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Kudzoom Review & Giveaway

24 Oct

You don’t have to  be a parent to know how tough kids can be on their clothes, or just how quickly they grow out of them. It can be a pain to keep constantly buying clothes. O is my tall and stick skinny kid and pants are his arch enemy. I have to buy them 2 sizes bigger an ONLY with the adjustable waistband or he’ll never get to wear them .. because you know by the time they fit it’ll be the wrong season, or am I the only one that happens too? This is why I love sites like Zulily and Totsy. I get more bang for my buck and get the most adorable clothes. But honestly there is a site that I just found out about and am in heaven with. It’s called Kudzoom and if you haven’t heard of it before you’re missing out.

Kudzoom is a a woman owned company that was founded in December of 2010. Kudzoom works in an interesting way. They focus not only on family, but the 5 important stages in life; babies, tots, kids, tweens, and moms-to-be. What I found was that at 8am cst every morning Kudzoom releases a new batch of amazing items that are available for purchase for 3 days. You’ll be the first to know what amazing deals are coming as they send out an email letting all their members know of course. What I think I love the most is their Loyalty Program, which rewards YOU based on how many purchases you make AND how many referrals you get. There are 5 levels in the Frequent Guest Program:

   • Bronze: 5 purchases shipped – $10 Kudzoom credit
   • Silver: 15 purchases shipped – $25 Kudzoom credit
   • Gold: 25 purchases shipped – $50 Kudzoom credit
   • Platinum: 50 purchases shipped – Permanent free ground shipping

I think that’s such a neat part because it’s hard to get people to sign up for stuff it seems. Though the Referral Program works the same way except the Silver level is 10 referrals. But after you see the amazing deals going on I don’t think you’ll have a problem getting people to sign up! Have you signed up yet with Kudzoom? If you haven’t go a head and you’ll instantly receive a free $5 store credit to use on your next purchase. It’s super simple to keep track of because it’s automatically added to your account. I love that there isn’t any codes to save and remember to add later. Plus they are now accepting Paypal as a payment option AND shipping to Canada! How awesome is that? But the best part is one lucky Creativelyb winner is getting the chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Kudzoom!

RafflecopterSettings = { raffleID: ‘MmMzYmEwNGQ3MjQ2Njg0YTZiNTFiNDZhNzVlMDVlOjU=’};<a href=””>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Freschetta is Proud to Support Pink Giveaway

17 Oct

I’m sure you’re aware that you’re well aware that October is National Breast Cancer awareness month. All of your favorite comanies and brands are showing their support and Freschetta is no different. Freschetta is helping in a program called Proud to Support Pink. I think that’s really awesome of them and this hits close to home for me because not only did my great-grandma pass from what started as Breast Cancer, but Creativelydad’s mother is a Breast Cancer survivor as well and I was really excited to be asked to talk about their contribution to the Proud to Support Pink program. In doing so I received a prize pack that contained a coupon to try any Freschetta pizza 12oz or larger for free, as well as, two (2) pairs of Freschetta Proud to Support Pink earbuds. One is for me to keep and the other to giveaway to a real life family member or friend as a reminder of proactive health. I decided to give the other pair to my awesome sister. She loved them and what Freschetta is doing. We still haven’t used the free coupon yet because well we can’t decide what we want to try yet.

Now if you haven’t heard about the Proud to Support Pink program, it runs from Sept 25th – Oct 31st and on specially marked packages you’ll find a a code that you will enter at their Proud to Support Pink website. The purpose of these codes are to help Freschetta reach their goal of a $50,000 donation to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Not only will each code you enter donate  $1 to the center, but you will also be entered to win 1 out of 50 Pink iPod Shuffles that they are giving away each week in October. As if that wasn’t enough, they will also be donating 50 pink iPod shuffles each week in October to 4 cancer centers around America so that breast cancer patients will be able to enjoy them while going through their treatments.

