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Kudzoom Review & Giveaway

24 Oct

You don’t have to  be a parent to know how tough kids can be on their clothes, or just how quickly they grow out of them. It can be a pain to keep constantly buying clothes. O is my tall and stick skinny kid and pants are his arch enemy. I have to buy them 2 sizes bigger an ONLY with the adjustable waistband or he’ll never get to wear them .. because you know by the time they fit it’ll be the wrong season, or am I the only one that happens too? This is why I love sites like Zulily and Totsy. I get more bang for my buck and get the most adorable clothes. But honestly there is a site that I just found out about and am in heaven with. It’s called Kudzoom and if you haven’t heard of it before you’re missing out.

Kudzoom is a a woman owned company that was founded in December of 2010. Kudzoom works in an interesting way. They focus not only on family, but the 5 important stages in life; babies, tots, kids, tweens, and moms-to-be. What I found was that at 8am cst every morning Kudzoom releases a new batch of amazing items that are available for purchase for 3 days. You’ll be the first to know what amazing deals are coming as they send out an email letting all their members know of course. What I think I love the most is their Loyalty Program, which rewards YOU based on how many purchases you make AND how many referrals you get. There are 5 levels in the Frequent Guest Program:

   • Bronze: 5 purchases shipped – $10 Kudzoom credit
   • Silver: 15 purchases shipped – $25 Kudzoom credit
   • Gold: 25 purchases shipped – $50 Kudzoom credit
   • Platinum: 50 purchases shipped – Permanent free ground shipping

I think that’s such a neat part because it’s hard to get people to sign up for stuff it seems. Though the Referral Program works the same way except the Silver level is 10 referrals. But after you see the amazing deals going on I don’t think you’ll have a problem getting people to sign up! Have you signed up yet with Kudzoom? If you haven’t go a head and you’ll instantly receive a free $5 store credit to use on your next purchase. It’s super simple to keep track of because it’s automatically added to your account. I love that there isn’t any codes to save and remember to add later. Plus they are now accepting Paypal as a payment option AND shipping to Canada! How awesome is that? But the best part is one lucky Creativelyb winner is getting the chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Kudzoom!

RafflecopterSettings = { raffleID: ‘MmMzYmEwNGQ3MjQ2Njg0YTZiNTFiNDZhNzVlMDVlOjU=’};<a href=””>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Captain America Saves Halloween!

20 Sep

What’s that over there? Is it a rock? No! Is it a statue? No! It’s Captain America! He’s here to save Halloween by letting you know of the one online store that offers you amazing Halloween costumes at amazing prices! I’m sure you’re wondering where you can find top Halloween costumes for boys and girls, and that place is Wholesale Costume Club! O’s second Halloween he was Superman and 2 years ago he was Batman. It only seemed fitting that this year he’d be Captain America not only because he, much like he nerdy comic book and video game loving mother, loves all things super heroes but also because ever since my brother left for boot camp O has been obsessed with all things army related. In fact he wanted to be an Army Zombie until he saw this costume. Zombies are ever awesome but how can they compare to a super solider? You just can. When I asked O about what he thought of his costume he was quoted to say “It’s very awesome. I love the muscles. Now I just need a shield. You know the one that shoots.” … sorry kid I’ve seen them with OUT the shooter part and I don’t need little discs flying all over the place. Though who really knows because Creativelydad was looking at the shooting disc one today and I think he likes it more than O does.

This Captain America costume is a two piece outfit that comes with the jumpsuit that has attached boot toppers and of course the costume details screen printed on. This also includes the character mask which has the symbolic A on the front. It does NOT include the shield. I ordered this costume in a size medium which fits most sizes 7-8. I thought this jumpsuit part of the costume was well made. I’m normally against the added muscles to a costume because it just doesn’t look right, but for this costume I love it. They aren’t over the top muscles, they are just right. My only concern would be the mask. I don’t know if you can see in the photos, but it doesn’t fit him very well. For the most part it looks to allow him to see clearly out of it but it’s after a little tugging to get it in the right spot.

