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Happy Easter

4 Apr

Easter is a hard one for me because it’s the start of my “downer season” as I have officially nicknamed it. Easter was the last holiday we got with Grandma and one I remember quite well obviously. I can recall the sounds/smells/emotions and just the general important parts of it. It was the last holiday that was spent how the last 23 years of my life were spent on major holidays. Of course 3 weeks (well from this Easter as 2 years ago it was March 22nd … my niece’s 1st birthday none the less) after that everything in my little world fell apart and so from Easter until May 3rd I’ve found myself fall into a bit of a dark period these last two years. So I am trying my hardest to feel into the holiday (and not just go through the motions) for myself and O but it’s hard let me tell you if I didn’t have O I’d probably spend all Easter in bed sleeping so I didn’t have to deal with it.  Now besides the cuteness that is O lol I just have to show you his eggs:

How cute are those eggs? I love the little face stickers and they are almost too cute to eat …. almost. I think they just add an extra personality to the eggs that is definitely like O’s personality …. all silly faces all the time lol! Also some of those stickers were placed just right to help hide any dye mistakes lol! So did Peter Cottontail make a stop at YOUR house this year? He already visited here and O’s going to be sooo excited as he is ALL about the drawing, writing, coloring lately. Mr. Cottontail found an adorable Crayola basket full of markers, chalk, crayons, and even a coloring book. What I love is that the basket can be reused for a cute storage bin that has a mini chalkboard on the side! That Peter is quite clever too as he filled the basket up with extra goodies that O adores like the White Oreo Cookie Straw things, a Reese Piece “Carrot”, Reese Peanut butter cups, a Spongebob Egg, some Yo-Gos in a VERY helpful container to hold them in. He even thought to bring O a Twix candy bar! I can’t wait to see how excited he is lol!

From my family to yours I hope everyone has a happy, safe, and blessed Easter!