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Captain America + Jason

2 Nov

Sunday Citar + Halloween

30 Oct

It’s Sunday and that means two things. First it’s time for another Sunday Citar AND we are ONE day closer to my birthday. So since my birthday is Monday I decided to use a Halloween Birthday quote this week. Also, today we had a Halloween themed birthday party for my sister’s nephews. Even though O is going as Captain America I didn’t want him to get a hole or something in his costume before he wears it tomorrow so we reused his Batman costume from last year. My nieces went as Blueberry Muffin and an adorable Monkey.

They that are born on Halloween shall see more than other folk.  ~Saying of unknown origin

Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies Oh my!

29 Oct

You may remember this ever adorable Sunday Citar post where O is cuddling a scary, yet adorable looking Zombie doll. What I didn’t do was introduce you to our newest family member. His name is Dead Ted and lets give him a big welcome! Welcome Dead Ted!  He decided to come stay with us after realizing he needed a change from his home in the Stuffless factory. Which if you visit their site gives you some interesting background information on Dead Ted so we can all get to know him better.

Dead Ted is a very detailed zombie plush. He has been measured at 18.5″ tall and has some very interesting features. For example his eye is “popped out”, He’s having trouble keeping his pants on, and his exposed brain gives you a realistic feel which is creepy AND cool at the same time. I also asked Dead Ted if it was okay to share his Ogden Hospital Patient Chart that Stuffless keeps on hand on their website. Dead Ted‘s real name is Theodore Dewitt and he was admitted to the Ogden Hospital Patient Chart on August 24th, 2016 at 4:33pm. After looking at his ‘record’ we were surprised to find out Dead Ted was a lawyer that specialized in accident compensation cases. He really excelled in the the Human secretion-related slip and fall accidents. Sadly he was a single man with no emergency contacts that lives by himself. Now here is the extremely interesting part, his medical condition and prognosis. I borrowed this quote from the Stuffless website:

Condition: Patient admitted after receiving a bite from a homeless man he was attempting to give money to. Wound resembles those of snake bites with swelling, discoloration, and some gross leakage never seen before. Patient exhibits weakness, stiffening of muscles to point of limping, and vomiting, although no loss of appetite has appeared so it just keeps coming. There also appears to be some delirium, as the patient will occasionally have an involuntarily outburst of “Brains!” then return to the present interaction without realizing what has happened.
Prognosis: Though wound seems deep, patient has been prescribed antibiotics and painkillers and been given full cleaning and care instructions. Healing should be complete within 5-7 days.

If you couldn’t tell he’s been a great fit for our family. He hasn’t left O’s side since we received his knock on our door. O makes sure he has his own pillow and stays covered up too. Mama loves all the sturdy details on him. For example O was very scared he’d pull his eye off if he slept with him but after careful examination we’ve realized that’s just not going to happen and he’s been glued to O’s side ever since. I really love that Stuffless offers not only Dead Ted the Zombie but Wolfman Puck Werewolf, and Bram Poke-her Vampire. So if your little monsters are as into those creatures like O is, these are SURE to be a hit.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

EdenFantasys Halloween Costume Ideas

18 Oct

If you didn’t know by now, Halloween is my favorite time of year. It’s not just because that happens to be my birthday but because I love getting dressed up with O in fun Halloween costumes. I know these moments are going to be ending soon and I want to cherish them while I can. I was browsing online and stopped at  EdenFantasys after looking for a fun Addams Family type costume. I of course didn’t want to look like I belonged in some ‘dance’ club, I just wanted to go out and have a fun time trick or treating with my kid. Also since we live in the Midwest I wanted something I could add layers too without it looking a hot mess. Then it happened. I landed on the this Haunted House Mistress costume. It looks so bad ass doesn’t it? I love that I can easily “mom” this by adding a black (or maybe even red for a pop of color) tank top under it and some black leggings will really blend in I think. Plus it gives me more warmth as we’re walking around outside. I think this will play off of O’s Captain America costume well. I’ll just use some costume makeup to make my face look like a monster and it’ll be a blast! So since we’re about 2 weeks away from Halloween (eek really two weeks?!) has everyone decided on what they are going as this year? What about the candy? What kind of goodies are you giving out to the trick-or-treaters? Are you going for  traditional candy or healthy alternatives?

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Not Exactly Wordless Wednesday

10 Nov

Not so wordless I know but I had to share this because you see the guy in the middle with the mask? Mr. Phantom of the Opera guy? Yeah him. Well not only do I have a love for Phantom of the Opera, never seen the play but I read a book (that I can vaguely remember) about it and it stuck. Mr. Opera is equally important because in the 25 years that I’ve been blessed to be walking this earth I’ve NEVER seen another one except for my Grandma’s.

Interesting on it’s own yes, but guess where he was sitting by. Go ahead I’ll let you guess. He was sitting in between 2 trunks … on the right was nothing but Green Bay Packer stuff and on the left nothing but Chicago Bears stuff. It may not seem like much to you but I cried. My grandma was a die hard Green Bay Packer fan and my grandpa is a die hard Chicago Bears fan. Speaking of the Packers I noticed a big coincidence that after Grandma passed Farve wanted out of Green Bay. I know I know but my broken heart could not resist making the connection lol.

Friday Finds halloween

3 Sep

By now we all know how addicted to Etsy I am, as well as that I’m a Halloween baby. I love all parts of Halloween naturally and the best part has to be the costumes. I get sad around Halloween though because we are always so cold that we have to bulk up under our costumes, though one year it was warm enough Owen didn’t have to have 5 layers under his costume so that was great lol. Speaking of that, I have some great posts coming soon about all things Halloween …. yes I’m early but I just can NOT wait!!

