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Puppies Vs. Babies: Whose Cuter?

5 Nov

This post brought to you by Puppies vs. Babies. All opinions are 100% mine.

PvB-CuteDar-Green-300x250-Backup.jpgThis is one of those “classic” debates where everyone wins. They each have their pros & cons but can you tell me which is cuter …Puppies vs. Babies? It’s a tough one isn’t? This is why Animal Discovery is asking this ever important question. We need an answer and what better way than to give the winning baby OR puppy $5,000? I think this is going to be an interesting contest and you have until Nov. 23rd to get your votes in on who YOU think is cuter!


When I visited the Puppies vs. Babies online contest page I thought I knew who I wanted to win, but after looking at all the photos and videos I was torn. I mean babies are cute I know this but they have their moments where I’d prefer to send them to the zoo. You’ve all seen photos of not only O, but my beautiful nieces as well. They are clearly adorable, yet on the other hand I’ve seen some adorable puppies as well. Plus the positive side is those puppies can’t back talk you. But they both have their negatives as well. You have to clean after both parties when they use the bathroom, they both cry A LOT and lets not get start on how needy they can be. They really are full time commitments. If you’re the brave soul to have a babay AND puppy at the same time you’re either a saint or a crazy.


Where do YOU stand on this issue? I know it’s a tough choice for me and I can’t wait to see how this plays out. So what are you waiting for? Head over to the Puppies vs. Babies website and vote today! s you know the voting ends on Nov. 23rd. Who are you voting for? Let me know in the comments!

Coming Soon: Little Tykes Review

14 May

With everything going on lately I was offered an amazing review I just couldn’t pass up. I will be hosting a review for the Little Tikes Adjust & Jam Basketball Set at the online store. If you’ve never visited this site you are really missing out. They offer over 200 different sites, and have everything from sports equipment to bathroom vanities. Definitely something for EVERYONE. So keep your eyes peeled for that review to see how well that basketball set works out for us. Should be lots of fun right?


Happy Easter

4 Apr

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Authentic Scentsy Candle Warmers – Sponsored Post

18 Mar

Scentsy Wickless Candles are highly scented wickless candles that are warmed by a bulb instead of a flame. Check out the 40 Candle warmer styles to choose from! With over 80 scents to choose from, you’re bound to fall in love with a few!

With over 80 scents, Scentsy Candle Warmers has something that is bound to be something for any mood you’re in. Also great for the next time you need a creative gift.

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Privatistas – Sponsored Post

15 Mar
Who doesn’t love to save 50%-80% off on designer bags, apparel, shoes, perfumes and other luxury items. If you do Privatistas is the site for you!

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SiteLauncher (Firefox Add-On) – Sponsored Post

11 Mar

Being a mom we’re all about quick tips to save time, with SiteLauncher for FireFox, you’ll be able to get to your favorite sites a lot easier.

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IdeaPaint – Sponsored Post

10 Mar

This is a fun and creative way to decorate your walls.

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Weekend Away

5 Mar

Me and Owen are heading out to my dad’s in a little bit and can’t wait since my niece is coming too. Also we’ll be gone until at least Saturday night when Jeff gets home from work so any posts will be done then. I hope everyone has a great weekend =)

Formula: Store vs Name Brand

7 Jan

This topic has always interested me. When I was pregnant with Owen the thought of breast feeding scared me but it was mainly because I had such bad morning sickness that my already underweight body just wouldn’t be able to handle it, or I didn’t think so. For a little math, when I went to the doctor (I was already 2-3 months pregnant at the time, just didn’t know how far I really was) I was noted to have weighted 90 lbs … I’m 5’2 and before the morning sickness I was weighting in at 110-115 lbs. So either way that wasn’t good. I am still shocked that I honestly was able to keep carry Owen without any troubles. By the time I delivered him I was 120lbs. Now if you go from my pre-preg weight I didn’t gain a lot, but I lost quite a bit before I gained any so my very pro breast feeding doctor even said she would normally suggest breast feeding but wouldn’t suggest it in this case though it was still my choice. I decided not to do so and I’m kinda glad I did because Owen had some eating problems in the beginning.

