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Fun Halloween Jewelry

10 Oct

As I said before, me and my son watched Nightmare Before Christmas for the first time last night. So imagine how excited I was to find some adorable Halloween jewelry around my favorite place, Etsy that featured Mr. Pumpkin King himself. I’m a big fan of LillyEllen and if you have gifts to buy for some big kids on your list, stop by their shop because trust me you will not be disappointed.

I love how this Jack Halloween Charmer is stacked up. It really draws your eyes to the little Jack bead, and the bright colors do not distract from it like some may think. As if the Jack wasn’t cute enough, you can personalize this for the Pumpkin King lover on your list. Who wouldn’t want to see this in the beautiful gift box that they send them in? Not only that it is the right length where it will sit on top of your shirt without feeling like you can’t breath in it. I think the green and orange colors really work well with the Jack bead and the personalized plate. As always please be safe when ordering your jewelry, this isn’t a toy.

Now I love the 3 little kids that dress up as a witch, a devil and the skeleton. So this little Witch necklace made me all giddy inside because of that fact. The bossy little witch was always my favorite. Maybe it was the millions of times I dressed up as a witch, lol. I always remember my dad had to rush home from work on Halloween to help me fix my ‘wart’ as it was always perfect when he did it.  Again, with this little witch you can personalize it for the special girl on your list. I know of one or two that would just love to find this as their gift this holiday season.

Now even though I’m a Halloween baby, and I LOVE Autumn, I for the life of me can NOT stand candy corn. Yet this candy corn necklace is just adorable and makes me want to go get a bag. Not only can you customize it for the candy corn fanatic in your life, but you can even add a charm on it to give it that extra step of uniquiness.  This really looks like a piece of candy corn stuck on there. With the candy corn piece being glass, it gives it that sugary ‘coating’ that we all know candy corn has.

So the next time you’re looking for some adorable hand stamped holiday, or even regular, jewelry for that prince or princess in your life why not stop at LillyEllen and see if they have what you need.

Autumn Jewelry Giveaway

10 Oct

Etsy has some amazing designers on there. I spend hours just roaming around looking at all the beautiful pieces. Alicia (Stardust on Etsy) has some beautiful pieces of jewelry that I believe you guys will love. Not only that, but she has generously offered up TWO pieces of jewelry for  2 very lucky Creatively Yours readers.

Now I was sent this beautiful Pumpkin Stacker necklace that I am just in love with for a few reasons. I mean first just look at this, isn’t it beautiful? The other reason is that growing up we all had nicknames from my grandpa & grandma. Well being the Halloween baby that I am, I was given the name Punkin and it’s stuck ever since. I think the only time we were ever called our real name was when we were in trouble, I use to joke that my grandpa wouldn’t even know our names because we’ve only been called by our nickname. So with losing my grandma last year and all, this piece is really special to me just in that respect and because it’s the first pumpkin necklace I own.

What I love about this necklace is the worn look that is given to the pumpkins. I love that they are not ‘perfect’ can show off their imperfections. The antique brass really helps give the worn look to this piece and the fall, almost spooky feel you get just looking at this piece. I really liked that the chain was a brassy color as it pairs really well with the pumpkins. It has this feel that it’s a family piece, even though you may have just bought it yesterday. If you are looking for a simple piece to add to your holiday jewelry, this would be the perfect touch. Also the fun little poem that is included in the description of this piece is just really cute as well:

A harvest moon suffers a black cat’s cry.
Oh’ do the witches fly!
The bonfire catches a pumpkin’s gleam.
Rejoice, it’s Halloween! —Unknown

