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Mama’s Got a Job sike

4 Nov

You spend hours online, around town, going store to store, or worse a combination of the above hoping that out of the hundred job applications at least ONE person would call back. You spend your days GLUED to your phone because heaven forbid you miss the most important call ever. Quickly shooing family and friends off the phone as to not tie up the line …. even though you have call waiting.

Then one early morning your phone rings, you jump out of  bed so quick your husband thinks he’s been having an affair with Flash. Of course you try to calm yourself down AND wake up at the same time as to not sound groggy or anything other than eager, happy, and calm on the phone. You answer and hear the words you’ve been waiting MONTHS to hear “We’d love to schedule an appointment with you.” Calmly you schedule the interview, double check to make sure you’ve hung up the phone, and scream excitedly as you do your ultra cool celebration dance (so what if it’s only ultra cool to you) of course waking everyone up in the process.

Next comes the VERY important task of what to wear? You of course can NOT find the entire outfit at the same time. You’ll have your best dress shirt found but can’t find your pants. ‘Don’t panic’ you calmly tell yourself and start to politely pull out all your drawers one at a time to see if you can find them. When you do you’ll next be looking for the lost dress shoes since you can’t very well show up to the interview in your favorite worn out Chuck Taylors. This causes a panic and while you’re thrashing around your room like some crazed animal the offspring will of course need SOMETHING. This causes you to start howling like a jungle animal that you have to do EVERYTHING and just can’t pause until you find your shoes. Which in the end you know you’re going to have to suck it up and buy new ones, only to find your others AFTER the interview.

Interview time comes and you’ve got everything you need. So excited you end up 60 minutes early to your interview. Of course this causes you to panic and you start arguing with yourself (In your head of course you wouldn’t want to look like a crazy lady). After what feels like an eternity you’ve passed enough time to show up a few minutes early. You ask where you’re suppose to go and blindly walk around the building trying to remember the directions you received from your (hopefully) future co-worker (while silently cursing at yourself for not coming in sooner since you’re obviously lost). Finally you find the office and are relived to find out you are still a little early. Waiting .. waiting … ready … ready .. finally someone comes out and says you’re next. This is where it gets ugly.

You hear the words NO unemployed person wants to hear … “Um … hm … uh Please excuse me for not having your paperwork or anything I didn’t know we were hiring and just found out I had to do your interview” Did you hear that? Listen a little carefully. Yup you are correct that is the sound of my heart sinking faster than the Titanic. You talk to yourself into calming down enough to not reach over the ridiculously long table and throttle her. At this point you’re ready to just go home but of course they have to act like they are going to consider you for a position they didn’t even know needed anyone. You answer awkward questions, explain your work history looks like crap because you’ve been raising your beautiful offspring. Which no one cares about or even takes into consideration. Don’t they know what kind of skills they are missing out on as they turn their noses up at us Stay At Home Mothers? We’re referees, personal chiefs/drivers, we have to manage our time wisely to get everything done all the while multi-tasking so good it would make your head spin. But no when they hear those words you’re choking on they think of one word LAZY.

Of course they have to end the interview by walking around the store showing you everything for when you get hired. All the while you know they are pulling your leg just from how they are talking, why not call it a day and not waste anyone’s time and be done with the interview? Well because they are getting paid to waste your time. Why else would someone call up someone for an interview and conduct it while walking around the store? The store isn’t that big so obviously what ever I looked like wasn’t right for you. I’m sorry if I’m not preppy enough, tall enough, or what ever it is you’re looking for but what you’re missing is that I’m still a PERSON not just a name, number, and reference listed on a paper. Do you get kicks out of stringing people? Getting a job is just like getting in a relationship. You have a few bad apples that nearly kills it for the whole bunch. But when you find that one good apply you hold it because you know how special it is …. even if you’d rather gouge your eyes out with a rusty spork.

I Heart My Kitchen

3 Nov
(c)beastiegirls breaking (bad)

If I had to pin point my favorite place in our apartment it would have to be the kitchen. I just enjoy cooking as it is something fun O and I can do together. I can use it as a learning tool to teach him what are healthy foods and what needs to be ate in moderation. For example, I’ve decided we both need to expand our fruit taste buds and see what we do and don’t like. So I decided that a fun thing to do was make our own jam or jelly.  This would be great cause well I always wanted to make our own jam/jellies and I can help eliminate some of those excess sugars and preservatives. I figure what goes better with jam and jellies than using our awesome toaster to warm up some toast and bagels. O loves helping in the kitchen and I know he’d love to be able to spread on his own breakfast toppings.  Plus it’d be an extra special treat as we can share some giggles and talk about what- ever is on his mind.  I think that’s what makes this my favorite room in the house. O gets lost in what he’s doing and doesn’t realize he’s opening up to me. I love it because I know we’re heading down the path where he doesn’t want to talk much about his day or problems and that makes me a sad mama.
Though after all that talk about what I love most about my kitchen I have to say that the worst part is the clean up. I really love having a dishwasher and it makes life a lot easier. I’ve decided that no matter what when we get our own house I’d just got to have a dishwasher similar to the hotpoint dishwasher.  It just looks like it can kick some dirty dishes butt doesn’t it? I am lazy when it comes to dishes. Next to laundry that’s probably my most hated ‘chore’. But I realized that having a good dishwasher really helps because if I’ve got to pre-rinse or what-ever to my dishes before I load the dishwasher up I might as well do it the ‘old fashioned’ way and hand wash them right?
So what is YOUR favorite room in the house?

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

McRib Is Back

24 Oct

That’s right, the sandwich with the biggest ‘cult’ following is back … and of course this is for a limited time only. I mean if it was available year round no one would go ballistic for it now would they? Though I have found out that it is available YEAR ROUND in Germany. Now kids hold on to your hats while I make a quick confession, I’ve never actually tried a McRib. I’ll wait while you clutch your chest and pretend to pass out from the shock of it. But it’s true, I have never had a McRib before. But don’t get me wrong I love me some McDonald’s Fries with Sweet & Sour sauce … but that McRib there just looks questionable. The meat always looks a bit rubbery and well who eats pickles on their ribs? I mean on the side sure but I don’t know if I would love them on my bbq sandwich and while I know ribs aren’t the healthiest choice for you but the McRib does no favors in that department as it has almost as many calories and fat as a Big Mac.

I knew there was that this sandwich had the likes of a “cult” following but until I read the McRib Makes a Comeback article on Yahoo and it talked about how so many people either love it or hate it that if you look on Facebook and Twitter you’ll find more than enough pages, groups, and hashtags to proclaim your love …. or your hate for the McRib. My personal favorites were “Lucky Me, the McRib is back!” It’s something I can see Creativelydad say if he liked them. I also found out from reading the article that the person who won the $1 Million Monopoly prize it off the McRib. I will admit now though that I LOVE the Monopoly game at McDonald’s so I can relate in a little bit to those that crave the McRibs lol. I also found out there is a McRib Locator?! The website creator was saying in the article that there are also are quite a variety of the McRib out there and that’s quite scary. So have you tried the McRib yet? If so are you a fan or a foe?

Dear Dora

29 Aug

Dear Dora,
  I hear that you had a birthday recently and I just want to say Happy Birthday to you. I’m sure you had a big birthday bash and don’t worry I’m not mad about not getting an invitation. Don’t worry I’m sure the mailman just lost it, you know how careless those guys are, what with dogs chasing them and all.

Now another thing I’d like to talk about is your listening, I’m starting to think you may have a problem dear. I could understand that you maybe didn’t hear the friends watching once or even twice, but to have them screaming at you is a little rediculous don’t you think? I am surprised your mother hasn’t made a doctor’s appointment yet for you.

But then that is probably because she lets you wander all over God’s creation doing what ever you please. We live in a technology filled world were EVERY person has a cell phone and you’re telling me your mother didn’t at least give you one to call if you were in an emergency? What with that creepy Swiper the fox that follows you around I’m quite shocked she hasn’t. Speaking of creepy things and techonology, why didn’t your parents at least give you a GPS? I would think that would be more reliable than a talking map. Speaking of the talking map, if he talks why do you keep asking us a million times where something is? I’m also starting to question if you need glasses because 9 times out of 10 the object is right behind you. This is very old and while I love that I can plop my children down and they learn a foreign language, I am not sure I like you teaching them to act dumb. I mean you’re an explorer shouldn’t you be able to do this on your own?

Also after we complete the problem I don’t like you taking credit for all my hard work. I mean I’m the one yelling at the map, telling you where Swiper is, showing you the objects, and even helping you when you can’t see what is in your never ending backpack. I don’t see where you helped solve anything. This all seems so misleading and defintiely teachs the kids that if you tell them no swiping you’ll still have your stuff. I’m sorry but all you end up with is a black eye and all your stuff stolen … not fair at all. So while I enjoy the adventures we go on, I don’t like how you are so oblivious to everything, I mean what is up with Boots and Izza? We all hear the way she talks to Boots but he just doesn’t get it. He’s a blue talking monkey with red boots that hangs out with a girl that has a talking map a bottomless talking backpack, he can not be picky with things that like him. I’m sorry if this ruined your birthday high but I just had to get it out Dora, that’s what go friends do right? I just think you need a little help before we can hang out again. Maybe parents that actually care where you’re going, though if all you do is act deaf and blind at home I can see why they never want you there, and who you’re talking to would do you some good. Again this is just from one friend to the next, remember I love you Dora!

Love your best friend forever,


p.s. This letter is just a joke and based off all those funny (well to me) groups you see on Facebook If you’d like to join this meme then head over to Written by Mys

Unemployed Need Not Apply

18 Jun

Logging into my yahoo mail account started like any other night, until an article about being unemployed caught my eye. After reading this article on Yahoo and it really irritated me. I have a not so great work history mainly due to things OTHER than my work ability … I mean I was 6 months pregnant helping to set up a Dollar Tree in our area because I needed the money. I’m not above putting in some work. My last job was horrible but I stuck it out and then once Grandma got sick and passed away I fell into this whole of depression and I quit cause I couldn’t even leave the house …. I think hating the job so much made it harder to get out and go to the job.