 So being 19 and realizing I couldn’t do this all on my own I signed up for W.I.C (or state aid to help with formula) I signed up for it when I did my state insurance at the middle of my pregnancy (mom’s covered me about 2 months after graduation then dropped me for being 18) and since they covered so many of the little jars of powdered formula I knew I’d need to obviously buy some of my own. Well looking at the prices of formula can be confusing lol. So Jeff suggested we try the Walmart brand since we realized it had the same things that the Enfamil brand that Owen was on when we left the hospital. So we tried a small can of it and he ate it just as he would the other cans of formula (he couldn’t handle the Similac and so that was why I wasn’t sure he could handle this brand) plus they offered the same kind that the Enfamil offered and it was quite a few dollars cheaper for the bigger containers.

What else I love is that (or at least with the Wal-mart brand Parent Choice) is that they have a wide variety of formulas from soy based to gentle based to even organic based. I love that there is away for parents to give their babies the best without going broke in the process. I was just talking to my sister last weekend about how she might need to switch my niece’s formula because she’s been VERY fussy lately and is seems to be quite often after she gets done eating. She mentioned that the Dr. doesn’t see a problem with it and that W.I.C covers the brand she needs. I explained that the ‘generic’ brands are just as good and offer the SAME amount of nutrients in them as the name brands, they are just quite a bit cheaper. This was something she hadn’t even considered to look into because you want to trust the name brand and give your baby the very best. On the Parent Choice website they show a chart that compares them to the bigger names (click for a larger size):

I hope this helped someone. I hate how you mention formula or breast feeding and it starts WWIII. That wasn’t my choice in this, I’m just trying to help get the word out about how the store brands are just as good as the brand names. When having a baby, money is always tight for a little while (unless your Nicole Ritchie or Demi Moore lol) and you’ve got to cut costs where you can, for us this was one of them.

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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Candle Lovers Unite Series

31 Dec

We all know by now how I love random and different things. We also know my love of all things Candles and Etsy so I thought what better way than to just combine the two. There are some amazing candle makers out on etsy and I need to drool and gush over those beautiful things to someone one(s) who really aren’t able to tell me to shut up because they don’t care (..ahem yeah that’s you dear). So our first stop in this journey is at KokoCandles:

These candles are just amazing. I love candles in different ways than just a jar. I’m always fascinated by the candles that just well don’t look like candles and kokocandles sure has that to offer. Not only do her candles come in various shapes, they are also made with various materials. For example she offers bees wax, gel, and soy candles.  and in various shapes such as food candles (see photo for example), animal candles and even block candles just to mention a few.

What I love about these candles is the fact that they look so realistic that you almost don’t know whether you should eat the candle or light it lol! All of the candles made at Kokocandles are made with only the best materials and if you don’t see something that you are looking for, it looks as if custom orders are available. How fun would THAT be?!

You can tell a lot of time goes into make each of these candles as they are very detailed. Just look at the cupcake (which I’m thinking is my favorite lol) and how close it resembles an actual cupcake! Nothing looks rushed or out of place. This can be said for any candle in the shop. They are just beautiful and I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t love one of these (or more!) as a gift. Plus in those cold winter days/nights there is no better heat than that of a candle. I swear that they warm up our bedroom better than the furnace does lol!

Also if you need the perfect party favor why not check out Kokocandles? Or another personal favorite of mine would be the beetlejuice candle as that’s my FAVORITE movie of all times, it just doesn’t get enough love. That spider hanging on the side of the candle is just screaming fun. Plus how fun would an 8 ball candle be? There is one for sale at Kokocandle.

Now maybe your just not into the whole etsy thing but want to keep up with Kokocandle, well have no fear there are a few ways to do this. You can follow on her personal TWITTER or KokoCandle’s TWITTER, FACEBOOK page, or even MYSPACE. So lots of great ways to stay on top of the latest with Kokocandles.

So I wanna know what do you think of her store? Are there any just jumping out at you?

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