The next piece is one that she is offering up for a lucky reader here at Creatively Yours. It is these beautiful Pumpkin Garden IV earrings to match this beautiful necklace. These pumpkins have the same worn in look to them that the necklace does. They also include antique brass colored hooks that help play off the fall colors. The specks of green that are on the leaves really pop out against the other colors. It looks as if she picked some perfect little pumpkins from a garden and made earrings from them. Again, these would be the perfect touch to make any outfit a bit festive, or even the perfect finisher to that company party, or even out taking the little ones trick or treating.
Finally we have this beautiful necklace a lucky reader could win as well. Autumn Equinox is a beautiful necklace that is perfect for those not in the Halloween spirit, or just don’t celebrate it. The coloring on it is very rustic and reminds me of the leaves rustling across the driveway on a cool Autumn night. I remember as a kid we use to love to crunch the leaves as we would run around my grandma’s huge driveway.  The way the little leaves hang, just are really pretty and help draw your eyes to the big leaf in the center. A must have for all your Autumn attire needs. This piece would also be beautiful paired with a simple black dress as well. I really believe the ways to wear this piece is endless.
Not only is her jewelry beautiful, but she is really a sweet person as well. I had some troubles with things and she helped me out with them no problem. It’s always nice to shout out great customer service skills, even when it’s for a giveaway because with online shopping, you really just don’t see this very often anymore.
Love these pieces? Well to win it’s simple. Visit Alicia’s Etsy Store and tell me what piece or pieces you love. Also, please don’t list what is listed above. This giveaway will end Saturday Oct 17th at 11:59 cst
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    I’ve entered to win 1 of 2 prizes @creativelyyours from Alicia (stardust on Etsy) & now you can too:
  • Donate to RELAY FOR LIFE (in any amount) & receive TWENTY extra entries

While I did receive a product in exchange for a review, in no way did this change my views. Everything said is my honest opinions of the products unless otherwise stated.

Halloween Cookies on Esty

9 Oct

I know I couldn’t believe it myself, but I found the cutest Halloween cookies on Etsy. They are made by Linzy of sugarcookiecouture and I just had to share them with you. Believe me when I tell you they are ADORABLE and your mouth will be watering before you know it, I know mine was.

First how cute are the Skull & Crossbone cookies? I know skulls are not everyone’s thing, but when they are in cookie form it seems everything is cute right?! These would be perfect for those tween Halloween parties, or even to bring into the office for a Halloween treat. With these being individually wrapped, you could use these in little gift bags for birthdays or parties that are around the holiday, and who wouldn’t want to receive this as a gift? I would think I’d have an extra special friend if these made from scratch gourmet sugar cookies wound up at my door, party, or even gift. Also, if you have a specific pattern you need, customizing these to your needs would be no problem!

Now maybe skulls aren’t your thing, well if that’s the case then there is this adorable dozen of Halloween sugar cookies. They include a pumpkin, ghost, bat, black cat, candy corn, and an adorable witches hat. These again are homemade gourmet sugar cookies that come in a dozen and are individually wrapped, boxed up and ready for your next party, office treat, or even something to just snack on around  the house. These yummy cookies are sure to be a big hit with any cookie lover you have on your holiday gift list.

Now maybe Halloween isn’t your kind of holiday, and that’s perfectly fine. Linzy even has some adorable Autumn sugar cookies as well. These adorable cookies are perfect for class parties or even to set in a bowl on your counter. Though I don’t know how well these will delicious sugar cookies will last.  They come in variety of shapes and colors just like the leaves.

What I love most about these cookies would have to be how much detail Linzy puts into her cookies. You can really tell that she puts a lot of thought into each cookie she makes. Plus who doesn’t love homemade from scratch sugar cookies that you don’t have to make yourself?  So the next time you need a homemade treat, why not think of Linzy at sugarcookiecouture you’ll be glad you did!

Halloween Lunch Box Notes Giveaway

6 Oct

Who doesn’t love to find little notes tucked into their lunches as children? My mom never did this, but I secretly envied my friends who did. I want to do this for Owen before he gets to big and it embarrasses him (lol). So of course I just had to highlight these cute Halloween Lunch Box Notes from riricreations at Etsy and one lucky reader a chance to win a set just in time for Halloween. But first, I want to share some other homemade Halloween treats you might like that she has to offer.

First are these adorable Halloween Boo Blocks, which were featured on Laura Young’s blog as well as Treasury West They are adorable and great for those that have little hands that like to touch EVERY decoration you put out (we have one of those here though he knows better lol). These adorable blocks are handmade and can be arranged any way you’d like them to. These blocks are cut to a size of 2 1/2” and sanded down by Rita’s husband, and the wood used is the poplar wood. These are also hand decorated using items from various sources listed in the description of these blocks.  I will be picking up a set soon for us as just looking them over my little man can’t stop talking about the ‘big spider’, cat, and his newest obsession, bat. I don’t have a lot of Halloween decorations anymore sadly, but these would be a great addition to what little we do have.

