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Santa’s Secrets: YouCanMakeThis

12 Dec

I received this great pitch from Courtney at YouCanMakeThis, She asked if I’d like to do a giveaway for a great holiday gift for TWO lucky readers. Of course I said yes, I mean the crafts on their site are beautiful and even though some are specific for certain holidays, I’m sure they can be used all year long with different supplies.

I was given the Fancy Filled Sewn Tutu. I have yet to try this, but this just looks so cute, and while the photo shows some fallish items I already have ideas for other seasons/events/holidays and can’t wait to get started. I also love that it comes with 40 different tutu recipes, this is just a really flexible pattern that seems to be able to go with what ever your little one’s imagination is taking them that day. I can’t wait to try this and I definitely can’t wait to see my nieces run around in them, IF they come out fabulous that is ha!

I was asked about doing a giveaway for the Kimberbell Kids 24” doll and “Gift-Giver” Patterns. These would make excellent toys for your precious gift this Christmas morning. Now if you haven’t seen these dolls before you have to check them out because they look so adorable and soft and cuddly.

Also, I wanted to share some of the email I was sent about this great blurb by a You Can Make This rep:

With the holidays just around the corner, we thought it would be fun to showcase some quick and easy gift ideas you can give to friends, neighbors, co-workers, and oh yes…even your family! You can enter to win eBooks from and learn some fun new techniques, tips, and ideas not only for the people on your list, but also creative ways to decorate your home!

As if that wasn’t awesome, You Can Make This has created free downloads for some fun gift tags. How awesome would these be on your holiday gifts this season? Also, each of the gift tags coordinate with ideas that are apar of the DIY Gift Giving Series videos that are accessible at the You Can Make This blog. Also patterns found at SWAKembroidery and You Can Make This.  Plus you can enter to win hundreds of dollars in gift certificates! Doing so is easy, just watching the videos that are part of the DIY Gift Giving Series and answering a question on the You Can Make This blog! How rad is that?!

*Mandatory Entry*
Visit  YouCanMakeThis and tell me something interesting about their site.

*Extra Entries*
  • Follow my blog
  • comment on any of my other posts (please comment with what post it is)
  • Follow me on TWITTER
  • Sign up for my RSS feed
  • Sign up for my newsletter
  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • I entered to win a christmas stocking @creativelyyours and you can too!

This giveaway is open to anyone with an email address and will end December 18th, 2009. The TWO winners will be picked  will have 48 hrs to claim prizes.

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*I was given a free download with this review. The material posted was given to me from the company as stated. Any other opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Not So Scary Halloween: Live Giveaway

7 Oct

By now you guys know I’m a Halloween baby. I love it except for the fact that I HATE all things blood, guts, gore, and anything that is way to scary. I can’t handle scary movies and when my mom tried to do a horror movie marathon for my birthday one year and yeah didn’t go so well for me lol. So this giveaway is right up my alley. I love to do crafts, though they don’t always turn out quite as planned, and they are not as relaxing as they could be, also as the mother to a 4.5 year old the scary part of Halloween isn’t always that great to deal with.

What I love the most about is that there is a DIY project of just about any subject for a crafter of any skill level. Which is perfect for the less than crafter that is myself. I can do awesome stuff with my computer but ask me to use a sewing machine and that’s where we have problems. Yet with that doesn’t matter because they give you EVERY single step you’ll need to create something amazing.

One lucky Creatively Yours reader will win an amazing will win an amazing Halloween prize pack consisting of $50 worth of Halloween Downloads including:

Now onto the rules:

First entry: visit and tell me one of your other favorite items they have. 
Follow me on my facebook Fan Page (see right side for link) and post about this (comment with link)
(If you don’t like facebook twitter is acceptable as well.)
After doing these steps, you can post as many times as you’d like as long as it’s on the topic of When we reach 100 comments that is who will be the winner. I want to be able to get your prize to you in time to use them before Halloween comes.