All in all we loved this costume and O is over the moon happy about it. What more could I ask for? Reasonable prices, a wide selection of not only boys super hero costumes, but costumes that every member of the family can find something to wear, and a quality that can’t be matched anywhere else!

What are your kids being for Halloween? Are you dressing up with them and making it a family event?

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

NerdyShirts for the Nerds at Hearts

7 Sep

You probably realize by now I’m one of those ‘nerdy’ girls that spent her time in the house reading, playing video games, and watching sports instead of doing my makeup or what not. If you’ve thought that, well you’d be correct. In fact I schooled O this week on what Mario looked like when I was younger and he was excited about that. So when NerdyShirts asked if I wanted to do a his & her review of their mega cool shirts, how could I turn them down? I mean have you seen their shirts? No well don’t worry I’ll wait while you go look …. *tap* *tap* … Yes now you understand my excitement correct? I know you’re just as excited as I am I can feel it. Don’t worry this is a safe zone and no nerds shall be judged in my court.

I just have to say that looking over the NerdyShirts site, it was hard to find a shirt we loved. Not because there weren’t any, but well because there were SO many we loved. Even O got involved in the situation of finding shirts. CreativelyDad is picky on the shirts he wears. Honestly he mostly wears his work shirts even when he’s not working. They give the employees t-shirts commemorating special work milestones and get to wear casual clothes to work which I have to admit that I love. So I was interested in seeing what his thoughts were on these shirts. Being that he’s always been a big guy, it’s also harder to find shirts in his size that fit right, and as we all know buying online is like shopping in stores with a blindfold on. Just because it says it’s a  certain size doesn’t mean that it actually fits like said size. Since I’m the lady of the house, Mama is starting out this review.

Mama’s Thoughts:
Once I saw that they had a Nintendo Family Tree shirt …. it was all over from there. I couldn’t look at another shirt and as the saying goes, I love it so much that if possible I’d marry it ha! Here is a description of the awesome shirt including specifics on said shirt:

The history of one of the worlds most influential and beloved video game companies, Nintendo. This shirt covers all the platforms; Gameboy, Nintendo 64, SNES, Wii, Gamecube, DS and more!This hilarious shirt uses high quality screen-printing on a heavy weight preshrunk 6oz cotton tee that is machine washable. 

What I loved most about my shirt is so comfortable and soft. I also loved that it didn’t maximize the problem areas, ahem the stomach area, and that you can tell it’s a good quality shirt. After washing it about 5 times since I’ve received it I have to say that it does hold up well in the washer/dryer and I have’t had any problems with it. But with the good comes the bad, I ordered a size large since I always assume online shirts run small unless otherwise noted (it wasn’t here) but I have to say sadly that it was a bit snug when I received it. It fits nicely and doesn’t leave me all looking like it’s too small so that is good. I also know that with my  weightloss journey going great I will be able to fit in it better soon. Had I known this ran small I probably would’ve ordered a men’s size since large is the biggest they had in this shirt. I still love NerdyShirts and can’t wait to order the rest of the shirts on my wishlist.

CreativelyDad’s Thoughts:
I really like that they use a soft fabric for their shirts. I really like this video game and like my wife, love the old school video games as well. Normally I don’t wear shirts like this, but when I saw the design of the shirt I thought it was well designed and pretty cool. Plus the description of the shirt drew me to loving it:

Spread Shot will help you mow down enemies like nothing else. Get the shirt today and feel the power! Contra Rules! 

Now I have sensitive skin and some shirts cause me to break out. Which is why I hate buying shirts, especially from online vendors, but my NerdyShirts t-shirt didn’t break me out and my Contra Spread T-shirt is easily my new favorite shirt. Being a bigger man, I appreciated the nice selection of shirts they offered in the bigger sizes. Plus with my wife’s washing skills, I’m pleased to say the shirt holds up well after multiple washes without any shrinkage or anything. The only negative thing I have about this shirt is the same as my wife’s. I found the shirt to run a little smaller as well. Overall I love my NerdyShirt T-shirt and already have plans to buy a few more.

