Archive | October, 2011

SentrySafe Breast Cancer

31 Oct

The way life moves it’s easy to get wrapped up in what is going on in life and gotten really comfortable by saying “it won’t happen to me” when we hear about something happening to our friends, family, co-workers or just random people on/off line. This goes for not only life threatening diseases but horrible things like home fires as well. What are you doing to protect your important papers such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, the valuable picture back ups, or even your legal documents? Me? Well I was doing nothing. We have a lock box but sadly it wouldn’t hold up in a fire. I also can never remember where I put things so having a safe and fire proof way to store these items is like a life saver to me. This is where SentrySafe comes into the picture.

I don’t know if you saw on Twitter or not but on the 13th of October SentrySafe spent Fire Prevention week by showing their fans how tough and durable their safes are. They loaded a couple thousand dollars worth of prizes into a Big Bolts Fire Safe and tossed it into a 1550 degree fire for 30 minutes all the while broadcasting this on twitter. I didn’t get to see it due to a last minute rush to get packed for Georgia but I heard it was amazing. That definitely shows you stand behind your products all the way, though I don’t think I’d ever doubt a SentrySafe product.What’s even crazier is that all their safes are tested in a similar fashion, without the thousand dollars worth of prizes of course lol. It’s really interesting to see how these everyday products that we may not put a lot of thought into get tested to make sure they are guaranteed to work like they say they will.

As I said before I didn’t have a really safe place to store my personal and valuable items so I was excited to get to review their Pink 1100 Fire-Safe Chest. What I love about the SentrySafe brand is that they know everyone needs something to keep their belongings safe and have various designs to fit jsut about any lifestyle. Another amazing thing is they spent all October donating a portion of the sales from their Pink 1100 Fire Safes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. I think that’s amazing and helps such a great cause! I just love hearing about the other companies helping donate to an amazing cause. Don’t forget to follow them on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date with all their great products!

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Danny Phantom Season One

31 Oct

If there is one thing we love to do as a family, it’s watch our favorite Nickelodeon cartoons and now that it’s Halloween, I was super excited to receive the Danny Phantom: Season One dvd from Shout Factory. I was super excited for this because I knew O would love this. The show originally ran from 2004-2007 and O was too little to know what was going on or care at that point. But now that he’s almost 7 it’s clear that this is definitely something he loves to watch. I loved the cudding up .. even if it only lasted a couple minutes lol. Now if you’ve never heard of Danny Phantom before here is a little bit about the show:

Danny Phantom stars Danny Fenton is a 14-year-old boy who is unpopular but an over all good-natured boy who attends Casper High School in his small hometown. Danny lives at home with his strange ghost hunting parents Jack and Maddie, and his overbearing 16-year-old sister Jasmine. One day while exploring his parents’ Ghost Portal, Danny accidentally turns himself into a half ghost boy which launches a series of memorable adventures for him and his best friends Samantha and Tucker. 

I love this show because it’s something my nieces can watch with O and I don’t have to worry about it being “too” scary for them. When I asked O what he liked best he said ” I like when Danny battles the ghosts and that his parents don’t recognize him when he’s a ghost. They are so silly!” I love watching him giggle at all the funny parts and hearing him talk about how silly some of the ghosts are. His favorite is the lunch room ghost. This is definitely something we’re excited to have in our collection and can enjoy many more moments of family fun together!

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Udi’s Gluten Free Cookies

31 Oct

When you hear the words “Gluten-Free” you probably crinkle up your nose and say a quick “ick!” I know that 2.5 years ago I would’ve done the same thing. But since Creativelydad’s sister has a gluten intolerance (Celiac Disease) and since she found out I’ve not only been trying to find more options of things to eat for her, but over the last couple months I’ve been having some symptoms that I want to keep an eye on. I have to admit I haven’t tried to actually bake/cook anything gluten-free yet, though they are sitting on my pantry shelf. I was asked to review Udi’s Gluten Free cookies and I was so excited. I’ve tried a few other gluten-free brands and haven’t been impressed but that was NOT the case with Udi’s. We were sent 3 containers of very yummy cookies: Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Raisin, and Snickerdoodle.

