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Carmex is More Than Lip Balm

17 Oct
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Carmex®. All opinions are 100% mine.

When you hear the word Carmex what is your  first thought? That’s right those little round containers of lip balm that soothed your chapped lips or even got rid of unsightly cold sores. Well not anymore. The makers of Carmex have given you even more reasons to love the Carmex brand.

I was able to try the Carmex® Healing Lotion and Carmex® Healing Cream and let me tell you that they are wonderful. They have the classic Carmex smell they you know and love BUT there is NO greasy after affect. This was really important to me because I just don’t like to use lotion for this main reason. Another thing that I really liked was what each product offered. The healing lotion using a patent pending process that delivers healing and moisturization without a greasy feel and uses rich healing ingredients, including Aloe and Vitamin E to not only keep the skin moist but nourished as well. I’ve been using this on my hands and let me tell you that they are so soft, even the husband noticed!

Next is the Carmex Healing Cream and this is probably my favorite one. This cream is made using a patent pending process that delivers concentrated healing and moisturization of your driest, roughest skin. Now my feet get so dry it’s not funny. Mainly because i dislike wearing socks and when I do they snag and scrape across the nasty dried and cracked bottoms of my feet. I hate how rough they feel. Well I put some of this Healing Cream on my feet 2 nights ago and they are STILL baby soft. I love it and am glad I finally found something that worked as we’re getting ready to head into Winter and I know I’m going to need it. I may be biased and say this is my favorite one just because it works so well on my dry and cracked feet.

Finally one thing I loved that the husband eyes at when I brought it up was how smooth the tubes felt. I thought this was clever because the lotion and creams work so well at making your skin soft like their packaging. So if you’ve exhausted your search for the perfect lotion make sure you give Carmex’s new lotion and cream a try. The retail price for each product is $5.99 and they can be found at Walgreens stores, and If you’d like to keep up with all that is happening at  Carmex you can find them on Facebook

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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.