So there you have it folks, NerdyShirts is a big hit in our house and we’re already trying to decide on which shirts to pick out for our next purchase. If you love NerdyShirts then follow them on twitter @nerdyshirts, like them on Facebook, and even subscribe to their RSS feed. Don’t forget to tell them Creativelyb sent you!
*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

CSN Pittsburgh Steelers Slippers Review

23 Jan

Now if you’re a regular reader here you know that I’m a pretty big Pittsburgh Steelers fan. You may even recall a little post I did awhile back called Pittsburgh Steelers Fans Unite! All about the must have things to enjoy a Pittsburgh Steelers Football Game. Well I was excited to add a VERY warm Pittsburgh Steelers  Zip jacket and T-shirt to my growing collection this Christmas. But by far my favorite piece that I’ve added to my ‘collection’ would without a doubt be my Comfy Feet Pittsburgh Steelers Slippers. These slippers have caused major jealousy from my husband and son … not because of the team sadly (what was I thinking marrying a NON Steelers fan?!) but because they are very soft and comfortable. These slippers have a thick foam sole and the upper material is padded as well. These are 100% polyester and are machine washable for those exciting touchdown scoring moments that lead to bean dip all over the floor … and your feet. Not that I know this from experience or anything. Which I think is really great. I love that they are very warm as well. Definitely will leave you feeling toasty warm during the cold winter months. Now the only thing I dislike about these are the bottom. They make a bit of a scruffy sound when you walk which could be annoying if you’re trying to sneak some late night snacks, but other than that they are a huge hit in my house. These slippers are available at CSN for 33.99 and include FREE shipping! How awesome is that?  Now I know what you’re thinking, you love these slippers but *gasp* you are NO Steelers fan. Well I can help you there too. CSN Stores and Comfy Feet offer these adorable slippers in a wide selection of not only teams but sports as well. I think that these Baby Slippers are just TOO cute for words. Also they have Women’s Slippers and Men’s Slippers as well. I really like that they offer a variety of styles their slippers come in as well. These are definitely a must have for any sports fan big or little.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

CostumeSuperCenter Halloween Review

1 Oct
Can you believe we are in the FIRST day of October? It’s just crazy isn’t it? Have you even thought of what the little ones are going to be for Halloween? Well if not CreativelyB and Costume Super Center are here to help make the process a little easier with affordable and amazing Halloween costumes!!

Now if anyone knows my son they know that he is all about the zombies this year. He was so excited when I asked what he wanted to be for Halloween because he got to show me this awesome and equally scary Zombie Doctor Costume. This costume is perfect for Oj cause it has the ‘blood’ and ‘gore’ that he wants but is also something he can wear again as dress up … which is what he loves most about his previous year costumes. I think my favorite part of the costume is how much detail the zombie parts have:
In my costume I received the following items:
  • a lab coat with blood smears
  • shirt with PVC chest of guts and bones
  • pants with rotted knees
  • zombie mask
  • surgical mask and cap
  • latex glove stains
Oj’s favorite part was the chest with the guts and bones and the rotted knee. He also loved that it was pre-splattered with blood (mom likes this too cause then I don’t have to do it …. and face it you can’t have a Zombie Doctor and not have any blood right?) Now the only problem I’ve had with this costume was the sizing and that was MY problem but also a quick fix to solve. As any mom knows the worst part of buying anything is the sizing. Well I orginally wanted to get Oj a small because of what the size chart suggested. After thinking it over I thought he was right on the end of the small so I ordered a size up. When I received my costume it was a bit big on Oj due to my sizing error. BUT not all is lost because it’s a quick fix. Now here in Northern Illinois, when we hit Halloween it’s like dressing for going out in the middle of December. I can remember ONE time in the last 5 years+ that we’ve had a WARM Halloween. So I was glad I ordered a size up since one I rolled his bottoms into the band of the sweats he’ll be wearing that night you couldn’t even tell they were a bit big though the gloves were of course a bit big (but he’s 5 and I don’t even know if he will wear them) and I had to roll them up a bit.
Now if zombies aren’t your cup of tea they have many different Halloween costumes for boys, girls, groups, and just about anyone that needs a costume. Also right now they have a great coupon code on their site for free shipping on any $30 order! That is a great deal don’t you agree? If you have any problems with your they also offer free shipping BOTH ways on orders shipped within the Continental United States just check out their returns and exchanges when buying. Now if you want to keep up with all the happenings going on at Costume Super Center you can do so by liking their fan page on Facebook and even following them on twitter.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Anytime Costume Giveaway

