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Sweet & Spicy Cornflake Chicken Strips!

8 Jan

I LOVE cooking, it might not always come out right but I love it. I am addicted to Food Network and especially the cooking challenge shows. So when I seen that Lori at A Cowboy’s Wife was having a cooking challenge at My Wooden Spoon I was ALL over it. The challenge was to use the 3 ingredients somehow in an original recipe. The ingredients were corn flakes, hot sauce, and honey.

So my first thought was Sweet and Spicy Corn flake chicken tenders and fries. This is so good and a big hit with the hubby and son (though I think that Jeff was shocked I didn’t burn myself with the oil).

2 eggs
1 tablespoon water
5-8 shakes of hot sauce (it will balance out with the honey but add according to YOUR tastes)
2-3 drizzles of honey (again add this to your taste)
1-2 lb chicken (I’ve done this with breasts and tenders; just cut your meat into strips if needed)
4 cups crushed Corn Flakes
Dry seasonings if desired (I used favorites of mine such as Famous Dave’s Steak seaoning, onion salt, and garlic powder)
Vegetable Oil for frying

In one deep dish/bowl combine the cornflakes, flour, salt, pepper, dry seasonings and toss to make sure they are mixed up good. Use a fork to whisk together the wet ingredients. Dip the chicken into the egg mixture and allow some of the liquid to drain off to make sure the cereal mixture sticks. Next toss into the cereal mixture until evenly coated. Once oil is hot enough (I test by sticking a small chuck of bread half way in and if it sizzles it’s ready lol) place chicken into the pan and fry for 6-8 minuets a side (or you can bake them; 350 for 30-35 minuets for breasts and 400 for 8-10 minuets for tenders). When they are done place them on a towel to help drain off some of the oil.

While those are cooking I popped my frozen fries into the oven per the directions on the package. As those are cooking I put two teaspoons of butter into a microwave safe bowl with a few shakes of hot sauce and a couple squirts of honey (again these are to taste) and a 1/2 a teaspoon of garlic powder. This mixture gets a minuet or two in the microwave. When your fries are done just toss them with the butter mixture.

This turned out SO yummy I can’t even tell you. Like I said we aren’t very big on hot sauce and honey but Owen and I LOVED it on the tenders, we put just the right amount where you got a hint of it but it wasn’t over powered by the flavors. Plus they were so easy to make, I can see me doing this recipe more often now and am glad to tried it. So what are you waiting for?! Head over to Lori’s blog and get your entry in by January 20th for your chance to win a $50 gift card to

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