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Mommy & Me Monday — Niece Edition

5 Sep

This weekend we had my loving nieces over to visit and that’s always so much fun to have over and being that they are 2 years apart and my sister’s oldest is 2 years younger than O, well it just makes for fun times. Plus they adore O. There are no “bb!!!” exclaims when they see me or talk on the phone. No it’s “Where’s O?” Breaks my heart for a little moment but seeing both his and their faces light up when they get together melts it right on the spot and I forget all about it. Well since my youngest niece would rather her BB carry her when we’re going anywhere I thought it was the perfect time for a photo op before we get into Walmart and I just adore this photo even if the sun was in our eyes. She’s too cute and such a little ham it’s not even funny.  Don’t forget to visit Krystyn  @ Really, Are You Serious for more Mommy and Me Mondays

Mommy & Me Monday

29 Aug

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?It’s Monday and that means one thing …. Mommy & Me Monday!! I love this because well I get to share more photos of myself and O. After my grandma passed away I had a big regret of hiding from photos ops with her and I didn’t want to have that happen with O. Plus I love this back-to-school photo since he’s getting to the age where he doesn’t want to do any photo ops with mama anymore. That makes me a littl sad but I guess I’ll take them while I can right? With that said don’t forget to visit Krystyn’s Mommy & Me Monday. I’m going to make my rounds with comments later today after O gets on the school bus & I’d love to visit you!

Mommy & Me Monday Rewind!

22 Aug
This week has been busy and O’s in a mood lately so no new pics of us sadly, but this is probably my favorite photo of him and I. So are you participating in Mommy & Me Mondays? I hope so cause I want to see  all the beautiful photos!

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious? Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?

Mommy & Me Monday

30 Aug
Aug 26th, 2010 Mama & Oj

I love this Meme and am excited I finally have time to play it. Now we all know how well this week has been and when I looked at my photos this week (which are sparse due to a broken camera/cell phone) I just knew that this was the photo I was going to use because it summed up our whole week. Not only does this photo remind me of Oj’s first day at school, but it reminds me that my baby boy isn’t such a ‘baby’ anymore. Hard to believe in less than 3 months he will be 6 years old …. where did the last almost 6 years go? Anyhow enough crying from this mama make sure you visit Krysten’s new Mommy & Me Monday post to share your post and see what other people are sharing.

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious? Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?

Mommy and Me Mondays

26 Mar

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious? Hosted by Krystyn

Erm … well I’m a few days late but hey I’ve been sick lol. Slowly getting back into the swing of things and I just love this meme (even if I’ve not been on track with it ha!) that Krystyn at Really Are You Serious has been doing. Anyone that’s read this blog knows I love my camera and no one else is going to take the photos so why not just do it myself? Well here is my entry for this week:

Meme: Mommy and Me

23 Feb

These is a great new Meme on Monday’s *shh I haven’t been to bed yet so it’s monday to me lol* and I love it! It’s called Mommy and Me Monday’s. I love the idea and that’s why I’m posting it even though I missed Monday’s lol. I love this idea for a few reasons. I use to be VERY anti-photos. I’ve had bad acne since I was in the 6th grade. I hated my photos being taken because I felt ugly. While my acne’s never gone away I am to the point where I tolerate it. I mean I’d love for it to be gone but yeah I don’t see that happening.

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious? Hosted by Krystyn

A week after we buried my grandma I remember we were looking at photos of her and I realized if anything happens, what kind of photos will I leave behind? How will Owen remember me if I can’t leave any photos behind? It made me really sad and I’ve vowed to myself that no matter if I’m having an “ugly” day or not, I wasn’t going to just hide behind the camera or cover my face to get out of a photo. It’s important to me that I “leave behind” things that will let Owen remember me because you never know what tomorrow brings. This is one reason why I LOVE my camera phone. Owen and I are always taking photos in the car if we’re waiting for Jeff, if we’re at Wal-Mart waiting for someone we’re taking photos. Shoot I spent 20 minuets in Target 2 weeks ago taking photos of me and random items that I wanted lol! I love photography and am slowly starting to love being in the photo. I don’t see it being conceited but just wanting to be apart of those great (or random lol) moments you want to remember forever. So since I missed Monday’s photo I’m going to use one I love that we took a few months ago:

This was taken at Walmart lol. It was the day Owen and I went to see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs in theaters, his first time at the movies. We had just left Burlington Coat Factory and I had gotten a new winter coat (in the photo) and I loved it (still do lol). We were waiting for Jeff to pick out some deoderant and I told Owen ready lets take a photo. As you see he’s in the middle of saying Cheeeese  and NOT looking at the phone.  I don’t really know why I love this photo but I do. It’s a favorite and I think I used it in EVERYTHING for like a month lol. 
Are you participating? If so link me up and I’ll come visit! Doesn’t this just seem to make Mondays more fun!?