8 Sep

Halloween has to be my favorite time of the year …. but I’m slightly biased because I’m a Halloween baby lol. What I also love is that Oj wants me to dress up with him the last 3 years. I love it and it’s kinda our ‘thing’ since Daddy isn’t a big fan of it lol. So when  was able to review a costume from Anytime Costumes I was really excited and of course Owen wanted to help me pick it out. Of course since I was going out with Oj and the in-laws I didn’t want to go in a costume that was more appropriate for an Adult party. I was relieved that Anytime Costume offered an OUTSTANDING selection of costumes that I felt fit into this category. In fact it took us forever to decide on one and in the end Mama’s gonna be a police woman!

That’s right we decided on the Cuff Me Cutie. I liked this choice because it included pants/capris and we live in Northern Illinois … by Halloween we’re freezing our booties off lol! Cuff Me Cutie includes the following items:
  • Black sequin cropped pants (Oj’s favorite part lol)
  • Stretch woven shirt with fishnet back and shoulders
  • White belt
  • Night stick baton
  • Plastic handcuffs 
I’ve only had this thing a week and I can’t tell you how many times he’s asked for the ‘toys’ that came with mama’s costume. I get the pout and ‘but please I won’t break them’ reply when I say no. We were both sad that the hat wasn’t included but that is an easy fix lol. What I really liked that the pants weren’t skin tight. They were tight enough that nothing was hanging or sagging but I didn’t feel self-conscious in them. These pants were Oj’s favorite part of the costume. He kept telling me “Mama I love your pretty shinny pants!” LOL and even was the first thing he told his daddy when he got home. Another thing  I liked was it included some accessories. I know that is usually they only include the clothes but with this I got plastic handcuffs and a plastic night stick. These will get a  great playtime after Halloween by Oj that’s for sure. Also the belt is NOT attached to the pants. This is a great thing because then after the holiday you can use the belt with other items. I like when costumes are able to be used for more than Halloween.
My main complaint would be that the shirt didn’t fit right. It is described as a stretchy shirt but the non-mesh parts I didn’t feel stretched as well. Also the sleeves were pretty tight on my arms and it made for an uncomfortable feeling. With the shirt not fitting right it made it rise up more than I was expecting and more of my midsection showed than I was happy with. So when ordering make sure you take your measurements, unlike me, to make for an overall fit.
Now the best part is Anytime Costumes is giving one lucky reader the chance to win their own Halloween costume (up to $50 value) and entering is easy peasy. Just head to and let me know what you would pick if you won.

Want extra entries?

  • Follow my blog publicly on Google Friend Connect
  • Leave a RELEVANT comment on any of my other posts (please comment back here with link to post) *multiple entries allowed*
  • Follow me on twitter at @creativelyb 
  • Follow Anytime Costumes on Twitter @anytimecostumes
  • Fan Anytime Costumes on Facebook
  • Sign up for my RSS feed 
  • Sign up for my newsletter
  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • Become a fan of CreativelyB’s New Facebook Page.
  • Post about this giveaway on Facebook, please leave a comment with the URL to where you posted.
  • Follow me on Facebook Networked blogs located in my sidebar
  • Tweet this giveaway: I entered to win a Halloween costume from @anytimecostumes at @creativelyb and you can too (1x per 24 hrs )

 Giveaway ends September 15th, 2010 and open to US only

I will be checking to see if all requirements are met so if you are missing a comment that is why. Also you may need to resign up if you were using these services before the name change last month

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Cafepress Review and Giveaway

24 Apr

Cafepress has to be my FAVORITE online store hands down. I love how you have so many personalized options to make the perfect unique gift every time. One of my favorite things to do is just browse through the various t-shirt designs and some are so funny, while of course some are eh not so funny lol. Now imagine my surprise when Cafepress contacted me to see about hosting a giveaway AND a review for not only me but Owen as well. I was so excited and knew exactly what I was wanting.