When I opened the box they came in my first instinct was to of course smell the containers. I was hopeful for the taste because they smelt like “normal” cookies. I did what any loving and great mother would do … let O test them out lol. I figure if he loved them I would too right? Well the verdict was heard loud and clear he LOVED them. He said looked right at me and with a little smirk said “Sorry mama but these are the best cookies EVER! Even better than yours!” I would be upset but well my cookies come from the refrigerated section of Walmart lol. So I bit the bullet and tried the Oatmeal Raisin cookies and I was in heaven. That container was then dubbed Mama’s cookies and do NOT touch unless you intend to face the consequences. Creativelydad didn’t sadly get to try these because well O ate the other two containers lol. He was nice enough to share with his aunt and she loved them too. She didn’t even realize they were gluten-free until I showed her the container. He said it was a tough choice on whether he liked the Chocolate Chip or Snickerdoodle cookies better so he called it a tie. He also said we needed to buy these again and I had to agree with him there.

After trying these I was browsing their facebook page and twitter and saw a lot of positive things from them. I know fellow blogger Karen of FabGrandma  has talked about using Udi’s brand quite a bit on her blog that I knew this was a brand I could trust, even if I was a little nervous about trying something new lol. I will definitely be replacing some of our other gluten filled items with Udi’s gluten-free foods. I think I’m going to start with the sandwich bread and see if Creativelydad notices a difference!  With that said, this is a great brand that I can’t wait to try more products of. Don’t forget to follow them on Twitter and Facebook to stay up-to-date with all their amazing products!

Is there you know anyone that needs to eat a gluten-free lifestyle?

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Freschetta By The Slice Review

30 Oct
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of FRESCHETTA® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Here we already LOVE not only frozen pizza but the Freschetta brand and usually a staple as a backup plan when I can’t decide what to make for dinner. While the temps are climbing it’s not my favorite thing to turn on the oven. Thankfully with these new FRESCHETTA® By the Slice to help solve this problem. Also we’re gearing up for a busy summer with my son’s baseball schedule, my husband’s overtime schedule, and his softball schedule as well. This makes planning dinners hard and spending more time in a drive thru line than I care for.
So you can imagine how excited I was to receive a coupon to try Freschetta By The Slice for free. I also received a really neat 6 piece Freschetta storage set. The new Freschetta By The Slice comes in 6 different flavors; BBQ Chicken, Vegetable Medley, Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom, and the flavor I picked, Six Cheese Medley. I really liked the choices that they offered as you don’t see many ‘different’ flavors when it comes to pizza like this. Also I was very pleased with how they held up to being in the microwave. The pizza tasted just like it came out of the oven. I can see these being  a good thing to eat on the go because they have a nice tray that they cook in. I liked that they only take 4 minutes in the microwave.
Though I do have to say I’m kicking myself for not trying the Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom pizza. I LOVE
Visit Sponsor's Site

Sunday Citar + Halloween

30 Oct

It’s Sunday and that means two things. First it’s time for another Sunday Citar AND we are ONE day closer to my birthday. So since my birthday is Monday I decided to use a Halloween Birthday quote this week. Also, today we had a Halloween themed birthday party for my sister’s nephews. Even though O is going as Captain America I didn’t want him to get a hole or something in his costume before he wears it tomorrow so we reused his Batman costume from last year. My nieces went as Blueberry Muffin and an adorable Monkey.

They that are born on Halloween shall see more than other folk.  ~Saying of unknown origin

Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies Oh my!

29 Oct

You may remember this ever adorable Sunday Citar post where O is cuddling a scary, yet adorable looking Zombie doll. What I didn’t do was introduce you to our newest family member. His name is Dead Ted and lets give him a big welcome! Welcome Dead Ted!  He decided to come stay with us after realizing he needed a change from his home in the Stuffless factory. Which if you visit their site gives you some interesting background information on Dead Ted so we can all get to know him better.

