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Music Monday & Falling Still

5 Sep

Music and I share a bloodline it’s true. My tastes in music vary. I love country, pop, rock, and even rap. It really depends on my mood. I will always remember the fun I had a various country concerts with my Grandparents, and the times rocking out to Motely Crue with my Uncle. My favorite concert had to be seeing Garth Brooks just because my Grandparents invited my Uncle, Aunt, and my mother. It was all the way in Chicago and I felt so excited that I got to go with everyone. It was a lot of fun because it felt like such a grown up event lol. I remember we didn’t have enough seats so 2 people had to sit cramped in the back laying down lol. We had some really good seats too and there is such a thrill to say that I saw so and so live in concert. Another great thing about music is finding new artists or new to you artists and that’s where Falling Still comes in.

Falling Still is a high-energy, three piece rock and roll band from Akron, Ohio by Jeremy Cull (drummer) and Eric Podnar (Guitar/Vocals). They met Bett Hamilton (Bass/Vocals) when he was singing for tips in the parking lot of a fried chicken place. If you take the time to read their bios from their website you can tell these are 3 guys that would be hilarious to hang out with. Plus their music has a unique sound that I really love. Their  album Don’t Kick The Whiskey is really good. There are a few albums where I listen to the whole album but this is one of them that I’m really digging. Mind My Mother is really interesting and I really like the beat for I Am The Dr. and how it gets me energized. This type of rock music is what I’ve been craving for and been playing non stop lately. Plus the video is really interesting. Since I never heard of them until now I am going to go buy their first album as well because I need these guys in my music library. Here is a listen to their new single I Am The Dr. Now please be warned that there is explicit language in this video so please use best judgement when playing around small ears or if it’s something you’re not comfortable listening too. 

Doesn’t this get you pumped? If you’d like to learn more about Falling Still you can Like them on Facebook, or follow them on twitter @falling_still, and of course there is their Youtube Channel that you can subscribe to and know when they release new videos. Have you heard of Falling Still before or are they new to you? What are your thoughts? I always love hearing other people’s thoughts when it comes to music I love.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Music Monday F%(@in Perfect

24 Jan

This is the clean version and since we all parent differently I wanted to mention that this some brief clips that may not be something you want your kids to see.

I really love this meme Music Monday from Jen at Mommy’s Hangout. I’m excited to play along this week. Now I heart music so much. There are a few bands/singers that I HAVE to have every cd that comes out no matter what. P!nk is one of those artists. I’ve loved her since her very first cd and still love her to this day. I love that she’s her and doesn’t make any apologies for it. But I think this has to be my favorite P!nk song. I’ve had it playing the last couple months non stop. I’m so glad there is a video for it as I think it’s a great song that shows that being who you are is perfect and there is no need to be like this, that, or the other person.