Ever since I lost my grandma in 2008, I’ve been eyeballing this design and debating what kind of shirt I wanted. So I knew this was the perfect shirt to pick. I chose the shirt Grandma Angel Jr Tank Top and yes I couldn’t get the photo out with any tears. I really love this shirt and when I’m having my moment of sadness this really is one of the few comforting objects I have.

I ordered this shirt in a Medium and I have to say it’s true to size and fits snug, like Cafepress I would suggest ordering the next size up if your worried about sizes. This shirt is made from

  • 6.1 oz 1×1 ribbed combed ring spun cotton
  • Side seamed contoured body
  • Standard fit

 One thing that I do love is that it does conceal my bra well and that’s something most tank tops do NOT do lol. Nothing worse than having your bra showing.

Next up was Owen’s pick. Now before I show you his shirt I have to tell you the back story. Last year his pre-k class had a class election around the time the real election was going on. I mean they got ‘voter’ cards, stickers saying they voted today and even filled out a ‘ballot’ with their choice. The choices were Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Elmo, and Hello Kitty (I believe). After school I asked him who he voted for. He was ever so proud to say “Mama I voted for Omama.” I was perplexed because we’re not a political family (yes I know but hey I don’t complain about anything so no judging lol) and I was quite shocked. His teacher said they were discussing the real candidates and that lead me to believe he was just picking a name he liked but ever since if you ask him Omama is his best friend. So when we were looking for shirts that is how we landed on this one.

Owen’s shirt Obama Presidential Seal Kids Light T’s and I may be biased but it looks adorable on him. He LOVES it. I think he wore it for a week straight before I could pry it off of him. I didn’t realize how quick that boy was until I tried to get the shirt to the laundry basket before he got out of the tub lol. Of course when I asked him for a photo these were the shots I received lol. Now I realize that his is big on him but with his Obama love I wanted to get something that was big enough that it fit him now but he still had some room to grow into it and decided on the KM. I love how soft the shirt is and it’s easily became one of Owen’s favorite shirts. Like I said he tells everyone that’s his best friend lol. He is so excited that he finally has an Obama shirt that he loves (We’ve been looking for one he adored since last year) and in the end that’s what matters the most lol.

Now the fun part! Cafepress is giving away to ONE lucky reader any shirt of their choosing (in any shirt style as well. Ex: t-shirt, tank top, spaghetti straps) and entering is simple:

What is your favorite personalized item that you own? Or what is one personalized Item you’d LOVE to own?

Want extra entries:

  • Follow my blog
  • comment on any of my other posts (please comment with what post it is)
  • Follow me on TWITTER
  • Sign up for my RSS feed 
  • Sign up for my newsletter
  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • Tweet this giveaway: I entered to win a personalized shirt from @cafepress and @creativelyyours and you can too #giveaways  (unlimited )
This contest closes May 1st 2010 @ 11:59 cst

Don’t forget that you can find millions of personalized gifts at CafePress – for any topic, interest, or brand! 

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Gaiam Yoga Pants and Tote Review

21 Mar

A couple weeks ago I posted a review for Gaiam about their workout and yogo dvds that I was sent. Well today I’m going to tell you about these very comfy yoga capri’s and this handy tote that I was also given to review. If you haven’t noticed by now, Gaiam is one of my favorite sites and if I hear anyone mention they need some good dvds or anything else to help their workout either excel or get off the ground, this is the first site that I think to send them to.

Gaiam Organic Cotton Side Slit Cropped Capri Pants (Black) S, M, L, XLThe capris that I was sent were the Organic Cotton Side Slit Capri and I really like how they fit. I like that  they are made of breathable and flexible fabric that is crafted from a blend of 90% certified organic cotton/10% spandex. This helps to give a lean and slender look and who wouldn’t appreciate that?! I know I do. It helps me not feel as self-conscious when I work out (even at home) because I don’t feel like a giant blob of fat. I think that has been the helping factor in staying with my workout routine (well since before I got this cold). Now another thing I really like is that they hold up really good in the wash. Also, these are probably the most comfortable pair of yoga/lounge capris I’ve ever owned. They are semi fitted and the rise sits just below waist for a comfortable fit. Now I know you can wear them as lounging/everyday type as well but sometimes the workout pants like these just LOOK like workout bottoms, well not these. Even my husband didn’t realize they were yoga capris when I first had them on. He thought I was going to ‘ruin’ my comfy ‘little pants’ (I don’t ask because well I really don’t want to know the answer).