How amazing is that? Want even more savings, than visit the Freschetta website to print off a $1 coupon for your next purchase!
RafflecopterSettings = { raffleID: ‘MmMzYmEwNGQ3MjQ2Njg0YTZiNTFiNDZhNzVlMDVlOjQ=’};

<a href=””>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Cafepress Review & Giveaway

27 Sep

I can’t believe it’s been 3 months since my brother left for boot camp. He graduates in 23 days and I’m so proud of him. It’s been hard not having him and I had a little surprise for O two weeks ago, my brother got a 36 hour pass and I let O answer when he called. He was so excited! He had so much to tell my brother and kept mentioning how he loved getting mail from my brother and hearing about what weapons he’s using and the other things he’s learning as well. After the letters started coming in I knew that I wanted to find something for O as a keepsake box. I didn’t want something big and clunky, but something that would sit on his dresser next to the other things he loves. When I was contacted by Cafepress to do a review I knew this was the perfect place to find some amazing Army related products.

Cafepress‘ “Brave Like My Uncle” keepsake box is made of lacquered Alderwood and measures 5 1/4″ sq x 2 1/8″ and has a 4 1/4″ tile and hinged lid. It’s perfect for all of O’s letters and he just loves looking at it sitting next to his batman bank and baseball trophy. Every time someone comes over he makes sure that’s the first thing they see. I really love how sturdy it is and that it’s able to hold his favorite little items. Also the design on the tile is so cute. Being the awesome sister I am, I knew how much my brother’s girlfriend was missing him and wanted to do something really nice for her. In our conversations I remember her telling me about how she couldn’t wait to give him a big hug and that’s when it hit me. Why not look at the Army Girlfriend Throw Pillows? As soon as I loaded the page I found the PERFECT pillow. I purchased a pillow for the dragon shortly after my grandma passed away and I remembered how soft they were and perfect for those nights when you needed something to hug. I was right too, S loved the pillow and I was able to deliver it to her myself, with a big hug too, on a not so good day and I could tell it definitely brightened her spirits, though sadly in all the excitement I forgot to get a photo .. I know bad bad blogger!

Now the best news of all? Cafepress is giving one lucky Creativelyb reader the chance to win $50 CafePress Coupon Code that can be used on coffee mugs, funny t-shirts and more! How awesome is that? Plus with Rafflecopter the entering couldn’t be easier! Find out below:

RafflecopterSettings = { raffleID: ‘MmMzYmEwNGQ3MjQ2Njg0YTZiNTFiNDZhNzVlMDVlOjI=’}; <a href=””>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Mompact: Review and Giveaway of Kidzikoo

18 Sep

As adults don’t you hate it when your can or bottle starts to sweat? What about when it makes your hands cold? Well we know the logical thing to do would grab one of those can koozies you keep in the cupboard and don’t think twice about it. But have you considered how your KIDS feel when they have this problem? I never honestly thought about it with O, but after watching my nieces I realized M’s sippy cup was sweating while we were outside playing. She kept fumbling with the cup due to it having the condensation and that took away from our fun time. Obviously Can koozies are going to be too big for your little one’s sippy and bottles, so what do you do? Well you get yourself a few Kidzikoos of course.

What you haven’t heard of Kidzikoos before? Well then good thing you stopped by Creativelyb because I’m going to tell you all about them. Kidzikoos are fabulous and functional koozies for your children’s boring sippy cups or bottles. They come in 5 different prints that have 2 variations per print, or if you’re like me and like surprises you can pick the surprise me option. Now before we go any further I have to let you read how creator and Owner of Kidzikoo tells you how this awesome product came to light:

One morning last October, Landon was sitting on my lap as he was drinking his cold milk out of his sippy cup. He reached back and put his little hand on my cheek and it was FREEZING.  I chuckled and said to him “burrrr, you need a koozie for your sippy cup!”  So, I marched upstairs to the computer to search for baby bottle/sippy cup koozies, thinking they would be found at any retailer.  Well, much to my surprise, I found NOTHING!  Immediately the light bulb turned on and the idea was born!

I’ve had this happen more times than I can count with O and my nieces/younger cousins but I can tell you I’ve never thought of putting a koozie on their cups or bottles!  Also you have to visit Kidzikoo’s website to see adorable photos of her and her inspiration for this product. Her son is just way too cute. After trying out the Kidzikoo with my niece I have to tell you this is definitely a product that works and will come in handy not only with keeping hands warm but they are perfect for identifying your child’s cup/bottle out in playgroups, as well as they help stop those water rings that seem to pop up everywhere once the cups and bottles are given to mobile toddlers. I think those were my biggest pet peeves with O even if he didn’t understand what was going on. Lol it’s kinda hard to yell “COASTER … COASTER!!” to a toddler and not get the look of having 3 heads growing out of you. Now the Kidzikoo design that I chose was the Lucia Print (pictured above) and how cute are those little owls? I love this pattern for baby/toddler products. Not only did I love it, but my sister took it home and told me it was the best thing she had ever seen. She loved not having the watery mess from M’s cup all over the place.

