‘Let’s Cook’ With Bertolli & Chef Fabio

1 Sep

I love cooking and 9 times out of 10 you’ll find my cable box tuned to some cooking so. My favorite show has to be Top Chef. It’s the best of both worlds; reality tv & cooking. Then add in Bertolli Olive Oil and it’s a match made in heaven. This is my favorite cooking oil and I use it probably more than I should. I was lucky to be included in a campaign with Bertolli Olive Oil that features probably my favorite chef on Top Chef …. Fabio Viviani. He’s just adorable to look and and well his heavy Italian accent definitely makes my knees a little weak.

But enough talking about celebrity crushes, lets get down to what this is all about …. FOOD and APPS. No not appetizers, phone apps. I don’t have a fancy app adding phone but it’s on my get a job & save for list. Being a grown up really stinks sometimes doesn’t it? But I was lucky enough to get a sneak peak at a video of what the app would look like if I had said phone. Lets just say this app looks pretty neat. It offers a lot of really delicious recipes and I just love the flavor that Bertolli Olive Oil gives the food. It’s not too thick but not too thin either. Just the right amount that leaves food tasting great. The mushroom fettuccini just sounds heavenly right about now. But don’t take my word for it download the app today and see what you think. In the mean time, take a look at the sneak peek video featuring the lovely Chef Fabio Viviani:

I wrote this review while participating in a Blog Friendly PR campaign on behalf of Bertolli Olive Oil and the ‘Let’s Cook’ iOS App by Chef Fabio Viviani. Samples were provided so I could provide my honest opinion.

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