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Say What Saturdays — Little Star

18 Sep
Sorry guys no real Say What Saturday this week. Finals drained me and I just can’t think straight. Please enjoy this video of Oj singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It’s from almost 2 years ago and he was almost 4 … now he’s almost 6 and this video seems so long ago:

Say What Saturdays: Honeymoon

11 Sep

If you’ve never heard of Say What Saturdays well make sure to visit HERE to find out what it’s about.

Well it’s a rainy Saturday here and this mama is doing her babysitting thing today for some family. Anyhow this Say What Saturday was just a perfect little gem in the life of Owen. We were watching a commercial last night about some frequent flier miles card (I can’t remember the name sadly) but the couple on t.v were going on their honeymoon (or 2nd I don’t quite remember) anyhow Oj pops up behind the couch with this statement that made me giggle for a bit:

Mom when is OUR hon-er-moon? Cause I wanna go too!

Sorry child but we don’t have honeymoons or hon-er-moons. Though I guess those would be Oj’s birthdays since that was the day we became a family lol. Also dear child no one is going on the honeymoon with us until this mama gets her own honeymoon lol. So any great things you’ve heard this week? Link me up I’d love to read them.

Say What Saturday: Babies

4 Sep
Welcome to another addition of Say What Saturdays (Yes someday I’ll get it posted before 5:00pm lol I forgot it was Saturday). Last week I talked about Oj’s new girlfriend and today we’re talking babies and how they get born. We all know how curious little ones are about babies, how they get made, and how they get out. Well Oj didn’t what to know HOW the babies were made (Thank GOD) but he did want to know how they got OUT …. oh yay lol! Here is how that conversation went:
Oj: Mom how did I get out of your belly? Did they have to cut me out (as he’s making a circle with his finger around his tummy)
Mama: The doctor delivered you, you came out mama’s woman parts, though sometimes they do have to cut the mama’s tummy to get the baby(s) out.
Oj: Did you DIE when you had me?
Mama: Do I look like I died?
Oj: No of course not (he giggles). Do the other mamas die?
Mama: No the doctor knows what he is doing and cuts the mama just enough so they can get the baby out. Then they use stitches* to get the baby(s) out.
Oj: Ooooooh. Are you going to have anymore babies?!
Mama: *Facepalm* Not right this second we’re still discussing it.
Oj: YEEEES I’m going to have a brother.

This started the whole debate of when we do get pregnant that you can not just decide what comes out and he could very well end up with a sister, a brother, a sister AND brother, two sisters, or even two brothers so we’ll wait til that time comes. Funny story is that my paternal grandma is a twin. Her sister had twin girls while my grandma had twin boys. My grandma’s youngest (not a twin) had twin boys and that’s the last we’ve heard of the twins story though when I got pregnant the first thing I said was there is only ONE baby in there right? LOL and it doesn’t help that Jeff has twins in his family as well … could be why we’re undecided on more children lol. 

* I decided to tell him they use stitches because I didn’t want to explain the whole staples thing OR find him trying to staple himself … which is how the whole razor debacle happened which I’m posting about in a second.

Say What Saturday

29 Aug

This is a fun meme I’m trying out to see how it goes. With the kids back in school we all know that there are some .. interesting .. yeah  that’s it, interesting comments and stories to be shared. I shared two of them yesterday in my post about Kindergarten but I have a REALLY good one today I think lol. O was showing me his ‘little letters’ that he’s been working on (which are so good I’m very proud of him) and somehow we got on the topic of this girl that sits next to him in his class called “A”. I don’t know how we started to talk about her but let me tell you I was NOT ready for the conversation that is for sure:

O: “Mama I talked to  ‘A’ in class yesterday and asked her if she wanted to be my friend and She said YES!”
Mama: “Oh yeah?”
O: “Yes she dropped her folder yesterday and I helped her pick it up.”
Mama:  “Well that was really nice of you and I’m proud of you for being a good friend.”
O: “Yeah she’s kinda hot! She’s a little shy too.”
Mama: *Face palm* ” Um … yeah you can be a little shy too remember?”
O: “I think she was shy because of ME!!”

Not like he’s conceited or anything right?! Oh my gosh though I was NOT expecting the conversation to end like this … I’m not ready for this as I thought I had a few more years. It’s a good thing I colored my hair other wise I think about 20 new grey hairs would’ve sprouted up after this one lol. Any funny stories you want to post about your little ones? Link them up down there and come back next week see what goodies O’s sprouted off at school lol (next week it’ll be up earlier was struggling for a name lol)