Now here comes the fun part. I’m taking part in the Mompact Blog Hop and what this means is not only am I giving away a Kidzikoo just like the one I received, but there are 120 other blogs participating and offering up some amazing prizes from other amazingly talented Mommy inteventors.

RafflecopterSettings = { raffleID: ‘MmMzYmEwNGQ3MjQ2Njg0YTZiNTFiNDZhNzVlMDVlOjE=’}; <a href=””>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

If you get lost or are already a subscriber to Creativelyb, just go visit Mompact to start at the beginning. You do NOT want to miss these giveaways, trust me! Now go ahead to the NEXT Mompact Giveaway!

Sunglasses Warehouse Giveaway

23 Sep

You may remember the review I did recently for SunglassWarehouse, well I’m back to offer up a GIVEAWAY for one lucky reader and entering couldn’t be any easier. To be entered to win a $20 giftcard to Sunglass Warehouse just leave a comment telling me what you’d love to win from them.

Want extra entries?

 Giveaway ends September 30th, 2010 and open to US & Canada only

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Anytime Costume Giveaway

8 Sep

Halloween has to be my favorite time of the year …. but I’m slightly biased because I’m a Halloween baby lol. What I also love is that Oj wants me to dress up with him the last 3 years. I love it and it’s kinda our ‘thing’ since Daddy isn’t a big fan of it lol. So when  was able to review a costume from Anytime Costumes I was really excited and of course Owen wanted to help me pick it out. Of course since I was going out with Oj and the in-laws I didn’t want to go in a costume that was more appropriate for an Adult party. I was relieved that Anytime Costume offered an OUTSTANDING selection of costumes that I felt fit into this category. In fact it took us forever to decide on one and in the end Mama’s gonna be a police woman!

That’s right we decided on the Cuff Me Cutie. I liked this choice because it included pants/capris and we live in Northern Illinois … by Halloween we’re freezing our booties off lol! Cuff Me Cutie includes the following items:
  • Black sequin cropped pants (Oj’s favorite part lol)
  • Stretch woven shirt with fishnet back and shoulders
  • White belt
  • Night stick baton
  • Plastic handcuffs 
I’ve only had this thing a week and I can’t tell you how many times he’s asked for the ‘toys’ that came with mama’s costume. I get the pout and ‘but please I won’t break them’ reply when I say no. We were both sad that the hat wasn’t included but that is an easy fix lol. What I really liked that the pants weren’t skin tight. They were tight enough that nothing was hanging or sagging but I didn’t feel self-conscious in them. These pants were Oj’s favorite part of the costume. He kept telling me “Mama I love your pretty shinny pants!” LOL and even was the first thing he told his daddy when he got home. Another thing  I liked was it included some accessories. I know that is usually they only include the clothes but with this I got plastic handcuffs and a plastic night stick. These will get a  great playtime after Halloween by Oj that’s for sure. Also the belt is NOT attached to the pants. This is a great thing because then after the holiday you can use the belt with other items. I like when costumes are able to be used for more than Halloween.
My main complaint would be that the shirt didn’t fit right. It is described as a stretchy shirt but the non-mesh parts I didn’t feel stretched as well. Also the sleeves were pretty tight on my arms and it made for an uncomfortable feeling. With the shirt not fitting right it made it rise up more than I was expecting and more of my midsection showed than I was happy with. So when ordering make sure you take your measurements, unlike me, to make for an overall fit.
Now the best part is Anytime Costumes is giving one lucky reader the chance to win their own Halloween costume (up to $50 value) and entering is easy peasy. Just head to and let me know what you would pick if you won.

Want extra entries?

