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Sunday Citar + Halloween

30 Oct

It’s Sunday and that means two things. First it’s time for another Sunday Citar AND we are ONE day closer to my birthday. So since my birthday is Monday I decided to use a Halloween Birthday quote this week. Also, today we had a Halloween themed birthday party for my sister’s nephews. Even though O is going as Captain America I didn’t want him to get a hole or something in his costume before he wears it tomorrow so we reused his Batman costume from last year. My nieces went as Blueberry Muffin and an adorable Monkey.

They that are born on Halloween shall see more than other folk.  ~Saying of unknown origin

Sunday Citar + Infantry Strong

23 Oct

It’s Sunday and we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming. That means Sunday Citar with Tabitha at Fresh Mommy! Well with the last 4 days being spent on the road and out of town I have to say this choice of photo and quote (or well in my case will be a saying) should be no surprise. I mean you’ve had to expect me to burn through my whole memory card right? Well not only did I get some great photos, shed a lot of tears, and even captured some great videos (or so I think at least) I have to tell you it was an amazing trip and I’ve promised myself in the next 10 years I WILL be living down South somehow. I’m aiming for Tennessee or Georgia. I really loved those and I’ve always felt at home when we’d visit Arkansas when I was little. But enough rambling. Here is my Sunday Citar + Quote for the week:

Infantry Strong ❤
This was for their Turning Blue Ceremony A Turning Blue Ceremony is an impressive ceremony where a soldier is specifically assigned to the Infantry.  One of our family members was given the opportunity to attach a blue Infantry cord to my brother’s Class A uniform. The one thing they pushed during the family briefing was two words that I loved and am very proud to say Infantry Strong. I’m so proud of my brother and I hope that no matter what he does he has already become a hero in the eyes of some very important people … his family! But I have to say after spending 17+ hours in the car I can barely keep my eyes open so it’s off to get some sleep!

Sunday Citar + Locktoberfest

16 Oct

It’s Sunday and that means it’s Sunday Citar time. If you are new just visit Tabitha‘s site and she’ll fill you in on all the fun details. I had a bit of trouble deciding this week but then I found this quote that spoke to me and I knew exactly what photo I wanted to use. But then I couldn’t decide between the two … I think this quote speaks for both of them and definitely show the fun we had last Monday when O and I spent the day with my sister, her sister-in-law, and all of their children at Locktoberfest. The kids were so excited and honestly by the time we got home I was SO exhausted. Looking through the photos I took, I found these two photos I just adore and couldn’t pass up sharing. One is just me waiting for the boys to get out of the bathroom (LOL) and the other is one of me and my Sarahbear. It was very  windy in that pic.

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one autumnal face. ~John Donne

Autumn is my favorite time of year and I think this quote matches these photos so well. What was the highlight of your week/end? Are you participating in Sunday Citar? If so let me know I’d love to come look at the photos and see the great quotes!

Sunday Citar + A Boy & His Zombie

9 Oct

It’s a new week and that means my new favorite thing Sunday Citar! Also since I can’t wait any longer I’m kicking off my Halloween specials! Today’s Sunday Citar is a sneak peek at an upcoming review that is a BIG hit in our house. O won’t let it out of his sight. But first if you don’t know what Sunday Citar is than head over to ____ and get all the fun info on this interesting meme. Here is my quote this week:

Where there is no imagination there is no horror.  ~Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr.

Sunday Citar + a Boy & His Bear

2 Oct

It’s Sunday and that means it’s Sunday Citar day! I love these days. If you haven’t heard of them before, they are a This blog quote meme was created by Tabitha @ FreshMommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now. Now this week I have to say that I just adore this photo of O and I found this quote floating around facebook and decided I needed to share that photo as well. I think the two pair well together.

