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P365 Layout

16 Apr

Made using  P365 Bundle Volume 2 Bundle from Wishingwell Creations

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Live in Concert Layout.

11 Mar

Ana has an adorable new kit that came out today. It’s called Lovely Clown and I knew it was perfect for our Jim Gill photo. I used a cute template by Amy Martin that is also the Lilypad Template freebie.

This kit comes with 56 assorted elements and of course 12 beautiful papers (includes solids and patterned papers). Also it’s on sale today for 20% off and comes with a free with purchase gift. This kit is perfect for those great outtakes in life that we are lucky enough to catch on photo, or better yet is a PERFECT excuse to go ahead and do a silly faced photo session. How fun would that be?! I know that’s one of the best things I love to do with O, and I suspect he loves it more than I do if that’s possible. So what are you waiting for? Go buy it today!

Creative Digi Scrapbooking Pages

7 Mar

Fam[ily] using Double Blessing by Sugar Fancy

Love Always using Just Love Me by the Sugar Girls

Layout – The Climb

16 Mar
It’s the 15th again (well the 16th now) and that means the Gutter Girlz have a new challenge up. Prompt #35 left some great creative ideas:

THE SONG: The Climb by Miley Cyrus

Now love or hate Ms. Cyrus, you can not deny that this is a very powerful song that you can relate to no matter your musical tastes. I read this months items and I just knew I had to use these to get a layout out that I had been trying to do many times. As many of you may or may not know through various scattered posts on here, Jeff and I have had a VERY rough 6 years together and I don’t think we’ve spent a whole married year together without a any real heartache. I believe we’ve spent 4 of the 5 years married on separation for various amount of months and then add in the stuff with my grandma passing away, battling my own demons inside and everything that comes along with the bumpy road that is life, I forget to stand back at times and realize just how amazing Owen really is. He’s so smart (sometimes too much for me), quick witted (or around here the adults call it being a smart ass lol), funny, and so gifted in just about ANYTHING he wants to do in life. Sure my judgment of him may be clouded and he can be way to hyper sometimes but this little boy has been through so much it makes my heart hurt. All the stuff me and Jeff went through hurt but I can’t imagine how much it hurt him until he started to tell us “You guys are married be nice to each other.” or the fact that we live in his aunt’s basement and he rarely gets to play with anyone that isn’t me or Jeff and is quite often being loud at the wrong times. But despite those ‘flaws’ he is well behaved (most days), friendly, and caring of everyone around him. I don’t know how I was lucky enough to have this beautiful little boy but I think God (and my grandma lol) everyday for him because I don’t think I could be this strong without him. (Okay enough tears …. wait that’s just me)
If you want to see the layout in all it’s glory I loaded it up here to the Sweet Shoppe Gallery and you can see all the credits that go with it as well.

Gutter Girlz Challenge

9 Mar

I found this great paper scrapping blog called Gutter Girlz and fell in love with it. If you’ve never seen the blog you really have to. I love how they offer different ways to pull your layouts together, it leaves for a variety of ideas. Plus with the challenges being on the 15th of the month it gives you a great chance to get something wonderful done. If you’ve never heard of this blog make sure to check out Da Rulz. Now on to Challenge #34;
I’m Still Sugar and Spice
One of the Boys by Katy Perry
Ribbon/Bows AND Dirty Socks

(lol I didn’t have any dirty sock stuff but I did use the ribbon/bow combo ha! and the layout is clickable to see credits)

Lucky Charm Templates

28 Feb

I made these for the challenge at Ginger Scraps (will link up when the forum is running) and just had to share with you guys. I’ve been dabbling around with creating digital scrapbook things and my favorite is templates. So here is my first set, I included the .psd files and the .tiff files. There are 5 templates in the folder as well. Here is a preview:

Nothing major lol  but if you use them please share as I’d love to see what you do with them. (I’ve broken the links to just the psds and just the tiffs. If you need other methods please let me know)

Layout: A is for …

6 Feb

First I know some said they couldn’t get my blog to load. I’m thinking the background before might have been the problem as I realized it was a huge file so I decided I wanted a lighter kinda feeling anyhow since I’m just tired of Winter lol so if anyone can’t load it still please let me know so I can still tweak it and figure what needs to go lol (also if the colors are too bright let me know too they don’t look bad on my end but I can’t go around viewing them on everyone else computers lol)

Here is my layout for the A is for … challenge at the Hodge Podge blog I like how it came out lol and when I seen “A is for…” the first thing I thought of is how Awesome I am …. or at least in my own mind lol!

Awesome of course!

Kit: I am a Princess by Shawna Clingerman
Font: Gimme Space by Darcy Baldwin
Template:Topography no. 29  by Spotted Dog Designs

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Layout: Just You and I

2 Feb

A digital scrapbook layout that I made from a photo of me and O goofing off while Jeff was in the store lol:

Kit: I’ve Been Waiting For This Moment by Lauren Grier
Font: Gimme Space by Darcy Baldwin & Lauren Reid
Based off Leslie’s Layout Enjoy Life Everyday

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Project 365; Week 1 the layout

8 Jan
Here is my layout from the photos this week in my Project 365 challenge I’m doing:
It’s linked up to the scrap gallery it’s in to get the full credits.

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Scrapbooking: The Outtakes

4 Jan
Credits can be found by clicking the layout.

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