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Mompact: Review and Giveaway of Kidzikoo

18 Sep

As adults don’t you hate it when your can or bottle starts to sweat? What about when it makes your hands cold? Well we know the logical thing to do would grab one of those can koozies you keep in the cupboard and don’t think twice about it. But have you considered how your KIDS feel when they have this problem? I never honestly thought about it with O, but after watching my nieces I realized M’s sippy cup was sweating while we were outside playing. She kept fumbling with the cup due to it having the condensation and that took away from our fun time. Obviously Can koozies are going to be too big for your little one’s sippy and bottles, so what do you do? Well you get yourself a few Kidzikoos of course.

What you haven’t heard of Kidzikoos before? Well then good thing you stopped by Creativelyb because I’m going to tell you all about them. Kidzikoos are fabulous and functional koozies for your children’s boring sippy cups or bottles. They come in 5 different prints that have 2 variations per print, or if you’re like me and like surprises you can pick the surprise me option. Now before we go any further I have to let you read how creator and Owner of Kidzikoo tells you how this awesome product came to light:

One morning last October, Landon was sitting on my lap as he was drinking his cold milk out of his sippy cup. He reached back and put his little hand on my cheek and it was FREEZING.  I chuckled and said to him “burrrr, you need a koozie for your sippy cup!”  So, I marched upstairs to the computer to search for baby bottle/sippy cup koozies, thinking they would be found at any retailer.  Well, much to my surprise, I found NOTHING!  Immediately the light bulb turned on and the idea was born!

I’ve had this happen more times than I can count with O and my nieces/younger cousins but I can tell you I’ve never thought of putting a koozie on their cups or bottles!  Also you have to visit Kidzikoo’s website to see adorable photos of her and her inspiration for this product. Her son is just way too cute. After trying out the Kidzikoo with my niece I have to tell you this is definitely a product that works and will come in handy not only with keeping hands warm but they are perfect for identifying your child’s cup/bottle out in playgroups, as well as they help stop those water rings that seem to pop up everywhere once the cups and bottles are given to mobile toddlers. I think those were my biggest pet peeves with O even if he didn’t understand what was going on. Lol it’s kinda hard to yell “COASTER … COASTER!!” to a toddler and not get the look of having 3 heads growing out of you. Now the Kidzikoo design that I chose was the Lucia Print (pictured above) and how cute are those little owls? I love this pattern for baby/toddler products. Not only did I love it, but my sister took it home and told me it was the best thing she had ever seen. She loved not having the watery mess from M’s cup all over the place.

Now here comes the fun part. I’m taking part in the Mompact Blog Hop and what this means is not only am I giving away a Kidzikoo just like the one I received, but there are 120 other blogs participating and offering up some amazing prizes from other amazingly talented Mommy inteventors.

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If you get lost or are already a subscriber to Creativelyb, just go visit Mompact to start at the beginning. You do NOT want to miss these giveaways, trust me! Now go ahead to the NEXT Mompact Giveaway!

Pink Digital Photo Keychain Giveaway

6 Sep
Congrats to Heather!!

If you didn’t know by now I’m a huge photograpy nerd, I’m also not a big fan of purses. I just can’t find the right one. So keeping photos in a wallet was out of the question as I just carry something big enough for the essentials … or hand it to Jeff to hold in his pocket lol. I hated running into an old friend and not being able to show off my beautiful kidlet or family … that is until I was able to review a Digital Photo Keychain. Now I was able to take my photos with me and show off to all my friends/family. Now I know what you’re thinking “Brandy that thing looks tiny how in the world will I be able to fit enough photos on there?!” or even “That keychain looks tiny I’m sure the picture is horrible” Which I’d have to respectfully disagree with those questions and here is why:

My keychain came from and I honestly couldn’t be happier with it. Not only is it great for hold a lot of photos, it’s a great lesson teacher as well. Now before you ask, it teaches you the age old lesson of not judging a book by it’s cover. This handy little digital photo keychain hold 140 photos … and before you ask, I’m a picture taking fool and I could only at the moment fill up 21 photos on this thing so I KNOW you can hold a ton of photos on there. Also, the picture viewing quality is really great. While the photos are cropped down they do NOT look blurry or anything like that at all I was really impressed (note in my photo it is a blueish tint to it due to me not having a working camera and having to use my husband’s cell phone to take photos it does NOT look like this in person). Now here are a few more positives that I love about this keychain:

  • It’s pink (lol)
  • It’s easy to use
  • There is NO software to installation
  • Though Software to add photos (just plug in USB cord to activate it) is VERY easy to use
  • Automatic resizing/cropping and keeping GREAT quality of photos.
  • USB cord also is a charger for the keychain.

