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Hobbies Are Expensive Yo!

10 Sep

As we know scrapping can be expensive no matter what form you decide to create with. It also never fails that I’m working on a project and am either almost out or completely out of something. Like today I was working on a project for my brother that involved metal craft rings and I needed 3 and only have 1. Being me, I was upset but then I did what any tech and savings loving gal would do. Consult the internet to find a site that late me compare prices of metal craft rings  which is great cause after awhile all those scrap products add up and well being a stay at home mother I got to limit my budget somewhere.  This is where I take to the internet and put the product I’m looking for into Google. Usually it’ll bring up a site that allows me to compare prices and even purchase them online if I so chose to (and if i’m doing a big order this usually saves  money with coupons I’ve found as well lol). How do you save money with your hobbies?

*I was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.