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Amazon Rain Refreshing Mist Review

26 Oct

I’d love to say that due to being a mother has caused me a lack of sleep but ever since that lovely puberty bug bit me I’ve had a huge problem sleeping. At this moment it’s 2:36am and I’m WIDE awake. Of course just because I can’t sleep doesn’t mean I can’t look refreshed even if I’m ‘dying’ on the inside from the lack of sleep. This is where Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist comes into the picture.

Before we start I have to admit I was a little scared to try Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist just because I’m a bit of a klutz and was terrified I’d end up blinding myself or choking to death on it, yes I know I’m not suppose to ingest it, and I can proudly say I didn’t cause myself any harm and as you’d expect, it was super easy to use. My only problem was it “clumped” up on my face and I had to use my fingers to spread it around my face/neck, and that could very well be user error. After that I had no troubles and I really loved it. But if you’ve never heard of Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist here is a snippet about the product that is taken from the website:

Feel the rejuvenating kiss of Amazon rain with Refreshing Mist. It’s a calming, cooling mist with skin purifying properties and a light, fresh scent. It gives your skin a gentle boost in hydration and keeps it looking its best—regardless of the weather.

Doesn’t that just sound pleasant? I know here it is getting into the cold, drab, dry months and I can definitely see how this is going to benefit me. After the first use I could already feel a difference. I felt more awake than I had before. Also my face looked more awake as well. I can safely say that this has being added to my daily and nightly beauty routines. The part I love the most about Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist is that all the ingredients are organic and wild-harvested. What this means is that the products have zero additives, chemicals, GMO, Gluten, colors, and all come in natural tone, color, and smell. Also Amazon Rain is donating every sale purchase to the Oliva Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Center. What’s amazing is that this doesn’t happen JUST in October, but year round. They also donate some sales year round to the ACEER  (Nonprofit The Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Resources) Program which is amazing as well.  Are you interested in trying this? I hope so because one lucky winner will get his/her very own bottle of Amazon Rain’s Refreshing Mist to try out their self and love to pieces!
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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.