Next for those out there with beautiful princesses there are some beautiful Personalized Princess Fairy Wand with Bling  What better accessory for your princess costume than these fairy wands that were featured in Etsy’s Halloween Gift Guide? Not only are they great for Halloween, but being made of sturdy material, these will be able to see plenty of play dates and dress up days, plus with the star being made of foam, you won’t have to worry about those wacks that may come when she tries out her new spell. Are you having a Princess themed Party? These beautiful wands are also available in sets just for your party needs, and what cute party favors these would be!

As you can see I love Rita’s store, and I think you will too. I love it because I just stink and being crafty with my hands. I’ve always admired anyone that has that kind of creativity, mine is just limited to what I can write or make on this computer. Now before I tell you about the giveaway, I wanted to share the story behind how these lunch box notes started. I find it rather cute and I just had to share with you what she has on her Etsy page about this:

How this got started: All of my lunch box notes were inspired by my friend Al, who left his wife 400 little lunch notes during their 10 years of marriage, before his untimely death…I’m sure he’d want me to keep on spreading love and encouragement, just like he did, so I do!

So to enter the giveaway, just visit Rita’s store and tell me your favorite item that wasn’t listed above. For extra entries please leave a seperate comment for all that you fulfill:

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    I’ve entered to win a pair of Halloween Lunch Box Notes at @creativelyyours and now you can too:
  • Donate to RELAY FOR LIFE (in any amount) & receive TWENTY extra entries

This giveaway ends OCT 11th, 2009 @ 11:59 cst so you’ll have plenty of time to use them before Halloween gets here =)

Win a Pair of Halloween Pumpkin Earrings

6 Oct
This was suppose to start yesterday but I haven’t been feeling very good yesterday and also started my fall term of classes so before I knew it the day was over. But lets get the ball rolling I’m excited for this. If you don’t know, this week I’m going to be highlighting some of my favorite Halloween & fall items. Some will be giveaways, some reviews, and others will just be things I’ve seen around, I bought myself, or just what I see around online.

I can’t wait I just love this time of year. So lets get started with this super cute giveaway shall we?

I found myself on Etsy again and this time I was wandering around Cindy (Foreverfun)‘s etsy shop, and she has some really cute Halloween items. The first thing I noticed was this fun Halloween Ghost Wreath. I love the little ghost on it, and the cobwebs and skull on it help get the feeling of Halloween across as well as play off of the ‘Ghost Motel’ sign attached to it. I can see this fitting into any of your Halloween needs, be it on your front door or apart of going all out with your Halloween decorations.

Now this next one takes me back a bit because my grandma use to love creating the different villiage scenes in her big bay window. So when I ran across Cindy’s Halloween Haunted Church and Halloween Haunted House I had to smile since I know she would’ve loved them. I love how bold, bright, and funky the colors of these houses are. They definitely play off of what Halloween is about, having fun. For some spooky houses, these are definitely very fun looking. I love the spiders that are on the front of the haunted house and the bats dangling off the top, and has to be my favorite I think.

Finally these Halloween Ghost Magnets are my son’s personal favorite. He’s all about ghosts, monsters, blood, and anything that scares me half to death. Even if this is the cutest ghost I’ve seen since Casper, Owen thinks it scares me and it’s cute watching him try to be my protector. I know that these are going to be something I’ll have to pick up soon just so he can have the ghost as I don’t see them staying on our fridge long anyhow. I think that black fence sign is adorable myself.

Now I want to show you what Cindy has generously offered up for this contest! One lucky Creatively Yours reader will win this way to cute pair of Halloween Pumpkin Earrings and as usual entering couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is visit Cindy’s Store and tell me what else is your favorite item, and please do not use anything listed in this post, I’d like to know you were actually in the store. Want more entries than please see below:

Please leave a seperate comment for each item you do.

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    I’ve entered to win a pair of Halloween Pumpkin Earrings from Foreverfun at @creativelyyours and now you can too:
  • Donate to RELAY FOR LIFE (in any amount) & receive TWENTY extra entries

This giveaway ends OCT 20th, 2009 @ 11:59 cst

Wordless Wednesday — Boo!

5 Nov

Smiley Saturday!!

1 Nov

Well since yesterday was my birthday I had a lot of smiling things I could have said, like my husband holding me done so Mom and my sister could get their birthday spankings In…that was interesting. Or my mom and husband actually being civil to each other…that was a nice present…lol. But it would have to be this moment:

Owen started to do this dance at my mom’s house last night and I was laughing so hard (as he had on his costume AND my brothers mask (more pictures to come in the next post) I forgot to get a video of it last night…but here is a reenactment of it lol

Another Etsy Giveaway!