  • Follow my blog publicly on Google Friend Connect
  • Leave a RELEVANT comment on any of my other posts (please comment back here with link to post) *multiple entries allowed*
  • Follow me on twitter at @creativelyb 
  • Follow Anytime Costumes on Twitter @anytimecostumes
  • Fan Anytime Costumes on Facebook
  • Sign up for my RSS feed 
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  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • Become a fan of CreativelyB’s New Facebook Page.
  • Post about this giveaway on Facebook, please leave a comment with the URL to where you posted.
  • Follow me on Facebook Networked blogs located in my sidebar
  • Tweet this giveaway: I entered to win a Halloween costume from @anytimecostumes at @creativelyb and you can too (1x per 24 hrs )

 Giveaway ends September 15th, 2010 and open to US only

I will be checking to see if all requirements are met so if you are missing a comment that is why. Also you may need to resign up if you were using these services before the name change last month

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Pink Digital Photo Keychain Giveaway

6 Sep
Congrats to Heather!!

If you didn’t know by now I’m a huge photograpy nerd, I’m also not a big fan of purses. I just can’t find the right one. So keeping photos in a wallet was out of the question as I just carry something big enough for the essentials … or hand it to Jeff to hold in his pocket lol. I hated running into an old friend and not being able to show off my beautiful kidlet or family … that is until I was able to review a Digital Photo Keychain. Now I was able to take my photos with me and show off to all my friends/family. Now I know what you’re thinking “Brandy that thing looks tiny how in the world will I be able to fit enough photos on there?!” or even “That keychain looks tiny I’m sure the picture is horrible” Which I’d have to respectfully disagree with those questions and here is why:

My keychain came from and I honestly couldn’t be happier with it. Not only is it great for hold a lot of photos, it’s a great lesson teacher as well. Now before you ask, it teaches you the age old lesson of not judging a book by it’s cover. This handy little digital photo keychain hold 140 photos … and before you ask, I’m a picture taking fool and I could only at the moment fill up 21 photos on this thing so I KNOW you can hold a ton of photos on there. Also, the picture viewing quality is really great. While the photos are cropped down they do NOT look blurry or anything like that at all I was really impressed (note in my photo it is a blueish tint to it due to me not having a working camera and having to use my husband’s cell phone to take photos it does NOT look like this in person). Now here are a few more positives that I love about this keychain:

  • It’s pink (lol)
  • It’s easy to use
  • There is NO software to installation
  • Though Software to add photos (just plug in USB cord to activate it) is VERY easy to use
  • Automatic resizing/cropping and keeping GREAT quality of photos.
  • USB cord also is a charger for the keychain.

Now the only thing I didn’t like about the keychain was you had to make a separate folder on your desktop to add the photos to the keychain. I didn’t like I wasn’t able to brow my folders to add them individually.Other than that this would make a GREAT stocking stuffer or even gift for the grandparents/relatives that live far away. Or if you’re a photographer this would make a great addition to your packages or add-ons (can you tell I don’t know how that whole process works)!

The Giveaway!!
Main Entry: Just visit and leave a comment telling me what other product of theirs you would love to give someone special for Christmas.
Extra Entries

  • Follow my blog publicly on Google Friend Connect
  • Leave a RELEVANT comment on any of my other posts (please comment back here with link to post) *multiple entries allowed*
  • Follow me on twitter at @creativelyb 
  • Sign up for my RSS feed 
  • Sign up for my newsletter
  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • Become a fan of CreativelyB’s New Facebook Page.
  • Post about this giveaway on Facebook, please leave a comment with the URL to where you posted.
  • Follow me on Facebook Networked blogs located in my sidebar
  • Tweet this giveaway: I entered to win a digital photo keychain at @creativelyb and you can too (1x per 24 hrs )

 Giveaway ends September 13th, 2010 and open to US & Canada only

I will be checking to see if all requirements are met so if you are missing a comment that is why. Also you may need to resign up if you were using these services before the name change last month

Sponsored by
This Product Was a Free Giveaway and any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

UPrinting Sticker Label Giveaway

6 Jul

I don’t know about you, but as the mother of a 5 year old, labeling things is a MUST. I know that it makes things A LOT easier for Owen to find when we label them, especially since he’s becoming more and more independent. I think that not only are these sticker labels great for labeling things such as toy bins, books, or even games but these labels would be a creative and neat way to send gifts, address your envelopes, bumper sticker printing, or even share baked goods with your favorite neighbors. There are a lot of possibilities for these neat things and great for just any topic too.

Now by now you should know that I just adore UPrinting and their printing services. I love that they offer a lot of different products and allow you to be creative with how you design these products. This is why I’m very excited to offer you guys the change to win 250 Stickers/Labels on 70lb Label Matte 2×3.5″, 2×4″, 3×3″ with Full Color Front and a blank back.