Now the only thing I didn’t like about the keychain was you had to make a separate folder on your desktop to add the photos to the keychain. I didn’t like I wasn’t able to brow my folders to add them individually.Other than that this would make a GREAT stocking stuffer or even gift for the grandparents/relatives that live far away. Or if you’re a photographer this would make a great addition to your packages or add-ons (can you tell I don’t know how that whole process works)!

The Giveaway!!
Main Entry: Just visit and leave a comment telling me what other product of theirs you would love to give someone special for Christmas.
Extra Entries

  • Follow my blog publicly on Google Friend Connect
  • Leave a RELEVANT comment on any of my other posts (please comment back here with link to post) *multiple entries allowed*
  • Follow me on twitter at @creativelyb 
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  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • Become a fan of CreativelyB’s New Facebook Page.
  • Post about this giveaway on Facebook, please leave a comment with the URL to where you posted.
  • Follow me on Facebook Networked blogs located in my sidebar
  • Tweet this giveaway: I entered to win a digital photo keychain at @creativelyb and you can too (1x per 24 hrs )

 Giveaway ends September 13th, 2010 and open to US & Canada only

I will be checking to see if all requirements are met so if you are missing a comment that is why. Also you may need to resign up if you were using these services before the name change last month

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This Product Was a Free Giveaway and any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Sunglass Warehouse Review

2 Sep

I’ll admit it, I’m a sunglasses addict. I can’t help it, all the fun designs and styles it makes me weak. So when Sunglass Warehouse was interested in working together for a review you can imagine how excited I was. Now if you’ve never heard of Sunglass Warehouse you are in for a treat. Here is a little bit of information that I took from their About Us page:

Founded in 2002, is more than just another sunglasses retailer. We are a customer service company passionate about sunglasses. Here at, the customer is our top priority. Over the past seven years, we have served the needs of thousands of satisfied customers, providing quality sunglasses at affordable prices.

At, we view every customer as a customer for life. As demonstrated by our customer testimonials and repeat business, we’re not interested in selling you a pair of sunglasses that will leave you wanting more. Instead, we want to provide the best service and the best shopping experience possible.

Also some highlights that I love from Sunglass Warehouse is that besides their free shipping on orders over $25, they offer 365 days of returns if you are not happy, along with 100% money back guarantee. I think that’s really great and you don’t hear that very often I have noticed. Also a great thing for everyone is they offer UVA/UVB protection on ALL of their sunglasses. Also you just can’t become a faithful customer if you don’t believe in their customer service, and their customer service is VERY positive and I didn’t feel uncomfortable or like I was being treated like a 5 year old and didn’t know anything. Who doesn’t love that right? As if that wasn’t great, I just had to tell you about Sunglass Warehouse being featured on the TODAY Show!

At first I will admit I was overwhelmed with the selection because there were just so many women’s sunglasses that I fell in love with. My biggest problem was I wasn’t sure which ones would look right on me. I think this is a problem a lot of people face because you obviously can not try them on before buying. Well Sunglass Warehouse has solved this problem. They have pages that not only help you with choosing sunglasses for your face shape but also with choosing sunglasses based on your skin tones.

After looking around for what felt like forever, I decided on the SW Animal Print Style #8937 and I couldn’t be happier. Not only did I love the style/color, but I loved that they have a zebra print design on the side and the zebra print is more of a black/transparent instead of traditional black/white. I believe this works well since the glasses are a white frame. Also what I liked the most about the glasses were that they are NOT heavy. I love the over-sized sunglasses but I’ve found quite a few of them to feel like they were heavy on my face. Not only were these NOT like that but I love the color, and I admit I’ve never been a big fan of the white sunglasses but I just LOVE these. Whit the wider frame I didn’t feel like I was squinting all the time, which is something I hate … I mean why wear sunglasses if I’m still squinting?! Also if you haven’t noticed yet is how affordable they are.

So the next time you need affordable sunglasses WHY NOT CHECK OUT sunglass warehouse and know you’re buying a great product. Want to keep up with what Sunglass Warehouse has going on? Then make sure you follow them on twitter @sunglasswarehse, Facebook, and Sunglass Warehouse Blog, You just never know what you’ll find!

LittleMissMatched Love Connection

13 Feb

We all know that Valentine’s day is TOMORROW (you all have your gifts/cards/candy/flowers right?!) and in the midst of all the craziness going on here I just had to share with you some of the cute things Little Miss Matched has going on to help you make a ‘Love Connection’ this Valentine’s Day! They always have some of the cutest things around but what they’ve added to their amazing store is really original and definitely made my must have list. Jessica was also nice enough to send me a couple things to review that I can’t wait to share with you guys.