31 Oct

Well before we get to the last giveaway of the carnival, I wanted to make a Public Service Announcement and state the following:

Now on to the good stuff lol.

Next we have this amazing giveaway from Anna at Beaddazzle. I just LOVE her store, and the idea of how she came up with the idea to do an Etsy store is really neat as well. But first lets get to somethings that I love of hers, the necklaces are just beautiful:

as well as some beautiful bracelets too:

aren’t these amazing? Also, just to get to know here better I sat down and talked to her and asked her some questions, she’s an awesome gal and really nice to talk to….here is how it went:

Q: Tell us a little about yourself please.

  • I have been married to my college sweetheart for 19 years which is funny because I feel like I’m still in my 20’s! I have three children – a 14 year old son who is a freshman in high school, a 9 year old boy who is in 4th grade and a 5 year old daughter in Kindergarten. I have been a stay at home mom since my oldest was born. I love art and I have always had a need for a creative outlet. I began making jewelry 6 years ago when my niece was born. I had purchased a personalized rosary for her baptism, but it was made with plastic beads and I knew I could use my artsy side to make it using quality components. I taught myself to make jewelry and my love of beading was born!

Q: How did you come up with your etsy name?

  • I wanted to find a clever name that described my store. Since crystal beads are so sparkling and “dazzling” it seemed like a perfect fit!

Q: What is your favorite piece you’ve made so far?

  • Wow, now that’s a tough question. I love the crystal pieces. There is so much sparkle that I have not been effective at capturing in photos. So often a customer writes me when they receive an item to tell me that it is more than they expected from the photo.

Q: Where do you find your inspiration the most?

  • Most of my pieces have a story behind them. My Down syndrome awareness pieces are inspired by my 3 year old niece who has Ds. When she was born, my entire family was introduced to the world of Ds and special needs, and for that I thank my little niece every day! I have expanded my awareness line when I am touched by someone affected with a health issue. Each piece has a real person behind it as my inspiration. My rosary pieces are inspired by my Catholic faith and by my mother who has always taught me to pray the rosary. And my children’s pieces are inspired by my daughter. She is a very girly girl and loves to wear glittery and sparkly things so we often collaberate to design pieces for little girls.

Q: What are you doing when your not making jewelery?

  • My kids’ ages are so far apart and they are all in very different stages of their lives so I spend a lot of time going to their various functions and volunteering at their schools. I also do a lot of volunteering at my church. I am involved in a committee that matches volunteers with less than fortunate families to be adopted for Christmas. It is a very rewarding program!

The Prize is This amazing necklace (if you win Anna is willing to swap this necklace out for a different one, a max value of $40) :

How to ENTER

  • visit Anna’s Etsy page and tell me what is your favorite piece.
  • If your address is NOT on your blog/profile please leave it in the comment so I can reach you if you win. No email address anywhere means no entry.
  • For extra entries; follow me on the blog, add my button, follow on twitter, and/or subscribe to my feed. Please leave a separate comment for each thing you do.
  • For those NON BLOGGERS just email 2 people and add my email address (on my profile) in the Cc.
  • The winner will be picked at random by
  • This giveaway is open until Nov 13th 11:59 p.m. central standard time.

ps don’t forget the other giveaways I have going on: aPassionforFashion-Etsy Store and the other great giveaways in the Blog Carnival

Halloween Decor

9 Oct
Now if you’re like me, then you LOVE decorating for the holidays. Growing up I remember getting so excited to go to my grandma’s and help her decorate (along with my siblings/cousins) for what ever holiday it was. She had a big picture window in the front room that we use to decorate the windows with the static clings and then the little ledge on it, we would decorate with houses and figurines of what ever the holiday was.

So when I ran across this blog post at Sister Sister about these really cute Halloween Glass Blocks. They are extremely adorable! The Halloween RIP Ghost glass block light my absolute favorite and would look so cute at our new apartment. This is just something I’ve never seen before and I just love it. I’m all about funky different decorations and this is something I think everyone needs to see! Their prices are really reasonable as well, or at least I think and I’m a bit cheap at times lmao.

So make sure you hope over to Sister Sister Blog and make sure you get your entry(ies) in as you do NOT want to miss this one!!

also don’t forget to click! I know I did:
