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Crock Pot BBQ ChickChos Sandwiches

18 Aug

Around here when I say we love nachos it’s an understatement. That’s probably my favorite thing to make. Along with BBQ chicken those are the most requested things from my family. Well the other night I made Pulled BBQ Chicken subs for O and Jeffery. I thought that they were good (your normal bottled sauce/chicken sandwich) but needed a bit more. So there in lies how BBQ ChickCho Subs were made (or at least what O calls them). Now how you add the ingredients is really up to what you personally prefer so that’ why there are no measurements lol.


  • Chicken broth
  • Buns
  • Chicken Breasts (I use 3-4 breasts)
  • BBQ Sauce (I mix two different brands)
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Lettuce
  • Sour Cream
  • Other NachoTaco toppings
To start I put the broth in the crock pot (about 1/4th-1/2 of the way) and add my chicken breasts. I have a whacked slow cooker and my chicken cooks in about 2 hours on high or 3-4 on low. Cook chicken to 95% done then take out of the slow cooker and let rest for a few minutes. While chicken in resting drain out any broth left inside. I save about a 1/2 to 1 cup of the left over broth to add to my bbq sauce but that’s personal preference. Next add the BBQ sauce and left over broth. The next step depends on how you like your chicken. I prefer it shredded but if you want it diced/sliced that’s cool too. After your chicken is cut/shred add it back to the slow cooker and let go for about 30 minutes or so.

Now I know you’re wondering how to get that crunch in your sandwiches right? Well of course the lettuce is a little crunchy but I toast my buns before I serve these and that helps with the nacho crunch. You could also add some crushed taco shells but then that would defeat the point right? After the buns are toasted and the chicken has had time to play in the bbq sauce go ahead and assemble these how you would your nacho/tacos. I made mine with lettuce, sour cream, cheese, and an avacado. Jeff is anti-healthy foods so he just had sour cream and cheese. O loves his with lettuce, cheese, and sour cream. Though for him we set aside some chicken without BBQ sauce because he just doesn’t like it and I tried his sandwich and can attest that they are just as yummy with or without the bbq sauce. You could even do this without the slow cooker and use your favorite taco seasonings, though I love to use my slow cooker for all my meat cooking. Then serve with any of your favorite sides. That night we had mac-n-cheese and mashed taters.