“Teddy Bears — Protecting innocent children from monsters-under-the-bed since 1902”

This poor bear has been in our family for 6 years now. I saw it at my very first WWE wrestling event that came to town around 2006 and I thought the bear was so cute. He was decked out with a little white shirt and jean shorts to mimick WWE Superstar John Cena when his movie The Marine came out. I thought it was perfect for O (who was around  1.5 years at this point) but sadly it took him another 1.5 years to even warm up to him. Now they are inseparable and are best buds. In the almost 4 years they’ve been best buds he’s had one “major” repair to his man part area. He’s been through lots of rough housing with O and Creativelydad and it just wouldn’t be a family if he wasn’t around. I was glad to sneak in and get this shot. I just adore it. But here is the photo from Facebook. It’s adorable:

Sunday Citar & Silly Faces.

4 Sep

It’s Sunday and that means it’s Sunday Citar time. I’m really loving this because I love quotes so this gives me a good excuse to go looking for a few good ones. This weekend we had my beautiful nieces staying the night and well after I seen this picture I knew this quote was perfect:

Yes we may look strange, but no matter what we’re still cousins — Anonymous

 Yes these are my weird little monsters and I love them so very much. I don’t see my nieces nearly enough it seems like so when we do I soak up as much loving as I possibly can.

Sunday Citar & A Missed Call

28 Aug

It’s Sunday Citar time and if you haven’t seen what this is about just visit Tabitha at Freshmommyblog to find out more. I wasn’t sure what to put up today. I mean there was O’s first day of school, or my sprained ankle but than at 8:30 Saturday night the moment I’d been waiting about a month and a half for finally happened … my baby brother called me and I couldn’t answer it because our cell service stinks in the apartment and he apparently didn’t save the house number in his cell. I cried not only because I missed the call but because I ran outside to try to get the call to pick up …. forgetting my aircast & after the emotions calmed down I was in a ton of pain. Anyhow here is my favorite photo of Bug & I from before he left …. along with my favorite quote in regards to this photo:

After a girl is grown, her little brother -now her protector- seems like a big brother. Terri Guillemets

Sunday Citar – Feel Lucky Punk?!

21 Aug

Welcome to Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Tabitha @ FreshMommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now. Speaking of quotes we spent all day Saturday at my neighbor’s for a birthday party. It was a fun western theme. So when I pulled photos off the camera, well this quote just stuck out like a sore thumb: “You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well do ya Punk?” — Clint Eastwood. With a photo like this, I mean how could I not use that quote. it was just calling to me? It’s totally perfect (minus me cutting his feet off … oops)

Now this photo also got me thinking about the SocialMoms daily blogging prompt that Shannon Flora, who blogs at Shannon’s Tales of Motherhood, asked about: How do you feel about your kids playing with toy guns or weapons? Which this ‘stance’ was tested again today at the birthday party when they got too excited and someone took a nerf dart to the eye. Poor kid. Growing up we always played with guns, I mean my grandma was southern born how could we not right? We knew the rules …. NO POINTING AT THE FACE. It was a simple and easy rule to follow, no one ended up hurt and no one is out there being murderers either so I figured it was safe to let O play with them, mainly because Jeff & I have more fun with his nerf guns than I think he does sometimes.

I made sure O knew the rules of no pointing/shooting in the face. I just wasn’t comfortable with that … even though I know he does it when him and daddy play because daddy doesn’t share that same view lol. I understand how people can say guns promote violence but once O started getting into zombies, the Army, and such and killing zombies with daddy on Call of Duty, I figured we better up the talk about guns. Though O’s a great kid when it comes to video games and such. He knows they are fake and that what goes on in the games can NOT under any circumstance be repeated by him in real life. He knows he’s not allowed to touch real guns and if he sees one laying some where (we don’t have one in the house of course) what to do WITHOUT touching it and we’ve never had any problems with them thankfully. So I think if you set rules and explain things in terms their age range can understand it should be good. But then again unless I ask the Mom/Dad first we never buy gun toys for any kid parties just because you never know the stance of that kid’s parents and i don’t want to push the “Oh he’s a boy and boys shoot guns” thing down someone’s throat or even seem like that’s what I’m doing lol.

Are you participating in Sunday Citar? What about your stance on kids playing with guns? Sound off in the comments as I’d love to hear your thoughts. Link up any posts as I’d love to read them!