turtle WW

20 Apr
Owen at 1.5yrs

P365 Layout

16 Apr

Made using  P365 Bundle Volume 2 Bundle from Wishingwell Creations

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

For Lauren

16 Apr

I have this friend that I’ve known almost 7 years. It’s one of those things where I’ve never really met her, but I know that she’s my long lost sister from a completely different family. She’s wicked awesome, spunky, and just the most caring person I’ve met. We’ve been through a lot of personal struggles together and all I remember when I lost my grandma was coming home and crying to her that she was gone. She somehow convinced me to pick myself up, carry myself to the couch and not move for a week if I felt like it because it was OKAY to do that. She helped me through a lot of stuff with Jeff and I think it helped we were going through similar situations.

Now not only is she an awesome person, but she’s a pretty rad designer if I do say so myself … and trust me I’ve seen some VERY first things and I can tell you she has this talent that is just insane …. her doodles make me jealous and in fact … they are part of the tattoo that I have for Owen. She use to ask me what she should draw and all I’d say was stars (yes I’m slightly obsessed) and when I seen these shooting star doodles I knew they were the base I was looking for. Plus she is my one of the few best friends I have and it only seemed fitting I use them. She sells scrapbook designs at Sweet Shoppe Designs and even her own shop Scrapfastic Designs. Also if that wasn’t enough her designs are how she makes a living for her and her equally rad almost 8 year old son Ce. Which I guess brings me to the point of this post.

This week has been hard for Lauren as she was admitted to the hospital for 3 life threatening blood clots. It was quickly shown what kind of person Lauren is as the digital scrapping community exploded with love, prayers, and positive thoughts for not only her but Ce as well. Some very awesome designers came together and created a beautiful kit A Little Help From My Friends and the Sugarbabes at Sweet Shoppe came together to make some beautiful templates called  Cookies for La. What’s wonderful is that all proceeds from both the kit AND templates straight to Lauren to help with her not being able to work. So if you love scrapbooking or crafting of any kind please stop and check out this beautiful kit that goes to help an awesome single mother and friend that we are all missing WAY too much!

Caring for Petz Bunnyz

12 Apr

I’ve always been the nerdy girl that loves all things video game and comic books. I’m a Nintendo girl at heart and still remember playing on the original Nintendo system and miss it so much. So when Clever Girls Collective asked if I wanted to participate in a review for the Petz Bunnyz Bunch video game I was so excited. I’ve seen these Petz video games in stores but wasn’t sure if it was something I’d like. Plus O had been on my case about how cute the covers all look and decided since we couldn’t have pets in the apartment that I needed to get him one of these games. He loved testing this game out just as much as I did. I mean check out that photo, he looks so excited doesn’t he? I love that he’s not afraid to play a video game or like something because it’s it looks like something a girl would play with and I hope this is something that continues in his life.

If you’ve never played or heard of the Petz video games or Ubisoft brand here is a little information shared with me:

In Ubisoft’s Petz Bunnyz Bunch, players care for the cutest and most remarkable bunch of bunnyz imaginable. Raise them in your house and show them their new home. Teach them how to follow you when called upon, hop up on furniture, and even play music. On top of being absolutely adorable, these bunnies have personality. They know exactly what they want and know how to show you, so if you take good care of them they’ll surprise you with games of hide-and-seek or other treats.

  • Adopt Your Own Family of Bunnyz – Choose between 8 different breeds, each with unique personalities and preferences. See their excitement when you give them their favorite foods, or watch their silly reactions when they dislike like a toy. Bunnyz might change their favorite toys, so pay attention to their personalities and make sure they are happy.

  • New Fun Activities – Give your bunnyz exercise by teaching them to follow you around the room, or toss toys between each other. Help your bunny become smarter by playing a game of hot and cold and searching for items. Bunnyz can even show their musical side. Teach your bunny to follow your sound and he will be jamming in no time.

  • More Ways to Bond – The living room is your bunnyz new home. Show them their new toys, teach them how to get around, and even ask them to hop up to join you on the sofa. 

  • Bunnyz go on an Adventure – Send your bunnyz to Petz World virtual world, and be one of the few with a bunny to play with. On Petz World, your petz will be able to travel the world, set out on extraordinary adventures and meet tons of other petz. Meet the wild animals of Kenya, help lost poodles in Paris and even enjoy the sunny beaches of Hawaii.

Doesn’t this sound like a fun game? I love games that the whole family can play and this is definitely one of those games. We love the other Petz games and this one doesn’t disappoint. Now our final thoughts on what we think of this game.
O’s thoughts:

 This is so fun! Just looking at the front of the game box you can see cute bunnies. I really like that. It wasn’t that hard to play and it was fun playing with my mom as well. We loved feeding the bunnies and taking care of them. I know it’s a game but it shows me how demanding and tricky it can be having a pet to take care of yourself. My favorite part was picking the bunnies name. Mama tried to help but she came up with silly name (Thanks kid lol). I named my bunny Hopper and he seems to like it.

Mama’s Thoughts:

He’s too cute. I love that boy. He giggled playing this game and it was so cute. We spent a good hour or so playing this game together and I loved how easy it was for him. Some of the DSi games can be tricky and for the slightly older children but he breezed through this game. I really like that he’s learning about the different breeds as well and it’s peaked his interest to learn more about the animals in the game when we visit the library. This is a nice change of pace from the action packed games that he loves as well and always wants me to play with him thought mama sucks at those games lol. This is an easy E rated game that I do just fine with and honestly I’ve found myself playing it after he’s in bed. I love that the Petz Bunnyz game lets you play with the animals in the game and you don’t just walk around feeding and caring for them. This is important because owning a pet is more than just walking, taking them to the bathroom, and making sure they have fresh food and water, you need to play and interact with the pets as you would a person. I believe this game shows what you need to successfully have a pet.

If you’d like to purchase this game you can find it available at retailers like Toys R Us, Amazon, Walmart, and Target for $29.99.

While Ubisoft provided me with this game to review, the opinions I’ve expressed here are solely my own and represent my honest viewpoint. Ubisoft, Clever Girls Collective and I promote Blog With Integrity.

Wordless Wednesday Love

6 Apr