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Date Night Movie

8 Apr

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of 20th Century Fox. All opinions are 100% mine.

Now if you haven’t seen previews for Date Night Movie then you are in for a great laugh. Date Night opens on Friday April 9th and stars comedians Tina Fey and Steve Carell among a bunch of other great, funny, people. If you haven’t seen a preview (which I’ve included below), here is a little bit about the movie:

In “Date Night,” which opens Friday, a bored suburban couple played by Steve Carell and Tina Fey go on their weekly dinner date and find themselves thrown into a night of intrigue: there’s breaking and entering, a car chase, a shootout and a showdown with an underworld boss at a strip club. Husband and wife come out of the adventure with some scratches and also with their ardor renewed.

As promised here is the trailer for Date Night:

Seriously how funny does this look, and like I said a great cast right? Are you planing on going to see this on Friday? I’m hoping to make it when the Mr. is off work. If you do, please feel free to let me know how it was in the comments, I can’t wait to hear about it.

Visit my sponsor: Date Night

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

7 Apr

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Alvin and the Chipmunks. All opinions are 100% mine.

That’s right Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel is available on DVD and Blu-Ray right now! Are you excited?! I know we are. You may remember that I posted about our trip to see it at the movie theaters and how well we enjoyed the movie, well we are very excited to add this to our video collection.

Now if you haven’t seen it yet what are you waiting for? It’s full of fun songs that we love dancing too and is something the whole family can love. Even the hubby who isn’t a kid movie guy loved it and thought it was a great movie. I love that this is a great movie that we can watch together and doesn’t have too much (if any that I recall) adult humor hidden there like a few other movies we all like. Another great thing about the new Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel dvd is it comes packaged with another awesome DVD: The Squeak Along, a great bonus disc that has more music, mayhem and all-new singalongs!

buy it now for those fun loving little (and slightly bigger) kids in your family today. Do you need more fun? Well why not visit the Fox Family website for even More Munk Mayhem for fun the entire family can share.

If you liked the first Alvin and the Chipmunks dvd than you’re going to love this, plus who doesn’t love the Chipmunks? So the next time you’re looking to get a great family movie for your next family movie night, birthday present, or just because then make sure to give this one a try!

Visit my sponsor: Alvin and the Chipmunks:

BLOCKBUSTER Express kiosks

25 Mar
We love Blockbuster and have been using them for years. We’ve tried other movie rental places but really didn’t like their policies and feel of their store. We even use to use their online dvd rental program for awhile until we had to cut back expenses. I will admit though I’ve never really used a Redbox or kiosk thingy before. I’ve thought about it but Jeff thinks it’s dumb because we could just go rent it at the video store AND we’re not that great at remembering to take things back so the whole “get it for a dollar” part would be lost on us lol! 
Now I can’t say I’m shocked that Blockbuster came out with their own version of those. They are quite popular, though I think Blockbuster has found a way to take this to a whole different level. Of course they kept it at the $1 a rental and you don’t need a membership but if you visit you can create your own favorites list, check what movies your preferred kiosk is carrying, and even rent up to THREE (3) movies online at one time and then be able to pick up the dvds from your preferred kiosk at your convenience. Now that sounds like something that would work for even the busiest family. If Blockbuster hasn’t sold you yet on trying their express kiosks, well then hang on to your hats because this one right here might. Blockbuster is offering a special Rent One Get One Free coupon to anyone that wants it. How great is that? I know we never walk out of there without at least TWO dvds so this is great. This special offer is valid until 03/31/10 and all you have to do is enter the code on the banner to your right (for those that may not be able to see it the code 555G13B

So what are you looking to get when you visit your local Blockbuster kiosk? I have a ton of movies I’d love to rent like The Princess and The Frog , Astro Boy, The Blind Side, Did You Hear About the Morgans?, and Brothers . There have been some great movies that came out so I know the choices will be hard. 

Are you taking Blockbuster up on their offer? What are you going to rent? Also if you’re like me and want to know what is the latest thing with Blockbuster check out their Twitter and Facebook pages today.

*Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

How to Train Your Dragon

25 Mar

I don’t know about you, but Owen is SO excited to go see How to Train Your Dragon. He keeps talking about the dragon and I have to admit we’re quite excited to see this as well, even the husband who isn’t into kiddie movies lol! I just confirmed with the Mr. that we’re going on Sunday so expect a after movie review when we get home. Now if you’ve never seen a promo for it, here is a little about the movie:

From the studio that brought you “Shrek,” “Madagascar” and “Kung Fu Panda” comes “How to Train Your Dragon.” Set in the mythical world of burly Vikings and wild dragons, and based on the book by Cressida Cowell, the action comedy tells the story of Hiccup, a Viking teenager who doesn’t exactly fit in with his tribe’s longstanding tradition of heroic dragon slayers.  Hiccup’s world is turned upside down when he encounters a dragon that challenges him and his fellow Vikings to see the world from an entirely different point of view.
DreamWorks Animation’s “How to Train Your Dragon” was produced by Bonnie Arnold and directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois. Rated PG.

 Doesn’t that sound FUN? I know it does  lol. I’m a bit sad we can’t go see it in 3D since the theaters here aren’t carrying it in 3D but I think it’s going to be cute none the less and can NOT wait. I mean this movie is going to be HUGE have you seen all the stuff that’s came out for it yet? Walmart has the neatest Viking ship set up that is holding snacks in themed Dragon goodness. I bought these Oreos with the Red creme to try and I’m sure there is nothing different about them but they are SO good. I wish I could get paid to shop at Walmart because I want to get Owen a ton of the Dragon merchandise that they are selling. They have these cute pajamas that have a little hood/mask thing that Jeff thinks is crazy but I think is cute. So anyone else going? If so I can’t wait to hear what you think about it. Also for those that haven’t seen the trailer I’ve attached it below so enjoy.

