Back To School With Kleenex

25 Aug

Now that the pencils are sharpened, back packs stuffed full of way too many supplies, and the perfect first day outfits placed on those little angels of ours … it’s time to shove them on the bus and soak up those 8 hours a day of complete quiet! Remembering just how long summer actually was, what with the arguing, screaming, and attitudes. Oh wait that wasn’t just my house was it? Now don’t relax too much because while the sound of the big yellow school bus pulling away may make you feel on cloud 9, the sound sneezing, coughing ,whiny voices will bring you crashing back down to reality. But have no fear Kleenex is here to save you from having to worry about your kid being the one to bring home a cold and infect the whole house with 3 brand-new products to make sure the school year starts off great! These new products include a wallet pack, an auto pack, and finally the new and improved pocket pack.

The wallet pack is a sleek, thin pack of tissues that make it easier to keep them on hand. Not only are they super easy to carry with you, they come in a trendy design that is perfect for your way to hip tweens and teens. Or if you’re like me, an ultra-hip and funky hot mama herself! The auto pack is you guessed it, perfect for placing in your car door or even your glove compartment. Since all us mamas know there is nothing worse than needing to give your snot nosed kid a tissue and not being able to find any in the car … or is that just me? Finally in the pack is the long-time favorite the pocket pack. I’m sure you’re thinking “But Brandy just how can this handy dandy little pack of tissues that I remember carrying in school be new and improved?” Well now they are THREE ply tissues and that is just rad because I hate when my tissues tear and I get snot everywhere … it’s not attractive at all. These little packs also would work great stuffed in your purse or even child’s backpack.

O couldn’t wait to get his in his backpack. He’s been itching to put something in the “cup holder” of his bag (ahem in O talk that is the water bottle spots on the side of the backpack) and rushed to try them out. I liked these because they are even easier for him to use and they don’t tear as easy on him when he blows his nose. Now if these fun new products were not getting you in the back-to-school mood, Kleenex is having a Back-To-School Initiative where they are giving $500,000 to schools around the country for field trips. How fun would that be for your child’s school to win? Voting is simple too. Just visit Kleenex’ Facebook page and click on the field trip tab up top. After that look for your favorite school and click vote. Now if your school isn’t listed you can fill out a digital registration paper and get your school in on the fun. I am loving that the top 100 school will win $5,000 each. Voting ends on Sept 14th so make sure you visit their facebook page to read the rules and start voting for your school and don’t forget the Kleenex this year!

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

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