Reading Kingdom Review

25 Aug

I’ve got one of those smart kids that can figure out almost anything technology based quicker than I can probably. He is 6 and already can figure out how to change the HDMI channels on the tv and get it right to the PS3. Also pretty smart with the computer too though he does the one pet peeve I have with that …. typing one. letter. at. a. time. It drives me batty. Also sadly my son is anti-reading now and I just can’t get him interested in reading. He says it’s too hard (we tried easy reader books). That’s why I was pretty excited when I received the chance to review The Reading Kingdom‘s phonics program. If you’ve never heard of The Reading Kingdom here is a little info taken from their website:

The Reading Kingdom is a site for children to learn to read and for adults looking to make sure the children in their lives have the best opportunities in life. It’s fun, easy-to-use and best of all, kids can do most of the program on their own with minimal adult supervision. Our online reading program is based on a system developed by a world-renowned expert on reading that has helped children to learn to read for over forty years. It’s the only system that customizes itself to your child. Thousands of children, parents, and educatorstestify to the success of the program.

I just have to say I really love this program. I have noticed it’s really helped O not only with his keyboard skills, but is helping in addition to the reading lessons we’re doing at home. The Reading Kingdom offers a unique benefit to their program as well, the program customizes itself to your child’s needs and doesn’t interfere with any curriculum at school/home that your child may be working on. The Reading Kingdom teaches your child the 6 skills need for success in reading and writing. It offers easy to follow instructions and can hold my son’s interest for more than 5 minutes. Plus it’s so easy to use I can feel comfortable leaving O to do his lessons while I’m doing my housewife duties. I fully believe he loves it so much because it is easy to do on his own which allows him to do these lessons when he pleases.  My favorite part is that it offers you 2 different ways to receive updates on your child’s progress. You can view the progress after your child finishes their lessons, as well as get a detailed report emailed to you instantly when they are finished. I really like this because I can look it over and than discuss with O how he’s doing.

The Reading Kingdom offers everyone who signs up a free 30 day trial and after that it is either 19.99 a month or 199 a year which is such a great deal. If you are on a budget but really want this for their son. Well have no fear they offer you the chance to apply for a scholarship for your child. Just check the  Another way they offer you more bang for your buck is that you can purchase books through their store for added benefits. O loves this and we can’t wait to get him a couple. In the end O gives this program 2 big thumbs up and check out Creativelyb’s facebook page this weekend for a video of how he feels about this program. Want to keep up to date with The Reading Kindom? Then don’t forget to fan their Facebook page and Like their Twitter. Make sure to tell them Creativelyb sent you!

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

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