NerdyShirts for the Nerds at Hearts

7 Sep

You probably realize by now I’m one of those ‘nerdy’ girls that spent her time in the house reading, playing video games, and watching sports instead of doing my makeup or what not. If you’ve thought that, well you’d be correct. In fact I schooled O this week on what Mario looked like when I was younger and he was excited about that. So when NerdyShirts asked if I wanted to do a his & her review of their mega cool shirts, how could I turn them down? I mean have you seen their shirts? No well don’t worry I’ll wait while you go look …. *tap* *tap* … Yes now you understand my excitement correct? I know you’re just as excited as I am I can feel it. Don’t worry this is a safe zone and no nerds shall be judged in my court.

I just have to say that looking over the NerdyShirts site, it was hard to find a shirt we loved. Not because there weren’t any, but well because there were SO many we loved. Even O got involved in the situation of finding shirts. CreativelyDad is picky on the shirts he wears. Honestly he mostly wears his work shirts even when he’s not working. They give the employees t-shirts commemorating special work milestones and get to wear casual clothes to work which I have to admit that I love. So I was interested in seeing what his thoughts were on these shirts. Being that he’s always been a big guy, it’s also harder to find shirts in his size that fit right, and as we all know buying online is like shopping in stores with a blindfold on. Just because it says it’s a  certain size doesn’t mean that it actually fits like said size. Since I’m the lady of the house, Mama is starting out this review.

Mama’s Thoughts:
Once I saw that they had a Nintendo Family Tree shirt …. it was all over from there. I couldn’t look at another shirt and as the saying goes, I love it so much that if possible I’d marry it ha! Here is a description of the awesome shirt including specifics on said shirt:

The history of one of the worlds most influential and beloved video game companies, Nintendo. This shirt covers all the platforms; Gameboy, Nintendo 64, SNES, Wii, Gamecube, DS and more!This hilarious shirt uses high quality screen-printing on a heavy weight preshrunk 6oz cotton tee that is machine washable. 

What I loved most about my shirt is so comfortable and soft. I also loved that it didn’t maximize the problem areas, ahem the stomach area, and that you can tell it’s a good quality shirt. After washing it about 5 times since I’ve received it I have to say that it does hold up well in the washer/dryer and I have’t had any problems with it. But with the good comes the bad, I ordered a size large since I always assume online shirts run small unless otherwise noted (it wasn’t here) but I have to say sadly that it was a bit snug when I received it. It fits nicely and doesn’t leave me all looking like it’s too small so that is good. I also know that with my  weightloss journey going great I will be able to fit in it better soon. Had I known this ran small I probably would’ve ordered a men’s size since large is the biggest they had in this shirt. I still love NerdyShirts and can’t wait to order the rest of the shirts on my wishlist.

CreativelyDad’s Thoughts:
I really like that they use a soft fabric for their shirts. I really like this video game and like my wife, love the old school video games as well. Normally I don’t wear shirts like this, but when I saw the design of the shirt I thought it was well designed and pretty cool. Plus the description of the shirt drew me to loving it:

Spread Shot will help you mow down enemies like nothing else. Get the shirt today and feel the power! Contra Rules! 

Now I have sensitive skin and some shirts cause me to break out. Which is why I hate buying shirts, especially from online vendors, but my NerdyShirts t-shirt didn’t break me out and my Contra Spread T-shirt is easily my new favorite shirt. Being a bigger man, I appreciated the nice selection of shirts they offered in the bigger sizes. Plus with my wife’s washing skills, I’m pleased to say the shirt holds up well after multiple washes without any shrinkage or anything. The only negative thing I have about this shirt is the same as my wife’s. I found the shirt to run a little smaller as well. Overall I love my NerdyShirt T-shirt and already have plans to buy a few more.

So there you have it folks, NerdyShirts is a big hit in our house and we’re already trying to decide on which shirts to pick out for our next purchase. If you love NerdyShirts then follow them on twitter @nerdyshirts, like them on Facebook, and even subscribe to their RSS feed. Don’t forget to tell them Creativelyb sent you!
*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

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