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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

23 Mar

Another Real Housewives?! Oh my goodness what more do I need for my TV addiction? I saw today they are coming out with a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Now before I get into who some of the famous ladies are I just have to wonder what will happen to the OC housewives? I can understand that they are probably over with, Vicki doesn’t seem to be in it anymore and Tamara has taken her life in a new direction from Simon. But if this is true then I’ll still be a little heart broken, even if I will tune in because I LOVE me some Real Housewives (except for Atlanta, sorry ladies I just couldn’t get into that one). Now if you’re like me you’re probably thinking how much these ladies are NOT like Real Housewives. I don’t have nannies helping out, or riding in limos when I go to places. Though for those that saw the last episode of the OC ladies, that fight between Simon and Tamara (can’t find a youtube clip) where they got into that HUGE fight in the limo before the end of summer party, yeah that was VERY much like fights me and Jeff have had. It’s kind of scary to see that and realize you’re there (or been there).

Now really do I NEED another show to watch and become “addicted” to? No of course not. I already have shows for just about EVERY day of the week (and sometimes there are multiple lol), but I’ll try to watch this new one. I mean there are people related to Paris Hilton:

Kim and Kyle Richards are the younger sisters of Kathy Hilton, and aunts of party girls Paris and Nicky Hilton. Both are former child actors (and both were on “Little House on the Prairie”). Kim, 45, is twice divorced with four kids, and Kyle, 41, is married and also has four daughters. It will be interesting to see if these Hiltons differ from their older sister when it comes to child-rearing, since Paris and Nicky first gained fame as club-hopping young teens in New York City. 

and even Frasier himself, Kelsey Grammer’s wife is going to be apart of the show. There is no word really if he’ll be a part of the show as I don’t think it’s mandatory since what’s her name’s husband from the New Jersey ladies didn’t have her husband on screen. I also read that Baywatch Alumni Lisa Vanderpump-Todd and  Adrienne Maloof-Nassif (who is married to plastic surgeon Paul Nassif from E’s Dr 90210) will be on the show. I’m sure this one will be full of catty plastic uptight women who just have life so very hard, I mean it MUST  be so hard to find a good parking spot for that limo in Beverly Hills. Sure puts my complaining about not having a job in the whiner category huh?

Yes I’m shamelessly addicted to these kinda shows even if sometimes … most times … they are so superficial I want to claw their perfect eyeballs out. Oh to be a ‘reality’ TV ‘Celebrity’ must be such hard work.

Tiger Woods Gossip

26 Jan

I don’t know if anyone else saw it but I saw a rumor that Elin knew about Tiger’s affair and like any normal woman who suspects their husband/significant other is cheating and wants proof they snoop, or in Elin’s case send a text pretending to be Tiger. Also, just goes to show that no matter how much cash a person has, a man will still be a man.

According to the article on, Elin was given a ‘heads up’ from Tiger that the National Enquire would be running a story on him (and they say the National Enquire is full of garbage lol) apparently he thought he covered all his bases and she wouldn’t be suspicious. Well he being a the owner of a penis and all decided that instead of arguing or discussing such a matter with his WIFE that he would take an ambien and go to sleep. Being the smart woman she is, Elin apparently texted Rachel Uchitel pretending to be Tiger. She apparently texted “I miss you. When are we seeing each other again?” When Rachel texted back Elin caught them both red handed and CALLED Rachel saying “I knew it was you.” That Elin has some balls on her that’s for sure. If Jeff was cheating I don’t know if I could be that gutsy and call up the chick but who knows.

Further in the article it talks about how Elin was spazzing out (rightfully so) and Tiger was texting Rachel while he was HIDING from Elin. I’m sorry but that had me in tears laughing because I mean the man is woken up from an Ambien induced sleep and he’s hiding out from his wife texting this chick he’s been sleeping with. Who knows if he even knew what the heck was going on lol.  That led to the whole SUV into a fire hydrant then into a tree incident that we know.

I don’t know about you but this makes me laugh mainly because I LOVE this SNL skit where Blake Lively and Keenan Thompson are doing a skit about Tiger and Elin. Here it is for those that haven’t seen it, seriously it makes the article funnier …. at least to me:

So to me after watching that skit, this whole article IF true really makes me giggle, but then I’ve been known to laugh at inappropriate times. Plus just goes to show you that even if you make millions of dollars, have the BEST sponsors out there, and pretty much have everything you need you still have problems like the “normal” person. Makes you realize that even if they are celebs they are still have problems like everyone else (or most of America).