Anyhow, the article stated that some companies are ONLY looking to hire people that ALREADY have a job. This just blew my mind. Sure there are people out there with horrible work habits/ethics and others that are unemployed for other reasons than you can put on a job application (which by the way take an eternity and a half to fill out I swear). I have applied to so many places I seriously can NOT keep track. I’ve applied to jobs that I just didn’t think I’d ever apply because well I need the money (and I’m no job snob either lol). It’s hard enough in this economy to get a job, why make it harder by only hiring those that are employed. I mean what’s stopping them from using YOUR company as a stepping stone to get that job that pays just a little bit better than you do? Who is to say that hiring someone who has a job isn’t going to half ass their job as   compared to someone that hasn’t held a job in months and would work their ass off to make sure they keep it.

I don’t know, maybe because I need a job so very bad that I just am irritated with this article and because sadly it could make sense as to why I’m not getting call backs. I will still fill out those applications but a small part of me will be asking myself do I really want to waste my time with this? I also agree with the author of the article when they wrote that hiring like this is not smart because you could be missing out on the best person for your company. I was also shocked to find out this was NOT illegal and I just don’t see how this can be. It seems almost like us unemployed people are being discriminated against because we can’t find a job or someone to give us a break. My grandpa made a good point that most companies want someone with experience … yet no one wants to give someone who hasn’t been employed or unemployed for awhile a chance which isn’t cool. I know that the companies are probably being overwhelmed with applications because so many people are out of work but really they should expect this you would think … unless they’ve been under a rock for awhile.

I don’t know just my fifty cents worth of commenting on this as it made me really irritated, maybe because it hits so close to home for me.

photo credit to lawrencechua

What is a Good Wife

5 Jan
I was reading a post from Nicole at The Pink Chandelier and she was talking basically about how a friend of hers commented about her day and that she was tired but made a great dinner. Then Nicole talked about her reply that she isn’t one for cooking (lol it’s okay me either) and that if she doesn’t feel like cooking she doesn’t (again same thing here lol) and I was a bit intrigued by what her friend replied with.

Her response was that her hus­band enjoys a nice meal, and that she wanted to be a “good wife”.

This interested me because well if that’s what makes a good wife, I must be the shittiest one out there lol. We eat out 4-5 of the 7 days a week (on some weeks not every) just because I don’t want to cook. It’s a bad habit I know and I’m trying to get out of it by doing that thing where you cook enough food for a whole month in one day and freeze it all so you just pull it out and cook it. I think that will be great because I love cooking but I HATE the process that it takes to make something good and by the time I’m done cooking I’m not even hungry lol.

Then it got me thinking and I was reading this article called The Good Wife’s Guide that is more than likely not true (thanks snoops lol), and again I must be a horrible wife. We haven’t had any kind of sexual relations since at least June. Granted we’re living in Jeff’s sister’s basement with our bed area being RIGHT under her and my 5-year-old niece’s bedrooms and Owen being less than a foot away from us it is a bit uncomfortable to think of having sex lol. I am HORRIBLE when it comes to domestic stuff like dishes/laundry/general cleaning. I mean I do it but it’s not like a lot of people I know and we have to practically be out of EVERYTHING before I get around to getting laundry done.

Now before anyone starts the rock throwing and calling DCFS It’s not like there are roaches and mice running around cause it’s not. I could take a picture and show you how messy it is and you’d be like “yeah it’s not that messy” but to Jeff it seems like it’s rock bottom or something. For me it goes back to being at home. Growing up while mom and dad worked, we were expected to get the list of chores done by the time one of them got home. There was 3 of us that had our own set of chores, well somehow it ALWAYS came down to ME doing the cleaning/picking up for EVERYONE mainly because I didn’t want to get in trouble and if I had left their chores undone it still would’ve left us ALL in trouble so what ever. Now it’s just like seriously I DON’T want to clean anything. It’s bad habits for Owen I know and believe me it’s changing but it’s hard.

So really I just find it interesting on what people/society consider a “Good Wife” and what isn’t. It’s like I tell Jeff if he helped more I’d BE more inclined to get things done but he doesn’t so it gets done when I get to it. My mom told me “Well you’re a housewife that means…” and I cut her off with an I know what a housewife is and I’m sorry but we’re not int the 1950’s anymore. I’m a housewife because I can’t get anyone to hire me, not because I want to be. Plus Jeff works THREE days a week and is home by 7:00pm every night. Why is it going to hurt him to help the FOUR days he’s off of work?

I don’t know, to me I don’t see cooking a 4 course meal, keeping the house in hospital like cleanliness, and all that stuff as being a good wife. I think that in this age of everything us women/moms/wives should be getting help around the house as well. I don’t think that is asking to much at all.

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