First up is a pack of  Grey Peace-Love-Happy Liner Socks and I just have to say that these are adorable! I love them and wash them frequently just so I can wear them everyday lol. I am a lover of the short/ankle socks and HATE folding socks. I’m actually sitting next to a basket half full with unfolded socks. What I love about these socks are that they don’t have to match and I love the peace-love-happy design that they carry. The specifics of these socks are coming straight from the Little Miss Matched website:

This pack contains 3 single liner socks. Each sock is made from the finest ingredients. Cotton/Polyester/Nylon/Spandex Blend. Imported. Bet you didn’t know every sock is 200 needle count? (This means they feel good and will last).

 These socks are very comfortable and are not very thick at all. I like that in my socks. These neat socks are available in not only woman’ sizes 4-10 but girls sizes 4-10 as well and retail for 8.00.

Next is a neat idea for a coin purse. I will admit that I’m not a big coin purse user but after receiving this cute thing I have converted to using it lol.  This Change Purse, Large Hearts is as adorable in person as it looks in their store. I am a sucker for baby socks no matter the fact that Owen is already 5 years old. Plus when I tested this out I loved that I had a safe spot to put my chap stick without losing it in my pockets. Also this little purse can be used for more than just your change. What would be cuter than using these to old your loose buttons/beads any other small stuff you might be carrying with you.  This cute little coin purse is listed for an amazing price of $5.00 in the Outlet section of Little Miss Matched.

Now how adorable are those items? If you love those you’ll agree that these other new items are just as fun. Here are a few other items that just arrived and are sure to be a big hit:

I have a problem with stars, Jeff says it borders on an obsession but I am in denial about that one lol. Here you can find the Zany Black Stars Spring Sling Bag, Zany Stars/Stripes Duffel Bag, Blue Canvas Star Tote, Zany Black Stars Best Friend Bag, Mini Tote, Piece of Cake Pouch, and Abstract Moving Stripe Knee High Socks

So the next time you’re in the need of a different, fun, funky gift why not stop at Little Miss Matched!

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Are You ready for some FOOTBALL?!

18 Oct

Or what about the NBA & Collegiate sports. Well I just adore football season. I was born a bears fan, you know living about 1 1/2 hrs outside chicago and about 90% of my family are bears fans. I realized quickly I wasn’t suppose to be a bears fan lol and bounced around some teams and then in 2000 my fate was sealed, I was a Pittsburgh Steelers girl, I couldn’t help it the black and gold were calling me into their world (lol). So even though I can’t call off stats and players at the drop of a hat *ahem a dig at my brother lol* I am a full blooded Steelers girl. Of course I was equally excited when we aquired an equally hot quarter back in the NFL Draft, Mr. Ben Roethlisberger.

So when I came across Danielle’s shop on Etsy EllieKatt. I was so excited about this one you have no idea. Now before I move forward, I just have to tell you that Danielle is one of the nicest people I’ve come across in the whole blogging review/giveaway scheme of things. She has great customer service skills and she makes some beautiful items. But just from looking around her store you can get a feel for what kinda person she is. I love that she organized and named her categories the way she did. If labeling them “For Pretty …” doesn’t scream ‘I’m a rad and fun gal’ I don’t know what does.

Now I was given this beautiful Pittsburgh Steelers headband to review. I was so excited when I opened it up I nearly tore the tissue paper to shreds lol. I couldn’t help myself, and I mean really you wouldn’t be able to either lol. This headband is my new favorite piece of head jewelry, and a staple to my limited Steelers attire every sunday/monday. Even my 4 year old loved it, and he’s a very big bears fan. I can not wait for it. Not only is this adorable headband just right for you football fans, it even has just the right amount of sparkle to it. I mean really who says football is just for the boys? I love that the fabric used for the lettering and the backing on them. They really hold well on the headband. Plus like I said, there is glitter involved and I just have a short attention span for glitter lol. Also the little rhinestones on the sides of the headband are the perfect touch to finish these off. I love that the headband stays put when you wear it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve put up a good fight against a headband or two in my days.

Now do you want to be the envy of all your football loving pals? Well one lucky winner is going to win a headband and matching wristband of their choice from Danielle’s etsy store EllieKat. All you have to do is visit her Etsy store and tell me what your favorite thing is. Want extra enteries?

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    I’ve entered to win a headband and matching wristband from EllieKatt @creativelyyours and now you can too:
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This contest runs until Nov 1st at 11:59 cst