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Sausage Pizza Loaf

18 Oct

Tip Junkie handmade projectsI was browsing foodgawker and got really excited when I saw this Cheesey Pepperoni bread from Sing For Your Supper because I had everything on hand to make this my own verison, and I got really excited because it doesn’t happen often when I look at recipes lol. Since O doesn’t like pepperoni, I decided to use a mix of Italian sausage and regular sausage crumbles.Another touch I made was to sprinkled some cheese on top of the loaf. The final verdict was that these were a HUGE hit at our home and the boys can’t wait to try them again. Here is the recipe I used:

  • 1 can store-bought Italian/French bread (I used Pillsbury Simply Rustic French bread)
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (I used Kraft Pizza cheese blend)
  • Pizza toppings of choice (I used sausage crumbles)
  • Optional Sauce for dipping
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. You want to unroll the bread to make a large rectangle.(Note: I had trouble rolling out the dough. If you are having trouble I suggest using a rolling pin to get the dough even. I didn’t and it made for an uneven cooking process. ) After rolling the dough out, sprinkle with desired amount of cheese. Next sprinkle your pizza topping of choice on  to the dough. After all cheese and toppings are on dough roll carefully in a jellyroll style (which I found out I suck at doing this) and place seam side down on a parchment paperlined baking sheet (or an aluminum foil-lined pan. If using aluminum foil I’d spray lightly with a cooking spray to help stop sticking). Bake for 18-20 minutes or until the top is golden brown. After slicing serve with your favorite dipping side and enjoy! Excuse the ugly dipping sauce bowl, I don’t have cute dipping containers yet lol!