Dead Ted is a very detailed zombie plush. He has been measured at 18.5″ tall and has some very interesting features. For example his eye is “popped out”, He’s having trouble keeping his pants on, and his exposed brain gives you a realistic feel which is creepy AND cool at the same time. I also asked Dead Ted if it was okay to share his Ogden Hospital Patient Chart that Stuffless keeps on hand on their website. Dead Ted‘s real name is Theodore Dewitt and he was admitted to the Ogden Hospital Patient Chart on August 24th, 2016 at 4:33pm. After looking at his ‘record’ we were surprised to find out Dead Ted was a lawyer that specialized in accident compensation cases. He really excelled in the the Human secretion-related slip and fall accidents. Sadly he was a single man with no emergency contacts that lives by himself. Now here is the extremely interesting part, his medical condition and prognosis. I borrowed this quote from the Stuffless website:

Condition: Patient admitted after receiving a bite from a homeless man he was attempting to give money to. Wound resembles those of snake bites with swelling, discoloration, and some gross leakage never seen before. Patient exhibits weakness, stiffening of muscles to point of limping, and vomiting, although no loss of appetite has appeared so it just keeps coming. There also appears to be some delirium, as the patient will occasionally have an involuntarily outburst of “Brains!” then return to the present interaction without realizing what has happened.
Prognosis: Though wound seems deep, patient has been prescribed antibiotics and painkillers and been given full cleaning and care instructions. Healing should be complete within 5-7 days.

If you couldn’t tell he’s been a great fit for our family. He hasn’t left O’s side since we received his knock on our door. O makes sure he has his own pillow and stays covered up too. Mama loves all the sturdy details on him. For example O was very scared he’d pull his eye off if he slept with him but after careful examination we’ve realized that’s just not going to happen and he’s been glued to O’s side ever since. I really love that Stuffless offers not only Dead Ted the Zombie but Wolfman Puck Werewolf, and Bram Poke-her Vampire. So if your little monsters are as into those creatures like O is, these are SURE to be a hit.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Amazon Rain Refreshing Mist Review

26 Oct

I’d love to say that due to being a mother has caused me a lack of sleep but ever since that lovely puberty bug bit me I’ve had a huge problem sleeping. At this moment it’s 2:36am and I’m WIDE awake. Of course just because I can’t sleep doesn’t mean I can’t look refreshed even if I’m ‘dying’ on the inside from the lack of sleep. This is where Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist comes into the picture.

Before we start I have to admit I was a little scared to try Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist just because I’m a bit of a klutz and was terrified I’d end up blinding myself or choking to death on it, yes I know I’m not suppose to ingest it, and I can proudly say I didn’t cause myself any harm and as you’d expect, it was super easy to use. My only problem was it “clumped” up on my face and I had to use my fingers to spread it around my face/neck, and that could very well be user error. After that I had no troubles and I really loved it. But if you’ve never heard of Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist here is a snippet about the product that is taken from the website:

Feel the rejuvenating kiss of Amazon rain with Refreshing Mist. It’s a calming, cooling mist with skin purifying properties and a light, fresh scent. It gives your skin a gentle boost in hydration and keeps it looking its best—regardless of the weather.

Doesn’t that just sound pleasant? I know here it is getting into the cold, drab, dry months and I can definitely see how this is going to benefit me. After the first use I could already feel a difference. I felt more awake than I had before. Also my face looked more awake as well. I can safely say that this has being added to my daily and nightly beauty routines. The part I love the most about Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist is that all the ingredients are organic and wild-harvested. What this means is that the products have zero additives, chemicals, GMO, Gluten, colors, and all come in natural tone, color, and smell. Also Amazon Rain is donating every sale purchase to the Oliva Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center. What’s amazing is that this doesn’t happen JUST in October, but year round. They also donate some sales year round to the ACEER  (Nonprofit The Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Resources) Program which is amazing as well.  Are you interested in trying this? I hope so because one lucky winner will get his/her very own bottle of Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist to try out their self and love to pieces!
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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Wordless Wednesday Vacay