Morgan Freeman 10 Year Affair

13 Jan

With his step granddaughter?! WHAT?! I don’ know if anyone has seen this article about Morgan Freeman’s alleged 10 year affair with his 27 year old step granddaughter and has agreed to start a FAMILY with her. Yup that’s right if this story is true she was SEVENTEEN (17) when he tried to (in the words of my grandma) woo her.  Now I am sorry but I have a problem with an age gap that big. I have a problem with a 20 year age gap (My crazy mother is an example of that one as her ‘boyfriend’ is a year younger than me and I’m 24).

Next I’ve been a pretty good fan of Morgan Freeman’s work. I loved his role in The Dark Knight and even in Bruce Almighty and Evan Almighty. There was something about seeing Morgan Freeman play Jesus that just SEEMED right. I don’t know what it is but he played that role perfectly I think. I would’ve NEVER guessed him to be like this. Also, I’ve seen it compared to the Woody Allen thing but I admit to not really knowing how their situation was as I didn’t really read those articles or even care at that time I don’t think.

I think the problem with this ‘relationship’ is many different parts. Now that is assuming this article is true. There have been no retractions and Morgan hasn’t publicly denied anything at the time I posted this blog. Morgan’s step-granddaughter (E’Dena Hines) was mentioned in the article as being the granddaughter of Morgan’s first wife Jeanette Adair Bradshaw. Also stated in the article was that E’Dena went to Morgan’s second wife Myrna when she was 17 and told her that he was romancing her. Apparently Myrna confronted Morgan and he promised not to do anything. This is also to be rumored the reason Myrna and Morgan are divorcing. What I find creepy is that he had a good hand in raising E’Dena and was like a grandfather/father figure to her. Sure they are not related by blood but still. My step father and I aren’t blood related by that doesn’t mean I’d have thoughts like that or even my (step)dad’s brother or father. They are my uncle and grandpa that would NEVER cross my mind. Now if that wasn’t creepy enough these part pulled out of the article really make me throw up in my mouth a little:

Morgan Freeman’s step-granddaughter E’Dena Hines is pushing the actor to start a family with her – and he’s agreed! Morgan plans to marry his mistress E’Dena once his messy divorce from wife Myrna is finalized.
“E’Dena wants Morgan’s baby,” a close source told The Enquirer. “She believes that will give her a final hold on Morgan and, after his divorce with Myrna is over, she will end up marrying him.”
Morgan and Myrna continue to battle out of court over how to divide his complicated state worth more than $120 million. And now, in a twist worthy of any movie melodrama, the accomplished actor has to keep a second woman happy.
“Morgan has gone along with E’Dena’s wishes of having a baby,” said the close source. “he knows it would be disastrous is E’Dena blew up and went public with everything she knows.”
Myrna knows about Morgan’s relationship with E’Dena, but when she heard about E’Dena’s plans to get pregnant by Morgan, Myrna was furious, say sources.
Confided an insider: “Myrna told E’Dena, ‘If you think you’re having his baby, you’ve got another thing coming’”
Although E’Dena is convinced Morgan loves her and wants to start a family with her, Myrna made it clear she would do everything she could to talk Morgan out of it.
“But E’Dena knows Morgan wants her and that is all that matters to her,” divulged an insider.
“Myrna never gave Morgan children of his own,” said the close source. “E’Dena believes if she can give him a baby, she would win his heart forever. And if she can’t give him a child of their own, she wants to adopt.”
E’Dena’s youth is “very attractive” to the grandfatherly actor, according to the insider. “She uses her youth to her advantage. She knows it really feeds Morgan’s ego to have a young woman hanging all over him. E’Dena believes that getting pregnant would make sure she becomes the next Mrs. Morgan Freeman.”

There just seems to be some things here that scream DANGER!!! The part I bolded REALLY makes me nervous/worried/grossed out. I mean I don’t really know if I can look at any of Morgan’s work the same. IF this is true, I really don’t think I could be a ‘fan’ of his movies anymore. I mean yes everyone has different views of what age is and how big the gap can/can’t be before we get uncomfortable but she was 17 when he tried to ‘romance’ her. I don’t even want to think of what romancing her even means to him. I don’t know this is just REALLY weird and I’m a bit sad to hear all of this. It’s another case of you really don’t know a person based on how they look/appear/sound because Morgan Freeman always came off as a ‘good’ guy in interviews and stuff (scripted I know) but I would’ve never guessed this was the way he was behaving when he was off the cameras. Any thoughts?

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