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Small Talk Six — Sex talk

4 Apr

Around here since having Owen (and well a mix of stress/relationship problems) our sex life has been well not there. Husband doesn’t understand and feels neglected … poor thing … but I’m sorry I can’t help I don’t have ANY desire for adult interactions and I REALLY dislike being woken up in the middle of a good sleep to do something I have no desire for (LOL Shan’s title made me giggle) so when I seen what topic this week’s Small Talk Six was I knew it was the perfect time to participate lol, so without further wait here is my top 6 excuses for not wanting sex:

  1. Pretending to be knocked out asleep … I feel like an animal waiting for it’s hunter to go away lol but if I lay there long enough without moving/making noise Husband will give up lol.
  2. My stomach/head hurt (classic stand by that always gets an “Oh I’m sure” lol)
  3. Not now Owen’s still awake (great since Owen sleeps about a foot away from our bed)
  4. Not right now everyone is home (another great one since we have no insulation in our ‘room’ and it’s right under our 5 year old niece’s room lol)
  5. I just don’t want to …. why lie lol the man was blessed with 2 hands that get the job done.
  6.  I think I’m still on my period … lol.

Lol so there are my reasons …. it was a lot harder than I thought to try and think of 6 right off the top of my head lol. Are you participating then make sure to link up to the MomDot post.