Sunday Citar + a Boy & His Bear

2 Oct

It’s Sunday and that means it’s Sunday Citar day! I love these days. If you haven’t heard of them before, they are a This blog quote meme was created by Tabitha @ FreshMommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now. Now this week I have to say that I just adore this photo of O and I found this quote floating around facebook and decided I needed to share that photo as well. I think the two pair well together.

“Teddy Bears — Protecting innocent children from monsters-under-the-bed since 1902”

This poor bear has been in our family for 6 years now. I saw it at my very first WWE wrestling event that came to town around 2006 and I thought the bear was so cute. He was decked out with a little white shirt and jean shorts to mimick WWE Superstar John Cena when his movie The Marine came out. I thought it was perfect for O (who was around  1.5 years at this point) but sadly it took him another 1.5 years to even warm up to him. Now they are inseparable and are best buds. In the almost 4 years they’ve been best buds he’s had one “major” repair to his man part area. He’s been through lots of rough housing with O and Creativelydad and it just wouldn’t be a family if he wasn’t around. I was glad to sneak in and get this shot. I just adore it. But here is the photo from Facebook. It’s adorable:

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