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Gaiam Exercise Dvds

4 Mar

Like a lot of people, one of my new years resolutions is to get in shape. I actually like the number on the scale, it’s a healthier weight then I was pre-pregnancy. Yet what i hate the most is the pudge. Most days I feel like I swallowed a tire or something, and lets not get started on my hips, thanks Owen by the way. So I have been trying to get into a routine where I can at least tone up what I’m working with and feel better about myself. It’s only been a few days of this new routine (yes I took a whiteboard and laid out a basic plan of my days that I want to try and follow with a bit of lean way of course). The first thing I added to my daily treadmill walk was two great dvd’s from Gaiam. I received Buff Moms and Trudie Styler’s Warrior Yoga dvds.

Buff MomsThis Buff Moms workout DVD has quickly became a favorite of mine.  I love that it is made for moms that are busy and can’t make it to the gym, or just don’t like the gym (ahem … me lol). Also I love that this dvd offers 3 different levels in the same dvd and they were really simple to follow along as well. Also, Gaiam includes in the product description what props they recommend to use with this dvd, though I found you can do them without certain things (like I don’t own a yoga mat or have any weights though I did use two bottles of my favorite bottled water in place of the weights lol) and I was able to do these work outs with no problem. Honestly I can’t think of anything I didn’t like about this dvd. I really like how simple it is to follow but really does give you some great results. Also if you look on the Gaiam website you will see that this description for the dvd:

Geared toward new mothers who have little time but want to recover a slimmer, more toned figure, Buff Moms postnatal exercise DVD provides this total body cardio answer. It’s a complete postnatal muscle-sculpting workout filled with low-impact cardio drills to help new moms get back on track to a lighter, more energetic body.

From the creator of Buff Fitness®, this DVD offers three incredible cardio segments and a tummy toners / hips stretch segment are a sure way to get your buff mom body back after baby. Recommended props: chair, mat and hand weights. 45 minutes. USA.

I have been using the Tummy toners/ hips stretch segment the last couple weeks on and off (though I’ve used it every day this week) and I really like this for those days when you just have time for a quick workout. I have a pinched nerve in my back and my doctor suggested some stretchs to try and help loosen it. Well since using this part of the dvd I have noticed (and felt lol) a big difference in my back and would rather use this over the stretches the doctor suggested.

Now if you’re in the mood for a REAL workout, then the cardio sections are JUST for you. I tried to do a cardio workout today (I’ve been putting it off because I don’t have any weights) and sadly I couldn’t even get through the first one. I made it half way before I couldn’t do anymore. I am going to use the cardio workouts on opposite days of my Tummy toner/hip stretchs workout and I think that will be the best option for me until I get use to working out again.

Trudie Styler's Warrior YogaNext I tried Trudie Styler’s Warrior Yoga. I wasn’t really impressed with this dvd and found it difficult to use, but then again that could be because my lack of yoga ability. I tried this a few times durring the week and have gotten better at the different poses, but if you are a beginner at yoga I would suggest trying something different first like the Yoga For Beginners dvd. This yoga dvd is perfect for those that mastered the basics and want something a little more challenging. I am not giving up on this one though, I’m going to work on some of the poses when I get quite time and I think these would be great to try before bed. On the Gaiam website describes this dvd as:

Gaiam proudly presents Trudie Styler’s Warrior Yoga. A complementary yoga mix of cardiovascular conditioning, strength training and flexibility in a vigorous yoga exercise experience. Warrior Yoga DVD was created for all yoga levels by Styler with celebrity fitness guru James D’Silva. Features songs from Sting’s #1 classical album Songs from the Labyrinth, including “Fields of Gold” and “Message in a Bottle.” 70 minutes. USA.

It’s very possible that I stumbled upon the more challenging exercises as I was growing frustrated with our dvd player (okay PS3 lol) and the fact that I couldn’t concentrate due to it being rowdy at our house then. From what I tried, though, I can see how this will help you not only exercise but feel good as well. 

Gaiam offers a wide range of products for your workout needs. Stay tuned for reviews featuring this adorable I Heart Earth Thoughtful Tote and pair of very comfy Side Split Yoga Capris.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.