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Take A Seat Up At The Counter And Enjoy The Comfort And Style

2 Nov

Maybe you want to remodel your kitchen to include a counter top table that doubles as a breakfast nook, and are not sure where to start. A good carpenter can make recommendations about how high a counter needs to be in order to work as a table. Perhaps the builder will suggest that the counter top overhang the side of the cabinets it rests on to give diners some leg room when they belly up to the breakfast bar.

When it comes to choosing seating for your kitchen tabletop arrangement, you’ll probably want to select bar stools rather than more traditional kitchen table chairs. The main reason for forgoing more standard seating with back rests and perhaps arm rests, too, is the height of your new breakfast table. It’s likely going to be much too high to accommodate standard chair sizes. Countertops are usually set at a given height to make it easier for the cook to work, and that’s normally higher than your standard kitchen tabletop.

Bar stools have at least two advantages over standard chairs: they’re available in tall sizes that are perfect for countertop tables, and they take up less space in a kitchen than do standard kitchen chairs. It’s easy to move them out of the way in the event that you want to use the countertop table to chop vegetables, or perform any other kitchen task.

In addition, bar stools are often quite comfortable seats, despite the fact that some, but not all, lack backrests. You might expect that sitting on a stool for extended periods of time might be tough on the back, but it’s amazing how easily you can adapt to perching yourself on these kinds of seats. After all, punters at bars and pubs are known to sit on backrest-free seating for many hours without strain. And if you’re planning to use your new countertop dining area for breakfasts, no one is likely to be sitting at the counter for such a long time.

Stools are popular with many because they come in many different styles and are made from an assortment of different materials. You can find them with cushioned and upholstered seats, or plain tops. They can be constructed from metal or wood, and can be painted or stained any color imaginable. They are flexible to use in places where there is limited floor space, and they’re often light enough to be easily picked up and moved.

They can be elegant or rustic, and you can use them not only in your kitchen, but also at your home bar or workbench. Those with bars in their home often choose seating constructed from good-quality wood and stained a becoming shade that goes with the décor of the room in which you wish to place them.

Many will have armrests and backrests, but you can also find simpler models that that have paired down features, especially if simplicity is more your style. Some bar seating for the home is constructed from light-weight but sturdy aluminum, which is particularly easy to move, and can take a lot of abuse without showing scratches or dents.

There is a world of different choices available to you with bar seating, so have a seat and try them out, and you’ll likely find the design that’s just right for you.

Evaluating the Stuff

14 Oct

Contribution by Saul Martin

There’s nothing like moving in with someone to really make you evaluate all your crap and deciding what’s important to you and what’s not! My boyfriend and I just took that step but it’s been a lesson in futility, at least from my end. We both had a ton of stuff and junk to deal with and we’ve had a heck of a time moving it all into this house. We’ve purged and given away a lot of it but it’s just been harder than I think either of us thought it was going to be. I got us a security choice alarm when we first moved in and Dave bought us cable TV for the first time which has been nice but honestly, we need to go through and clean out again because this house is just too full! I just can’t imagine why people accumulate so much stuff but we’re going to get rid of it once and for all no matter what it takes. I just need to set my mind to it.

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Should You Get A Pet For Your Children?

2 Oct
This is a guest post written by Darren05

As a parent the day will come where your children will ask to get a pet. Understanding the responsibility that comes with a pet is important to both the parents and children. What happens many times is that the child will want to get a pet and once the new glow of being a pet owner has worn off it then becomes the responsibility of the parents. If you are a parent that decides it is okay for you to be the responsible caregiver then this is all good. If you are a parent that wants to teach your child responsibility then there are a few things to think about.

  • How old are your children? The age of your children will have a great influence on the type of pet that is appropriate. For a smaller child or children beginning with a pet that is easy to handle and care for will not only teach responsibility but also not be a huge burden if the children change their minds. One of the best examples of a small pet is something like a hermit crab that stays in a small container and does not require a lot of care.
  • For the children that are a bit older but have never had pets a guinea pig or hamster is a good start. These pets do require a bit more care. They are also a bit more costly then something such as a hermit crab. The hamster or guinea pigs cage will need to be cleaned at least once a week and they will require more food. These types of pets should also be socialized which means they will need to have some time spent with them. If the cage is not kept clean it is important to explain that the pets can get sick very easily and this is a very important responsibility.

Getting a pet for you children can be a very rewarding family experience. If the responsibilities are followed then the pet can be enjoyed without the bickering of who is responsible to do what chore.

One of the best things that many parents do is before the pet is even brought home a “contract” is drawn up. If there are multiple children each child can be assigned a task. The task should be age appropriate and gentle reminders might be needed. In the beginning the reminders are fine but it should not have to be a constant thing to be reminding the child of his/her responsibility multiple times a day.

For the pets that require more attention such as a puppy it is important to realize the care and attention that will be needed. If Johnny has agreed that he will walk the puppy at certain times of the day then decides he is too busy the puppy will still need to be walked. This is where getting a family pet can cause some stress in families. The puppy still needs to be walked and almost always becomes the responsibly of one of the siblings or the parents.

With careful consideration the perfect pet can be picked for children. The cost and work involved in having a happy and healthy pet need to be first priority. If you are seeking a pet to teach your children responsibility be sure it is something you are still able to care for if things do not work out and the children become “tired” of the newest family addition.

I write on many family-related topics, including how to use people search sites to find long-lost family members and so on.