Gordon’s Crunchy Fish Stick Tacos!

25 Aug

I hate that time of the week when you’re running low on everyday staples and end up spending what feels like hours looking at a pretty much empty pantry to see what’s for dinner. Well what happens when you have fish sticks, hard shell tacos, shredded cheese, and ketchup/mayo? Well you get Gordon’s Crunchy Fish Stick Tacos with a creamy ketchup-mayo sauce. I know it sounds like something no one is going to like but if Spencer can make Spaghetti Tacos why can’t I make Fish Stick Tacos? Plus the recipe is super easy too, which is perfect for last minute/lazy day dinners. Here is what you need:


  • Gordon’s Crunchy Fish Sticks (I used 3 sticks per taco)
  • Favorite Taco Shells
  • Ketchup
  • Mayo
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Other favorite taco toppings. 

Preheat the oven per the directions on the bag. Mine said to pre-heat to 425 degrees. Once pre-heated place Gordon’s Crunchy Fish Sticks on a baking tray (I spray mine with a little cooking spray to help from the breading sticking). Cook fish sticks according to directions (I cooked mine 10 minutes on one side than flipped them over for 10 more minutes but I like them VERY crispy and dark lol).

While the fish sticks are cooking combine your mayo and ketchup in a bowl. How much you use depends on your tastes. I used Hellman’s Mayo because well it’s the only one I eat lol. It will be a pinkish color … don’t worry that’s normal and it tastes great. After this is mixed set a side and wait for the fish sticks. When fish sticks are done assemble with your fish sticks on the bottom, than your sauce, and finally the cheese. Of course if you added other toppings just add them how you like. I would’ve liked some lettuce on the bottom of mine, and this is what you end up with:

The verdict is this actually works. Both O and Jeffery came up with this. It was actually Jeffery’s creation so we’re going to call it CreativelyDad’s Crunchy fish Stick Tacos from now on I suppose. I’m participating in the Thursday Recipe Swap so don’t forget to head over and see what other yummy things are on the menu today!

This is 100% my views and I wasn’t compensated in anyway for this post.

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