Finally I was sent this really durable I Heart Earth Thoughtful Tote that is just beautiful.  This tote measures 14½”H x 19″W and is made from 100% cotton. One amazing thing about the purchase of this tote is that Gaiam donates 10% of net sales from Thoughtful Tees and Totes directly to selected charitable organizations. Now that is a great thing. Plus carrying around this bag how can you not feel great about helping out the Earth. I think it helps send a great message as well.

On the front, each graphic is a pocket and there is even a pocket on the inside of this fully lined tote. Now I’m sure you’re wondering just how much can this bag hold? I know you’re a mom/dad/sister/aunt/etc and maybe you’re thinking of using/giving this for a diaper bag or to someone in school. Well here is how I put this tote to the test, I stayed at my dad’s two weeks ago and decided this would be the best way to test the tote. I packed:

  • my laptop (in the sleeve)
  • my cooling fan
  • my school textbook/notebook
  • a change of clothes for that night and morning
  • my makeup bag/tooth brushes/hair brush
  • the charger for my phone AND laptop
  • two novels

and it held up quite well. I loved that it was still easy to carry and held up to what I needed it to do. I am very pleased with this product and can tell it’s very well made.

The next time you need a great product that lasts well and is from a trusted company, please make sure to check out Gaiam and see what they may have for your needs. I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. Want to stay in touch with Gaiam? Well then make sure you follow them on Twitter or Facebook today where you may find great promotions they are running. Like did you know if you sign up for their newsletter you can be entered to win a $500 shopping spree? Yup one lucky winner will win this awesome prize a month. Make sure you sign up today!
*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Santa’s Secrets: Blush Giveaway

22 Dec
*Contest is Closed*

If there is ONE thing I dislike is when my back or crack is showing EVERY time I’m bending over to do something. Being the mother of an active 5 year old I’m doing that quite often lol! So when I heard about Blush Accessories I was quite excited. I could actually wear my “cute” jeans again and not worry about things hanging out lol!

Now if you’ve NEVER heard of this company before, prepare to be amazed because it’s such a neat idea. Here is some information about them taken from their website:

Blush Accessories welcomes you to a product that helps adjust the clothes you already have to fit you perfectly. This is a shirt that is to be worn like a tube top, but around the waist. Our product is made of a poly/rayon/spandex blend, allowing a huge amount of stretch and great support.

In a society where it seem the pants are getting lower and lower, while the shirts are getting shorter and shorter I was sad that I had to shelf some of my favorite pairs of jeans just to feel comfortable in them. Also, I hated finding a cute top only to have my boobs just trying to show off to the world. It was always my luck that those shirts wouldn’t fit right if I was wearing a tank top under it and really that only made the problem worse lol. But adding the undershirt really makes a difference because it’s the right texture and doesn’t add any extra weight to what you’re wearing. I also really liked that you couldn’t even tell that it was not a layered tank or that the shirt came like this. Also, when wearing them

These undershirts are offered in a variety of colors and even a few patterns. These stylish undershirts are easy to coordinate with just about any shirt you have. These are even able to be used while pregnant and/or nursing. Please note that the maternity section is NOT a seperate part of Blush Accessories and they are the SAME as the ones listed for everyone, they just are being modeled to show what they’d look like on a pregnant woman.

I was given the black lace to review and I really liked it. I admit it was a bit odd at first but that was, as stated, the very first time I had even tried one on. The oddness of it lasted briefly and was easily able to forget it was even on by the time the day was done. These can be washed along with your clothes and tumble dry or even hang to dry, so these don’t even require any extra maintenance and who doesn’t love that right? Plus they are affordable too. A solid color shirt sells for $15.00 and a lacy/patterned shirt sells for $20.00. If you’d like to buy a Blush Accessories shirt you can order from their website or they offer a list of retailers (both online shops and stores in select areas) that carry them too.

