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7 Sep

Sweet Shot Day

It’s definitely feeling like Fall around here, and let me tell you how nice it felt to be in jeans, a hoodie, and my favorite pair of flip flops. Yes it’s still just that bit warm enough for those lol. We even got to spend some time in the pool one last time (also helped it was a heated pool set to 80 degrees) and these two water bugs just didn’t mind at all:

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Sweet Shot Tuesday Learning

31 Aug

Sweet Shot DayIt’s Tuesday and that means it’s time for another Sweet Shot Tuesday. If you don’t know what it is than head over to My 3 Boybarians and find out. For my entry I wanted to share this photo of O playing with a simple gift that I’m doing a review for (which will be posted in the next 2 weeks I’m shamefully behind). Anyhow this toy is one we both can learn and it has some significance because he learned to spell his FIRST word today, on accident lol. He spelt B-E-D … BED. He was trying to spell RED (the color they were learning in school today) but when he spelled B-E-D and I told him he spelled bed, boy let me tell you how EXCITED he got. I thought he was going to jump right out of his carseat. His little voice was so exicited as he shouted “Mama I spelled my FIRST word!!!” It was like he had won the lottery or something …. and yes it did feel like that. I am so proud of him! Before bed all he wanted to do was play with this Melissa and Doug Wooden Puzzle and I didn’t have the heart to enforce bedtime tonight so he got to stay up a bit later lol.

Puzzle Fun