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Mompact: Review and Giveaway of Kidzikoo

18 Sep

As adults don’t you hate it when your can or bottle starts to sweat? What about when it makes your hands cold? Well we know the logical thing to do would grab one of those can koozies you keep in the cupboard and don’t think twice about it. But have you considered how your KIDS feel when they have this problem? I never honestly thought about it with O, but after watching my nieces I realized M’s sippy cup was sweating while we were outside playing. She kept fumbling with the cup due to it having the condensation and that took away from our fun time. Obviously Can koozies are going to be too big for your little one’s sippy and bottles, so what do you do? Well you get yourself a few Kidzikoos of course.

What you haven’t heard of Kidzikoos before? Well then good thing you stopped by Creativelyb because I’m going to tell you all about them. Kidzikoos are fabulous and functional koozies for your children’s boring sippy cups or bottles. They come in 5 different prints that have 2 variations per print, or if you’re like me and like surprises you can pick the surprise me option. Now before we go any further I have to let you read how creator and Owner of Kidzikoo tells you how this awesome product came to light:

One morning last October, Landon was sitting on my lap as he was drinking his cold milk out of his sippy cup. He reached back and put his little hand on my cheek and it was FREEZING.  I chuckled and said to him “burrrr, you need a koozie for your sippy cup!”  So, I marched upstairs to the computer to search for baby bottle/sippy cup koozies, thinking they would be found at any retailer.  Well, much to my surprise, I found NOTHING!  Immediately the light bulb turned on and the idea was born!

I’ve had this happen more times than I can count with O and my nieces/younger cousins but I can tell you I’ve never thought of putting a koozie on their cups or bottles!  Also you have to visit Kidzikoo’s website to see adorable photos of her and her inspiration for this product. Her son is just way too cute. After trying out the Kidzikoo with my niece I have to tell you this is definitely a product that works and will come in handy not only with keeping hands warm but they are perfect for identifying your child’s cup/bottle out in playgroups, as well as they help stop those water rings that seem to pop up everywhere once the cups and bottles are given to mobile toddlers. I think those were my biggest pet peeves with O even if he didn’t understand what was going on. Lol it’s kinda hard to yell “COASTER … COASTER!!” to a toddler and not get the look of having 3 heads growing out of you. Now the Kidzikoo design that I chose was the Lucia Print (pictured above) and how cute are those little owls? I love this pattern for baby/toddler products. Not only did I love it, but my sister took it home and told me it was the best thing she had ever seen. She loved not having the watery mess from M’s cup all over the place.

Now here comes the fun part. I’m taking part in the Mompact Blog Hop and what this means is not only am I giving away a Kidzikoo just like the one I received, but there are 120 other blogs participating and offering up some amazing prizes from other amazingly talented Mommy inteventors.

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If you get lost or are already a subscriber to Creativelyb, just go visit Mompact to start at the beginning. You do NOT want to miss these giveaways, trust me! Now go ahead to the NEXT Mompact Giveaway!