Your MANDATORY entry is to tell me what you’d use these Sticker Labels for if you won.

Want Extra Entries?

  • Follow my blog 
  • comment on any of my other posts (please comment with what post it is)
  • Follow me on TWITTER 
  • Sign up for my RSS feed 
  • Sign up for my newsletter
  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • Tweet this giveaway: I entered to win 250 Sticker Labels from @uprinting at @creativelyyours and you can too (unlimited )

This giveaway is limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. This giveaway ends on July 12th, 2010.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

UPrinting Greeting Card Giveaway

15 May
Contest is CLOSED; congrats to LAURA for winning the Thank You cards

Who doesn’t love getting mail that isn’t bills? Also how great does it feel to get a thank you for that thought out or hard to find gift? How often have you forgot to get those thank you cards and felt bad about it? Well than do I have something for you.

If you didn’t realize by now, UPrinting is my favorite printing companies and I really like the options they offer. Another great thing I love is that they offer a lot of different options on their print folded cards want to make sure you are happy with your final product. 

Now for the fun part, UPriting is giving one lucky reader the chance to win (50 ct.) 7 x 5″ (folded to 3.5 x 5″) Custom Thank You Cards with plain envelopes! how exciting! Entering is easy as well:

Just tell me what you would use your thank you cards for! Want extra entries then see below:

  • Follow my blog 
  • comment on any of my other posts (please comment with what post it is)
  • Follow me on TWITTER 
  • Sign up for my RSS feed 
  • Sign up for my newsletter
  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • Tweet this giveaway: I entered to win 50 thank you cards and envelopes from @uprinting at @creativelyyours and you can too (unlimited )
Giveaway ends: May 27th, 2010 at 11:59 cst and is open to US Residents only.

Organically Grown Giveaway

2 May
I was recently contacted by Organically Grown baby to host a giveaway, and after viewing their beautiful site I couldn’t wait to share it with you guys. I was interested in these products because I’ve been starting to realize that organic clothing (or even food) doesn’t have to be as bad as it’s shown to be. As if that didn’t help any, when I read this from the information provided to me by the company I knew that I was making the right choice in not being afraid of Organic clothing:

As the awareness of the effect that pesticides and toxins have on the environment and individual health grows, more and more families are realizing the importance of choosing organic products. Making this choice is not only good for our earth; it is good for all of us. With your help, organic textile production will increase, becoming more of a standard in the clothing industry.
If you haven’t already, now is the time to choose organic fabrics for you and your family. Organic cotton has all the high quality, soft and cuddly texture with none of the harsh chemicals to irritate your child’s delicate skin. Our products are not only breathable and cuddly; they are also recyclable, renewable, and biodegradable. With products by ORGANICALLY GROWN, there is no need to compromise between your budget and your conscience. As well as being ECO-FRIENDLY, our clothes are AFFORDABLE and STYLISH.

Now if you don’t know by now, cotton is so popular and makes up half of all textile sales. Now not only is organic clothing helping the Earth, organic cotton is helping to improve the health of farmers by preventing and reducing debt, water pollution, and fatal pesticide poisoning of farmers and their families. Aerial spraying of pesticides can drift through the air onto farm workers, as well as neighboring wildlife and communities.
For those that haven’t heard of Organically Grown before here is a little about their clothes:

TODDLER: As you know, we have recently added Organic Toddler Clothing to our collection. The collection is comprised of adorable two-piece outfits for boys and girls in sizes 12-24 months, and 2T-4T. With the cute and eco friendly slogans on each of the sets’ t-shirts, your toddler can wear their heart on their sleeve with a new message every day of the week!
INFANT: Also, be sure to check out our Infant Collection! Some of our best sellers include three-piece sets with baby gowns, body suits, jackets, pants, blankets and hats, all on padded hangers and priced between $12-38.
I really love organic clothing and I love how cute they can be, and Organically Grown is no different. Who doesn’t adorable baby clothes for those special cutie pies in our lives? Well you’re in luck because there is a giveaway for an outfit from their new spring line. Entering is super easy as well all you have to do is answer this question: 

Why is organic important to you?

This contest is open to US only and closes at 11:59 cst on May 9th. Also due to inventory, the winner will pick a size and color while the company will choose what STYLE the winner will receive.