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Pittsburgh Steelers Bloggy-Bff

18 Jan

So she may not know it yet AND I probably just came off as a big creeper but I think Pam at Cupcakes and Eggplant has become my new bestest blog friend ever. Now this could sound like a creeper post but I promise you it’s not lol. First I found her blog when I was checking my stats. It was best friend forever love at first site when I realized she is a major Pittsburgh Steelers fan (a side note my husband would love that she is a Penguins fan lol). After browsing around and leaving a zillion (okay maybe it was only like) comments I stumbled across her post about another of my 2 favorite things SNL Digital Shorts and Mr. Andy Samberg. I was convinced we’d live to be bestest blogging buddies forever. Now the final nail in the coffin of my decision was the description of her about me:

What would you like to know? I am super funny, an awesome friend and an even better Aunt, a fantastic cook, a loyal Pittsburgher. Basically I am one of the coolest people you’ll probably never meet.

That pretty much sums up how I would say about myself as well (no I don’t have a big head okay?!) Now seriously doesn’t she sound like my long lost twin (shh twins DO run in my family VERY deep). I agree. It’s set in stone and I will now commence making official BBFF (Bloggy Best Friends Forever) bracelets in Black and Gold naturally to let everyone know that it’s a done deal. Now what are you waiting for?! Visit Pam’s blog and let her know how awesome she really is! Also I’ve of course linked to some of my favorite posts in here as well 😉

Blogger Spotlights

10 Jul

I’ve finally had some time to surf around the internet at some blogs that I’ve missed reading and even found some new ones that I love. I wanted to do a spotlight of sorts (hopefully as life’s been busy lol) on Saturdays to share those with everyone, I mean who doesn’t love to read new blogs right?

First up is a new to me blog,Sarah’s blog One Starry Night and at first I am in LOVE with her blog. I really adore the layout of it and the overall design. Another thing that drew me in was her post I Gave Up On Having A Mom. If you’ve read Creativelyb you know my mother and I don’t speak and we’ve never had a great relationship. I can relate in a lot of ways to her post and it made me sad for her, me, and both hers and my boys. It’s sad when the most toxic relationship in your life comes from someone that should be there to protect you …. not break you. Then of course Sarah has some very beautiful photographs on there as well like The Lotus, or any of her other posts really.

Next I have a VERY big sweet tooth and when I seen this blog being spotlighted on Angry Julie Monday‘s blog I just HAD to share with you guys. First thing I fell in love with is this Snickers Caramel Cheesecake Cookies and while I’m not a big snickers fan, I can NOT wait to try these with Twix candies cause I think they will be amazing. Also, how neat is it to use those interesting muffin top pans to make these. Definitely a trick I am going to try next time. Also another recipe that caught my eye were the Creamy Roasted Garlic Mashed PotatoesBacon and Cheese Egg McMuffin Cups, and finally the Blackberry Cream Cheese Muffins With Sweet Berry Drizzle. How lovely do these sound? Also how beautiful are these photos? Yes I’m a sucker for a good photograph and Jenny at Picky Palate definitely offers that.

Finally, your last stop would be the ever funny Brittany at The Greer 5. I love reading about her family …. what can I say I’m nosey lol. But also cause her kids come up with some of the funniest stuff ever and I almost always leave with a giggle and smile. Plus who else would put that they have bad credit in their about me? Yes Brittany would and I would too lol if I had one lol. You have GOT to check out her post titled Stop Kissing His Wife definitely will give you a good giggle. Another good giggle is her post Get Out!, I can definitely relate to that one as most moms can lol.