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Free Schar Sample

19 Oct
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Schar for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Screen Shot 2011-10-12 at 10.37.57 AMLately I’ve noticed a lot more Gluten-Free foods and recipes, which is great since we are deciding if we should take on the Gluten-Free lifestyle. Last year Creativelydad’s sister found out she had Celiac Disease. It’s amazing how less options there were for her than compared to now. After his sister was diagnosed, Creativelydad contemplated getting tested but he’s of the mind that he doesn’t want to know. So I’ve decided we are going to try swapping out Gluten foods and try brands like Schar, which after doing my research I’ve found to be the leader in Gluten-Free foods and I just found out from visiting Schar club they are doing a re-launch on products like their baguettes, sub sandwich rolls, and the ones I’m most excited to try the Ciabatta rolls. Those have always been my favorite.
Once I got to the Schar club website I realized they were giving away  a free sample of their ciabatta rolls to the first 2,000 members who request them. Once I signed up I found the place to request your free sample to be a bit tricky to find. After you log into your account, on the left hand side you will see a column titled “toolbox” and under that column, you will find the word “Giveaways”. Just click that and then you will be taken to the page to order your free Ciabatta sample! I can’t wait I bet they are YUM!  Does anyone in your family suffer from Celiac disease? What great recipes are you thinking of trying with your free ciabatta sample?
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Everyday Meals Made Gluten-Free

29 Aug

I don’t know if I mentioned it before but Jeff’s sister was diagnosed about 2 years ago with Celiac Disease and thus needs to be on a Gluten-Free lifestyle. I on the other hand have a lactose intolerance problem ever since becoming pregnant with O. Yes it’s been almost 7 years and I still can’t drink a glass of milk and have been weaning myself off of things that use milk in them. So when I was asked to review the CookingLight Gluten-Free Cookbook I was really excited because not only can we now have everyone over for dinner, but I’ve been wondering if I was suffering from Celiac Disease as well since I’ve noticed some small problems. I figure this would be a great way to test it out until I can get to my doctor for the proper testing. It’s also great that many restaurants are starting to cook more gluten-free options on their menus. I have seen a lot more cereal from General Mills being gluten-free and even the ever awesome Rachael Ray is cooking more gluten-free as well. This is amazing to hear because just 2 years ago we could rarely find things available for my Sister-In-Law and of course that means things we do find are so much more expensive. Thankfully that’s changed drastically around here. Some are pricey but the options are better than they were.

Now my very favorite part of this cookbook is that it starts right away with breaking down what Celiac Disease and Lactose Intolerance are. This is great not only for the person browsing this book in the stores, but those that may have family members suffering from such diseases. This allows them to connect with the family member a bit better because they’ll have a better knowledge of what it is they are suffering from. Also this cookbook gives you tips on how to turn your kitchen into the optimal Gluten-Free kitchen. For example it suggests buying 2 of things such as butter and peanut butter if you must buy them in jars so the people that eat wheat don’t contaminate your product and causing it unusable to. It also suggests that while that is a costly method, it might be better to buy things in squeezable bottles to avoid cross contamination. Those are things that you probably would over look if you weren’t on a gluten-free diet OR due to the stress of having to change your entire lifestyle depending on when you find out.

There are so many amazing recipes in this cookbook. Classics like Onion Rings, Beef Roast, and Meatloaf, and new fun flavors like Banh Mi-Style Roast Beef Sandwich or Portobello and black been Quesadillas. They even point out what products MAY contain gluten and you should double check the labels of that brand. With 150 recipes there is bound to be many things everyone will love. So if you know a loved one/friend who suffers from Celiac Disease or Lactose Intolerance, you yourself deal with these problems, or just want to change your lifestyle, well this is a cookbook you will love having at home!

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.