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Kindergarten Really?

12 Aug

In two weeks (hey it’s still Wed here lol or at least when I started to write this) I will officially be the momma to a KINDERGARTENER …. how did  this happen? How in the world is my baby boy old enough for kindergarten? I’ve already cried a few times over this and I know that when school starts I’ll cry then too. This is where it all starts going down hill right?! Isn’t this the start of the whole letting go stage? Obviously I’m sad he’s growing up, I’m not ready for this. He’s all I’ve got and what I’ve dedicated my entire life to over the last 5.5 years. I feel like I don’t know what to do without having him attached to my hip.

Isn’t this the time that I’m no longer the best friend? I think this is the part I’m dreading the most. Maybe all the turmoil that I’ve been through with my ‘mother’ and how we are is what is making me so sad about him starting Kindergarten. I’m not ready for any of this I’m not. After getting that extra year with him this year (he didn’t get to do a second year of Pre-K) I’m just feeling even more selfish about giving him up for 3 hours ….. yes all this sadness for THREE hours out of our Mon-Fri lol.

He’s excited though let me tell you. We went to pay his school fees ($112 for what 15 hours of Kinder a WEEK …. that’s for milk he gets with his “Snack” and some school fee junk … that just seems outrageous) he wanted to peek into his class. Poor kid doesn’t know we don’t even know WHO his teacher is and don’t even get me started that parent orientation isn’t until the day BEFORE school starts … REALLY?! This mama needs all this information NOW …. not the week before gosh  lol. We were lucky Jeff’s mom got all his school supplies for us and he’s excited to be sporting his super cool Chicago Cubs back pack. We’re still working on a first day outfit but I think Mama is more excited about that than Oj is lol.

I’m excited for what this year brings, the projects he makes, and even the stories he tells me. But I’m not ready for the whole letting go (even a little bit) part but I’ll adjust to it I know. So when are your kid(s) first days?