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Spotlight Carnival Finds

7 May

Wow it’s blog carnival time again and I’ve already found some wonderful giveaways to enter. So sit back and get ready to be amazed!

Well first I found this 24 hr. giveaway from Dee @ twoofakind, and she is giving away a $30 gift card to Now don’t worry that it’s a quick contest because she is giving you an enormous amount of ways to get extra entries; including an endless tweet option…if you’re a twittering fool that’s just up your alley!

Next I stumbled upon a $15 itunes giftcard that jodibee is giving away! Now I’m a HUGE music person and with what I’m hoping to get for mother’s day (I mean come on I layed out all the clues and everything…lol) this would come in super handy! This one is open until the 11th, but you don’t want to dilly dally around on it!

Then wandering some more I found that apsychmommy is giving away a bracelet or necklace (winner’s choice) and one charm with engraving from things remembered. How awesome of a give away is this?!

Well that’s all I’ve gotten so far. Check back later for more great finds and don’t forget to hit the blog giveaway page to find ones I might’ve missed 🙂

Another Etsy Giveaway!

31 Oct

Well before we get to the last giveaway of the carnival, I wanted to make a Public Service Announcement and state the following:

Now on to the good stuff lol.

Next we have this amazing giveaway from Anna at Beaddazzle. I just LOVE her store, and the idea of how she came up with the idea to do an Etsy store is really neat as well. But first lets get to somethings that I love of hers, the necklaces are just beautiful:

as well as some beautiful bracelets too:

aren’t these amazing? Also, just to get to know here better I sat down and talked to her and asked her some questions, she’s an awesome gal and really nice to talk to….here is how it went:

Q: Tell us a little about yourself please.

  • I have been married to my college sweetheart for 19 years which is funny because I feel like I’m still in my 20’s! I have three children – a 14 year old son who is a freshman in high school, a 9 year old boy who is in 4th grade and a 5 year old daughter in Kindergarten. I have been a stay at home mom since my oldest was born. I love art and I have always had a need for a creative outlet. I began making jewelry 6 years ago when my niece was born. I had purchased a personalized rosary for her baptism, but it was made with plastic beads and I knew I could use my artsy side to make it using quality components. I taught myself to make jewelry and my love of beading was born!

Q: How did you come up with your etsy name?

  • I wanted to find a clever name that described my store. Since crystal beads are so sparkling and “dazzling” it seemed like a perfect fit!

Q: What is your favorite piece you’ve made so far?

  • Wow, now that’s a tough question. I love the crystal pieces. There is so much sparkle that I have not been effective at capturing in photos. So often a customer writes me when they receive an item to tell me that it is more than they expected from the photo.

Q: Where do you find your inspiration the most?

  • Most of my pieces have a story behind them. My Down syndrome awareness pieces are inspired by my 3 year old niece who has Ds. When she was born, my entire family was introduced to the world of Ds and special needs, and for that I thank my little niece every day! I have expanded my awareness line when I am touched by someone affected with a health issue. Each piece has a real person behind it as my inspiration. My rosary pieces are inspired by my Catholic faith and by my mother who has always taught me to pray the rosary. And my children’s pieces are inspired by my daughter. She is a very girly girl and loves to wear glittery and sparkly things so we often collaberate to design pieces for little girls.

Q: What are you doing when your not making jewelery?

  • My kids’ ages are so far apart and they are all in very different stages of their lives so I spend a lot of time going to their various functions and volunteering at their schools. I also do a lot of volunteering at my church. I am involved in a committee that matches volunteers with less than fortunate families to be adopted for Christmas. It is a very rewarding program!

The Prize is This amazing necklace (if you win Anna is willing to swap this necklace out for a different one, a max value of $40) :

How to ENTER

  • visit Anna’s Etsy page and tell me what is your favorite piece.
  • If your address is NOT on your blog/profile please leave it in the comment so I can reach you if you win. No email address anywhere means no entry.
  • For extra entries; follow me on the blog, add my button, follow on twitter, and/or subscribe to my feed. Please leave a separate comment for each thing you do.
  • For those NON BLOGGERS just email 2 people and add my email address (on my profile) in the Cc.
  • The winner will be picked at random by
  • This giveaway is open until Nov 13th 11:59 p.m. central standard time.

ps don’t forget the other giveaways I have going on: aPassionforFashion-Etsy Store and the other great giveaways in the Blog Carnival

Mystery Grab Bag

30 Oct
*This Contest Is CLOSED*

Well it’s thursday here and that means ANOTHER giveaway in my awesomeness that is my birthday week….or okay also the blog carnival lol. Well I always love grab bags or goodie bags as some people call them… that is what I’m giving away today! A grab bag of stuff you’re sure to love. It could be anything like a couple books, a brand new razor, some other girly stuff….or some man’s deoderant…..okay not really lol. but really it will definititely be something you’ll love and to enter it’s super easy….

To Enter:

  • Leave a Comment with a way to contact you should you win.
  • For extra entries, add my button, twitter me, blog about it, or subscribe to my blog and leave a comment for any extras you do 🙂
  • If you don’t have a blog, email me and for an extra entry send it to 3 people and my email in the cc: section.
  • US/Canada Residents only sorry.

The giveaway ends Friday at 11:59 p.m cst and winner announced on Saturday Nov 1st.

ps don’t forget the other giveaways I have going on: Starbucks, Avon, aPassionforFashion-Etsy Store and the other great giveaways in the Blog Carnival