Archive | May, 2011

Reflections of Grandma

3 May

As I was browsing today’s SocialMoms blogging prompt that was submitted by Jennie B Moye (blogger for Southern Mom of 4), it seemed like a happy coincidence that the prompt was: What is your most memorable time with your Mother and/or Grandmother? Of course this is ironic because today marks the 3rd anniversary of my Grandma Mother losing her brave fight with Lung Cancer. 3 years and forever to go has been the motto for today. I was really happy to see this prompt because it helps take some of the sadness out of my heart and remember the good times. So since I can’t really pick just ONE moment I’ve had with her I’ll share some of my most favorite times with her.

The very first one would be our summer trips to Arkansas. We use to go just about every summer and it was my favorite time ever because my cousins from Michigan would come down to go with us. We’d pile into my Uncle’s van, all 6 of us grandchildren, with our pillows/blankets and a couple things to do on the long drive. We always started the trip with an early breakfast at Denny’s. That was my Grandma Mother’s favorite place to get everyone together. After that we’d load up into the car and travel through Illinois & Missouri stopping at various rest stops, trucker stops, and even little Mom & Pop type stores. I think that was my favorite part, visiting places where we’d be able to buy unique things to remind us of our trips that we wouldn’t find in a normal place. One specific memory was riding to Arkansas for my Great-Grandma’s funeral (in picture above she is the 3rd adult from the left). Not only were my cousins there (3 boys and 2 girl), but my sister/brother as well and Tina, my uncle and aunt. Well half way to Arkansas we stopped at Steak and Shake to get a bite to eat. My sister and I go to the bathroom and …. it happened. My period for the VERY first time. I freaked out and Tina and my Aunt were all excited and even told my Grandma Mother not to tell anyone since she has a habit of talking about stuff and not realizing we may not want it to be shared. Well of course she told my cousins to be nice because I started my period. My oldest male cousin comes up to me and says “Don’t worry Brandy it’s something ALL women go through!” Oh talk about embarrassment lol.

My next favorite moment would be the holidays. All of them were shared at her house and she went all out to decorate for them …. even the ‘little’ ones lol. It was the best no matter if the power was out (this happened one Christmas we spent most of the morning at my Grandma’s without power and thankfully she had a fireplace and it was daylight out lol. It was interesting to open our gifts that way let me tell you) or the food was cold (she was notorious for worrying about not having anything cooked that it was all done WAY too early but let me tell you that was the best “cold” food I had ever ate and I’d kill for some right now). All that mattered was the house was FULL of family, laughter, playing from the younger kids, and chatter of both telling stories of holidays past & what was going on in the other room with the boys and their sports game. It was a time that looking back made the holidays. She made the holidays for us. She called us to let us know when the holiday specials were on, reminding us of the parades, and just enjoying those moments when we think that it will ALWAYS be like this and that our children will have the same thing. Even if Owen doesn’t remember it I’m glad he had 3 great years full of holidays including Easter which was our last together and it’s always the hardest.

So when it comes down the most memorable moment that I remember with my Grandma Mother, these may be two examples but they are full of 22 years of memories, 22 years of living the ‘dream’ even if behind the scenes my family was slowly being un-stitched at the seams. One thing this taught me was that you need to appreciate the days NOW because you may hear stories like this all the time and think that “This couldn’t ever happen to me,” but it could and very well will. I thought we had forever and 3 years ago after 5 months of fighting a brave fight to beat Lung Cancer (and even thinking it was gone at one point) to having one last holiday were I didn’t have my camera attached to my eye … and ironically enough it was my niece’s 1st birthday. This is a day I really regret because if I had known I would’ve taken more photos. NEVER be to ‘good’ to take photos because you never know who’s going to miss not having any of you after it’s too late to take them. Also if you are in need of some great Awareness products please check out Awareness Gift Boutique on Cafepress. This is an awesome place to get your awareness products and Sandy is such a sweet person to get your things from.

Using And Many More by Wishing Well Creations