26 Oct
First time seeing my brother since he left
National Infantry Museum where they held the Graduation Ceremony
Downtown Nashville Sunrise ❤

McRib Is Back

24 Oct

That’s right, the sandwich with the biggest ‘cult’ following is back … and of course this is for a limited time only. I mean if it was available year round no one would go ballistic for it now would they? Though I have found out that it is available YEAR ROUND in Germany. Now kids hold on to your hats while I make a quick confession, I’ve never actually tried a McRib. I’ll wait while you clutch your chest and pretend to pass out from the shock of it. But it’s true, I have never had a McRib before. But don’t get me wrong I love me some McDonald’s Fries with Sweet & Sour sauce … but that McRib there just looks questionable. The meat always looks a bit rubbery and well who eats pickles on their ribs? I mean on the side sure but I don’t know if I would love them on my bbq sandwich and while I know ribs aren’t the healthiest choice for you but the McRib does no favors in that department as it has almost as many calories and fat as a Big Mac.

I knew there was that this sandwich had the likes of a “cult” following but until I read the McRib Makes a Comeback article on Yahoo and it talked about how so many people either love it or hate it that if you look on Facebook and Twitter you’ll find more than enough pages, groups, and hashtags to proclaim your love …. or your hate for the McRib. My personal favorites were “Lucky Me, the McRib is back!” It’s something I can see Creativelydad say if he liked them. I also found out from reading the article that the person who won the $1 Million Monopoly prize it off the McRib. I will admit now though that I LOVE the Monopoly game at McDonald’s so I can relate in a little bit to those that crave the McRibs lol. I also found out there is a McRib Locator?! The website creator was saying in the article that there are also are quite a variety of the McRib out there and that’s quite scary. So have you tried the McRib yet? If so are you a fan or a foe?

Kudzoom Review & Giveaway

24 Oct

You don’t have to  be a parent to know how tough kids can be on their clothes, or just how quickly they grow out of them. It can be a pain to keep constantly buying clothes. O is my tall and stick skinny kid and pants are his arch enemy. I have to buy them 2 sizes bigger an ONLY with the adjustable waistband or he’ll never get to wear them .. because you know by the time they fit it’ll be the wrong season, or am I the only one that happens too? This is why I love sites like Zulily and Totsy. I get more bang for my buck and get the most adorable clothes. But honestly there is a site that I just found out about and am in heaven with. It’s called Kudzoom and if you haven’t heard of it before you’re missing out.

Kudzoom is a a woman owned company that was founded in December of 2010. Kudzoom works in an interesting way. They focus not only on family, but the 5 important stages in life; babies, tots, kids, tweens, and moms-to-be. What I found was that at 8am cst every morning Kudzoom releases a new batch of amazing items that are available for purchase for 3 days. You’ll be the first to know what amazing deals are coming as they send out an email letting all their members know of course. What I think I love the most is their Loyalty Program, which rewards YOU based on how many purchases you make AND how many referrals you get. There are 5 levels in the Frequent Guest Program:

   • Bronze: 5 purchases shipped – $10 Kudzoom credit
   • Silver: 15 purchases shipped – $25 Kudzoom credit
   • Gold: 25 purchases shipped – $50 Kudzoom credit
   • Platinum: 50 purchases shipped – Permanent free ground shipping

I think that’s such a neat part because it’s hard to get people to sign up for stuff it seems. Though the Referral Program works the same way except the Silver level is 10 referrals. But after you see the amazing deals going on I don’t think you’ll have a problem getting people to sign up! Have you signed up yet with Kudzoom? If you haven’t go a head and you’ll instantly receive a free $5 store credit to use on your next purchase. It’s super simple to keep track of because it’s automatically added to your account. I love that there isn’t any codes to save and remember to add later. Plus they are now accepting Paypal as a payment option AND shipping to Canada! How awesome is that? But the best part is one lucky Creativelyb winner is getting the chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Kudzoom!

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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.