First up is this very cute Thing 1 & Thing 2 costume.Can you just imagine if you had twin girls and how adorable they would look in these costumes?! Aren’t those skirts adorable? If I had the cash I would so buy this for my nieces lol. I can see this being a cute costume for some best friends too! Now maybe those aren’t your cup of tea, well they also offer some of the CUTEST storybook characters I’ve seen from a store like this. Does your child love Alice In Wonderland (how CUTE is this photo I love it), Cinderella, Snow White, or even Little Red Riding Hood? Well you’re in luck, these cute costumes are sure to be a big hit, and think of all the cute photos you’ll get! Not a fan of Halloween? Well what about college football? They also offer UGA, Florida Gators, Auburn Tigers, Texas Aggies, Bama, and even Tennessee Vols. If there is a team design you’d love to see they even have a section to design your own! I know if we ever have a little girl I’m going to have to order a Purdue one cause the hubster is a HUGE Purdue fan lol. While I’m a fan of their costumes/college skirts I really love their other items as well. I know a little girl that is just perfect for the Yummy Sweet Popsicle Treat skirt and the very adorable Zebra Embellished skirt.

Now not to leave the boys out I found some really neat costumes from Sandyland Creations. Maybe you have a little Tinkerbell at home who is lost without her Peter Pan, well not anymore! How cute is this costume? This fun costume comes with a hat, shirt, and pants! Not only would this be great to accompany Wendy or Tink out trick or treating, but definitely good for those rainy day indoor play times. Next I found one of the cutest Pirate costumes around. This one comes with a long sleeved top and pants with jagged edge, a sash and a hat. Again what I love about these kind of costumes is how well they hold up AFTER Halloween is over. Finally this one was a special find because it brought back a lot of memories of my sister and I dressing up as as a Pumpkin for Halloween, though we did the old school way and I was stuffed with like 2 weeks worth of newspaper to make sure I was a fat pumpkin lol! Now if those weren’t cute enough what are YOU and the husband going to be? You don’t have to have a fun party to attend for a reason to dress up, join in with the kids I can guarantee they will love it. I’ve done it the last two years with Owen and he gets so excited. Now Sandyland has a great suggestion for you, His and Her Fred and Wilma costumes! I think these are adorable and maybe next year I can talk the husband into dressing up with us as this.

So the next time you need Halloween costumes or even a good dress up outfit for your children, why not check out Etsy? I can guarantee you’ll be surprised with what great trinkets you’ll find …. and you’ve been warned you could spend HOURS on that site …. its’ addictive but I love it. Have you shopped at Etsy lately? If so what great finds do YOU have to share?

Wordless Wednesday

4 Nov
This is my favorite photo from our Halloween fun:

Grandma & Grampas oh how special they are

31 Oct

I was doing my daily travel around the blog world and I came across two touching posts. First there was this post by Robyn at Robyn’s World, where she talked about her grandma had passed away today. Then there was Also this one by Kasey @ All Things Mama about how today is the anniversary of her mother’s passing. I sat here and I just cried because I know how it feels to lose someone so special as a grandma (and in many ways she was like my mother). It’s hard because you don’t realize how special they are until it’s their time to move on. Of course with my birthday today and it being a 18 months since I lost my grandma two days later it has hit me pretty hard, and I think it always will.

Of course it also makes me extremely guilty for not getting to spend time with my paternal grandparents due to the feeling of their time will come as well. Also, I sadly don’t know how to be around my other grandpa since my grandma left because well we’ve never dealt with him other than to ask for a push up, cookies, or to stay the night. So now I’m left with the feeling of what do I say to someone I’ve never really talked to on any real level? It makes me very sad.

Then there is the feeling of my entire world crumble right underneath me. I’ve always felt like I had a huge family because the holidays consisted of me and my 2 siblings, my mother, my uncle, aunt, 3 cousins, my aunt’s siblings, my Grandpa’s sister and brother and their spouses and I just remember the house full of noise, the ‘boys’ parked in front of the sports game and Grandma running around the kitchen afraid that the food wouldn’t be done. When in reality she was done early and most of it was cold by the time everyone ate. My hubby always said he’d never get use to the cold food, though I told him she does own a microwave, and I realized that while it was cold, it was always the best food ever. I always couldn’t wait to get over there and start eating. No one ever complained either and there were usually not that many leftovers so she was doing something right.

Plus she always had her house decorated for Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. Her big bay window housed many holiday scenary and us grandkids (and great grandkids) loved to go and rearrange it how we thought it should be. I know she always got a laugh out of it. I also remember quite a few times her asking us to help get the big lighted ornaments out of the attic, only for her to shout down from the ladder “Watch out for the mice/rats that may be dead/up here!” That was always a ‘fun’ time for sure lol.

So many good stories I could really go on forever, but no one wants that so I’ll stop here. It’s my birthday (officially in an hour and a half lol) and I’ve been neglecting to go out to the cemetery and see her, which I’m doing today. I know part of it is because it’s so hard to deal with when I leave, but I need to get out there more before it snows because it’s always a calming place for me, almost like a check your problems at the car door kinda thing. Weird I know but what can I say? I’ve always been an odd ball.  So I hope everyone has a great Halloween and gets lots of sugar. Also, make sure you give your grandparents, spouse, kids, and loved ones an extra hug today just to let them know you love them, as if they already didn’t know.

Wordless Wednesday — I love this photo

28 Oct
From pumpkin carving Monday night:

1st time punkin carving lol

27 Oct

Not bad for my very first time carving out a pumpkin huh? It’s suppose to say batman with a bat under it but eh you can’t tell. I’m not happy with it, but Owen loves it so that’s what matters right?