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Music Monday & Falling Still

5 Sep

Music and I share a bloodline it’s true. My tastes in music vary. I love country, pop, rock, and even rap. It really depends on my mood. I will always remember the fun I had a various country concerts with my Grandparents, and the times rocking out to Motely Crue with my Uncle. My favorite concert had to be seeing Garth Brooks just because my Grandparents invited my Uncle, Aunt, and my mother. It was all the way in Chicago and I felt so excited that I got to go with everyone. It was a lot of fun because it felt like such a grown up event lol. I remember we didn’t have enough seats so 2 people had to sit cramped in the back laying down lol. We had some really good seats too and there is such a thrill to say that I saw so and so live in concert. Another great thing about music is finding new artists or new to you artists and that’s where Falling Still comes in.

Falling Still is a high-energy, three piece rock and roll band from Akron, Ohio by Jeremy Cull (drummer) and Eric Podnar (Guitar/Vocals). They met Bett Hamilton (Bass/Vocals) when he was singing for tips in the parking lot of a fried chicken place. If you take the time to read their bios from their website you can tell these are 3 guys that would be hilarious to hang out with. Plus their music has a unique sound that I really love. Their  album Don’t Kick The Whiskey is really good. There are a few albums where I listen to the whole album but this is one of them that I’m really digging. Mind My Mother is really interesting and I really like the beat for I Am The Dr. and how it gets me energized. This type of rock music is what I’ve been craving for and been playing non stop lately. Plus the video is really interesting. Since I never heard of them until now I am going to go buy their first album as well because I need these guys in my music library. Here is a listen to their new single I Am The Dr. Now please be warned that there is explicit language in this video so please use best judgement when playing around small ears or if it’s something you’re not comfortable listening too. 

Doesn’t this get you pumped? If you’d like to learn more about Falling Still you can Like them on Facebook, or follow them on twitter @falling_still, and of course there is their Youtube Channel that you can subscribe to and know when they release new videos. Have you heard of Falling Still before or are they new to you? What are your thoughts? I always love hearing other people’s thoughts when it comes to music I love.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Hedley The Show Must Go On Review

2 Dec

If you’ve never heard of Hedley than you must have been living under the rock next to mine for the last 4 years. Hedley has quickly became a band you do not want to miss out on. Hedley is a Vancouver band that is made up of Jacob Hoggard, bassist Tom McDonald, guitarist Dave Rosin and drummer Chris Crippin. Over the last 4 years this band has earned two multi-platinum albums and ready to release their 3rd album The Show Must Go On next Tuesday, December 7th, 2010.

The Show Must Go On is an album that shows what singer Jacob Hoggard can do. It’s been said that he brings a style similar to Steven Tyler and mixes it with the gift of story-telling like Billy Idol.  The Show Must Go On was produced by Brian Howes (Boys Like Girls, Hinder) and David Bendeth (Paramore, Breaking Benjamin) along with John Feldmann (The Used, Goldfinger) and longtime collaborator Dave Genn.

The first US single released has been “Perfect” which won 2 MMVA’s this past June and is also Hedley’s 10th consecutive #1 video at MuchMusic earlier this year and set a new record for a domestic artist at the video channel. This is a power ballad that is the perfect song when you and your significant other have had a horrible fight over something completely ridiculous. My favorite part from this song has got to be this one:

Making every kind of silence, It takes a lot to realize
Its worse to finish then to start all over and never let it lie.
And as long as I can feel you holding on. I won’t fall, even if you said I was wrong.
I know that I’m not perfect but I keep trying cause that’s what I said I would do from the start.

The Show Must Go On hits a lot of different styles. There is the electro-tinged opener “Cha-Ching,”  which is a bout  reality television’s intoxicating allure. This song not only pokes fun at The Hills, the Kardashians, Flava Flav and Tila Tequila but lead singer Jacob Hoggard admitting he’s not excluding himself after his own participation in Canadian Idol. Then there is the powerful love ballad with “Perfect” and then there is the rap-inflected “Don’t Talk to Strangers,” which is a satirical tribute to cougar women who are on the prowl. Following that is another great love song, which is a piano ballad called “Amazing”. Hedley also brings you a reggae type of feel good number “Shelter,” and of course they didn’t forget to bring songs that are classic Hedley tunes. Even with a nod to hedonism in the hilarious “Young and Stupid” and finally the riotous “Nine Shades of Red,” which is described as one of Hedley’s interesting nights out on the town.

Now like I said, I’ve never heard of Hedley before but was given a sample of a few songs to listen to and let me tell you I can NOT wait to pick this cd up. “Perfect” is probably my favorite song of the week, if not long. I have already listened to it about 20 times. The video for “Cha-Ching” is hilarious and it definitely has a catchy tune that I can see myself humming through out the day. “Don’t Talk To Strangers” has style that reminds me of 3OH!3. I honestly loved ever song I was given to listen to and can honestly say that Hedley has made a new fan out of me. Do you want to know all of the places you can find Hedley on the web? Of course you do. Hedley is on a mission to take over the internet. You can find them on Facebook, Youtube, Myspace, Hedley Chat, Hedley Online, and  Twitter with each member of course having their own twitter account as well. Jacob, Dave, Chris, and Tommy. There now you can go and like/friend/follow them to your hearts content and let me tell you these boys are worth it. You’ll be hooked after the first listen trust me. Now I leave you with their current, and again 1st USA release, “Perfect”

*While I was given a free product and/or was paid for this review, any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.