One lucky Creatively Yours reader will get their very own Blush Accessories shirt! Entering can not be any easier. After looking around their site tell me which color/pattern you’d love to wear with your favorite shirt/jeans.

Extra enteries:

  • Follow my blog
  • comment on any of my other posts (please comment with what post it is)
  • Follow me on TWITTER
  • Sign up for my RSS feed 
  • Sign up for my newsletter
  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • Tweet this giveaway: I entered to win a Blush Accessory shirt at @creativelyyours and you can too! (unlimited )
This giveaway ends 12/29/2009 at 11:59 cst

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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Santa’s Secrets: Peace Love Mom Giveaway

11 Dec

Okay I don’t know about you but I LOVE to funky, coloful, and fun mom items, and sometimes really good ones are hard to find that are not outrageous in price. So when I came across Peace Love Mom I was really excited by how adorable their clothes are. I really liked the different look to the “mom” clothes and I felt they fitted my style and attitude a lot better.

Now if you have NEVER heard of PeaceLoveMom well here is a little information taken right from their website:

PeaceLoveMom is made up of a team of Moms with one common goal – to create “a celebration of motherhood” for all types of mothers. PeaceLoveMom, a lifestyle brand company was designed to share life’s many moments of motherhood. Established in 2006, the PeaceLoveMom team of ladies brings variant backgrounds, perspectives, and creativity to the table. Although the day-to-day business tasks are split, every PeaceLoveMom in our company possesses the same passion for motherhood and their new found careers. Creating designs that will both inspire and empower mothers everywhere, PeaceLoveMom represents a collaboration and true celebration of motherhood.

Also, they have been featured in such places as CNN, Atlanta Business Radio, Access Hollywood (for helping with Tori Spelling’s Winter Wonderland party benefiting Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern California), as well as having been in various parenting magazines and even on such stars as reality tv star Kate Gosslin, Dances With The Stars star Tia Carrere, Idol Winner David Cook’s mother Beth Foraker, Emmy award nominated actress Cheryl Hines, and Super Model Cindy Crawford while she was shopping with her daughter Kaia. So in owning your own PeaceLoveMom shirt, you can say you shop at the same place they do (who has to know it’s online and not in the actual stores lol!) Also, what mother doesn’t want to feel like a Celeb (without all the added stresses of course lol)!

But with these awesome shirts/sweaters it would be hard for any mom to not fall in love with them.  So when it came time to pick my item for a review I was of course overwhelmed. But there was one shirt in particular that I just kept coming back to. It was the Rock & Roll Mom Black Comfy Thermal and I have to say it is SO comfy, the name doesn’t lie. I love the design of the shirt, as that is the first thing you notice, but I really love how well it fit. I was worried about it looking baggy and such, but nope it fit just fine without being too tight or too baggy. It also covered my jeans just the right amount as well (I just hate when half of my back is showing as I bend over to do something lol). Even the hubby commented on how soft and comfy the shirt felt. It has quickly became one of my favorite shirts to wear, even after how well it holds up in the wash.

Here is what PeaceLoveMom has to say about this shirt:

The Rock & Roll Mom – hip, happening, and on the move. Her heart beats with the love from her kids and the song of laughter ringing in her ears.

PeaceLoveMom celebrates with Beth Foraker the mom of American Idol Winner David Cook.

Body Style: Long Sleeve soft to the touch waffle fabric, 100% cotton, tapered waist, long length, cozy feel, garment washed and dyed. Made in America.

Right now PeaceLoveMom has a great December promotion going on:

Receive a FREE PeaceLoveMom Tote Bag with any purchase $100 and over. Use coupon code GWP100 until 12/24.

Now for the best part! One lucky reader is able to win their own Peace Sign Dot Cozy Thermal (a $50.00 value pictured to the right) and entering is so simple:

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What item at PeaceLoveMom would you add to your wishlist?
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  • I entered to win a cozy thermal from @peacelovemom @creativelyyours and you can too!

This giveaway ends December 17th, 2009