Get Tickets to How to Train Your Dragon Online!if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget(’19e2a57f-e2c4-457d-bfdf-48dd7065c0fd’);Visit the Official How to Train Your Dragon SiteGet the <a href=””>How to Train Your Dragon Player</a> widget and many other <a href=””>great free widgets</a> at <a href=””>Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href=””>More info</a>)

Motherhood featuring Uma Thurman

13 Feb

On a whim I decided to rent the movie Motherhood staring Uma Thurman, Mimi Driver and Anthony Edwards. I honestly had never heard of it before but I was intriqued by the cover and after reading the back of the DVD case I KNEW I just had to see this movie. Here is what the summary is taken right from the Motherhood website:

This bittersweet comedy distills the dilemmas of the maternal state (marriage, work, self, and not necessarily in that order) into the trials and tribulations of one pivotal day.  MOTHERHOOD forms a genre of one – no other movie has dedicated itself in quite this way to probing exactly what it takes to be a mother, with both wry humor and an acute sense of authenticity.
Eliza Welch (Thurman) is a former fiction writer-turned-mom-blogger with her own site, “The Bjorn Identity.” Putting her deeper creative ambitions on hold to raise her two children, Eliza lives and works in two rent-stabilized apartments in a walk-up tenement building smack in the middle of an otherwise upscale Greenwich Village. Eliza’s good-natured but absent-minded husband (Edwards) seems tuned out to his wife’s conflicts, not to mention basic domestic reality, while her best friend Sheila (Minnie Driver) understands this – and Eliza — all too well.

The site then goes on to basically tell you what it’s about but this part really just drew me in …. and NO it’s not because they said the words mommy blogger …. okay maybe that’s a small part of it, but wasn’t the whole reason. I was interested of course but figured I would give it a shot because I love those actor/actresses anyhow so why not right? I’m really glad I took a chance on this movie because I really liked the movie. While I think Motherhood captures a good image into the live of a mother, or maybe just this mother lol.

The movie really is just a day in the Eliza’s live. Her oldest daughter is turning 6 today and she has to play the birthday party while taking care of her toddler son. Her husband is a bit forgetful, or maybe he just doesn’t want to listen to her ‘whining’ about what she needs to do … sorry off on a tangent of my own. Eliza finds out about this amazing blogging opportunity where she could make some good money for her family while doing what she loves to do. Of course that means she’ll need a little help and have some time to herself, though that doesn’t seem to happen. Anyhow, to enter this contest she has to write what motherhood means to her and in the end she rediscovers not only what her blogging voice is but what truly matters in her life.

I may be a bit biased cause she is seen using blogger but I liked this movie and really felt like I could relate to it. The feelings that Thurman brought to the movie were very real and believable and I know sometimes a lot of times being a mother in a movie leaves you to be overbearing or not caring. In this movie I felt like the amount of mothering was at just the right feeling. Have you seen it? I wanna know what your thought are on this movie.

Until later ‘gators!

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

17 Jan

So with the craziness that was last week I completly forgot to tell you what a big monday we had. Well if you remember my Project 365 photo for last Monday and that was an insightful visit. I remembered the hubster saying he got $30 worth of movie tickets from his rewards at work. So we decided to surprise Owen with a trip to the movie theater to see the new movie Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. He was so excited. The last time he was at the movie theaters him and I had a mommy & son date to see Cloudy With  A Chance of Meatballs which we both loved (but more on that one later). So when daddy agreed to see it with us, it was an extra special treat.

Now being like a lot of folks, we were trying to really stretch the buck of that $30 by hoping the movie would be in the $5 club from Kerasotes Theaters. We love this feature and we realize we don’t need to see a movie in the first two weeks it comes out anyhow. By the time it’s in the 5 bucks club it’s not as crowded and you can get good seats lol! So while the Chipmunk movie wasn’t in the 5 bucks club we really wanted to see it so we got the full price tickets, which going before 6 pm really saved us some money as well. Out of the $30 that hubster had from work we only spent like 2 bucks on the whole trip since the left over cash from the tickets was able to be used at the concession stand. Though we learned next time to get two sodas and two pop corns as me and Owen like one thing and the hubster likes another lol.

The movie was so adorable and cute it’s not even funny. Plus how cute is it when 3 little chipmunks dressed in cute clothes bust out some Beyonce or Katy Perry, seriously they got me back into my Katy Perry mood lol! We laughed quite a bit during the movie and it really held Owen’s interests, which is another good point of the 5 bucks club lol). We were excited to find out that we were the ONLY ones in the theater for the 4:10 showing, but then it was a monday afternoon so it shouldn’t be so shocking I guess with school and work and such.

If you haven’t seen the first Alvin and the Chipmunks movie then you might be lost a bit on who one of the characters is but that later works it’s self out, so I don’t think that matters as Hubster never saw the first one and wasn’t all that confused during the second one. So if you’re looking for a fun movie for the whole family this is one of those that I would suggest, we laughed and had a great time with this one. Plus for a 99 minuet movie we loved it and I think the PG rating was pretty accurate on this one as the dance moves weren’t crazy and I didn’t really see/hear any adult things slip into the movie. We’re hoping there is a cute 2 disc box set coming out when this releases so we can pick it up (as our first one is not working properly). Can’t wait to hear if anyone else has seen it or are going to see it!

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