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Wine & Love V26

8 Sep

I was reading Lynsey’s blog the other week and she was talking about this meme called Wine (whine) and love from the blog Walking With Nora. Sounded like the perfect way to blow off some of the weeks stresses and celebrate the little happy moments that may have happened as well. I think I was drawn to this one because it’s so easy to get caught up in what is going wrong in your life and totally forget the positive that is happening as well. I’m a firm believer that if you just let go of the negative side to life you’ll start feeling so much better about yourself and it’s really true. It has a fun name right?!  Nora lists this as Wine and Love V26 which just means she’s been doing this meme for 26 weeks. Now let me tell you I’ve had one heck of a week and am definitely glad to get this steam out somewhere other than CreativelyDad’s ears. Bless his heart he doesn’t say it, but I know it gets old lol. So what are we waiting for? Lets get started with my whine and love list:

Weekly Wines:

  •  My ankle STILL hurts. It’s been about 2 weeks now and I’m not expecting it to be 110% but I’d love to be able to move it normally without sharp pains running through. There is still that one spot that’s tender so I’m hoping another 1 or 2 weeks and it should be healed. If not I guess it’s back to the doctor I go right?
  • I’m having one of those months where EVERYTHING is going wrong. Last week it was a combination of spraining my ankle and catching the crock pot lid with my temple (it was the handle of the lid too of course). Then I had a sty in my left eye 2 days before we were suppose to have our fantasy football draft. Then I started my period THREE days early …. again. It seems to be coming earlier and earlier each month *sigh*. So as if all that wasn’t bad enough I’m getting sick. We spent this time last week in the 90’s and humid … this week we’re down to 40’s at night and barely getting to the high 70’s in the daytime …. Mama doesn’t have time to be sick … especially since I ALWAYS get a head cold.
  • We had to take Creativelydad’s car in to get fixed AGAIN for the same thing they fixed in March … ugh. I can’t wait til February and it’s finally paid off. Hoping we can start looking at a second car once tax time rolls around since we’ll be without a car payment around that time.
  • We had to miss the Boy Scouts Ice Cream Social due to the car situation and I was really bummed about this. O was having a mood because we couldn’t go, though we could’ve attempted to walk it was only about 2 minutes by car. But after his attitude started we realized it wouldn’t be the best thing to attempt since they are fairly busy streets we have to cross. Hoping I can find some info online for him and get him signed up if he’d like to do this, which I think he does.
Weekly loves:
  • I can walk around outside WITHOUT my air cast on!! Yes as you read ^^ my ankle still hurts but I don’t have to wear the cast anymore outside unless I’m on it for a long time or doing to much at once.
  • Football starts tonight!! I’m so excited about that and yes I’m THAT girl. I also think I picked a kick ass fantasy team so watch out for Brandy’s Bruisers!! I had such a fun time at the draft party. I was really nervous but as I said, I picked a great team and only needed Creativelydad’s help with a couple picks.
  • I conquered one of my fears Sunday. I was thisclose to backing out of the draft because I was nervous about my picks. Well I did some studying and I ended up having such a great time. I wasn’t uncomfortable at all so that helped. I think my biggest fear was the looking like a fool in front of people I didn’t know but it ended up being a great time and I’m ready for some smack talking to commence as of 7:00pm tonight. 
  • I found O a Saint’s Pillow Pet!! He’s going to freak out. I’m hoping to get him the Pillow Pet & a Brees jersey for his birthday. Poor kid is a huge Saints fan but being in the area of the Bears/Packers we have hardly anything for him and when we do find stuff it’s really pricey. But these two don’t seem that badly priced at all
  • O is getting ALL stamps in school and I’m so proud of him. We were worried because he’d pull the “I don’t know” when asked anything at home about what happened at school. But Tuesday during his Parent Orientation he walked me around the whole room and pointed out every little detail. His teacher was so excited about this (as we were too) because that means he’s actually listening. He was super excited to see the new name tags their desks were getting as well.
  • My brother’s girlfriend’s pillow came in (watch out for the review coming soon) and I’m so excited because it’s came at the right time. She’s having a really rough time adjusting and I feel so bad that I can’t help her more but I figure it might help to have something to hold on to at night. Plus O’s box came. It’s a little keepsake box that talks about being brave just like his Uncle. I think he’s having the attitude problems because of Bug leaving as well and I’m trying to figure out how to fix this before it gets out of hand.
  • I get to go with O to his field trip to the Apple Orchard on the 15th!! So stoked. I had a blast going last year with him and it’ll be great to compare photos to see how much he’s grown.
So how has your week gone? Lay the good, the bad, and the ugly on me cause I’d love to hear it! Don’t forget to visit Nora and link up with her Wine & Love posts as well